THE MINNESOTA WORKER. THE BOOK WORK. Canvassers’ Report for Week Ending Oct. 15, 1897. DELIVERING. Book - J. M. Little P. J. . Hawley bow . O. Shawham G. C. P. J. C. 0.8. Value .25 26.25 23.00 1.06 44.75 6.86 18.91 75 27.55 . C. 39.75 D. & R. 75.85 $346.31 $27.82 Most of the canvassers report good sticcess in their delivery the past week. J. F'. PoGUE. 8.70 (Mants, For Sale, €fc. Short ads. inserted under this heading at 5 cents per line. Address all advertising matter to the Minnesota WORKER, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED a boy 15 years old or over to do chores and attend school during the coming winter, to commence about Nov. 1st. Five months school during fall and winter. A good place for the right boy. For particulars address H. I,. Hahn, Lemond, Minn. J NVELOPES and Cards neatly printed, 40 cents per 100 post- aid. Good stock. Larger quanties cheaper. Address Geo. Nelson, Box 989, Minneapolis, Minn. Are you a Dyspeptic? If so you should eat Granose. It is no humbug. We ship twenty-four 15¢ packages for $3.00. Choice NUT BUTTER only 15¢ per 1b. Something new to most people, LENTILS. They are fine. Try thein. Only 7c per 1b. Those who have tried the Cooking Oil pronounce it a success. Our price is 60c per gal., 5c per gal. extra for can in 5 gal. can, 10c extra for can in 2 gal. can. Goods f. 0. b. in Minneapolis. M.A. Winchell, 2908 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. FRITZ GUY, WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN. Watches, Clocks, Fine Jewelry, solid silver and plated ware, Rich cut Glass, Parker Fountain pens. PIANOS and ORGANS. Washburn Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos and Zithers from $15.00 up. Special prices to ministers, can- vassers, etc. All kinds of Music Books at Minneapo- lis or Chicago prices. : 714 Germain St., St. Cloud, Minn. will sell the Danish. Swedish, and German “Great Controversy’’ in the full morrocco bind- ing at one-half price or $2.25, 25 cents additional for postage. by Mrs. FE. G. White. (I Dec. 1, 1897, the Minnesota Tract Society It has always sold for $4.50 in this binding, and this is a rare cpportunity to secure this most excellent work. Address Minn. Tract Soc. If you do not possess a good Bible write to Minn. Tract Soc. for prices and buy one. | Lord and want to know his will. This is one of the best works ever written Co —ITEMS— _.._ == © There seems to be a spirit of awakening od the subject of the Testimonies among eur people which is a good indication that they are coming nearer the The Minn. Tract Soc. has sold four sets in the past few days of Vol. 1, 2, 3,4, and 5S. The price has been reduced from $1.50 per Vol. to $1.00 for the cloth binding, and from $2.00 to $1.50 for the library binding, which places them within the reach of all. We are sending out statements to the subscribers of the Minnesota WORKER whose subscriptions ex- pire this month or next, and hope that every reader who receives one will either renew at once or notify us that they cannot take the paper longer. This will save much trouble, as if you wish the paper and do not renew before or at the time of expiration your name is cut off and you miss one or two issues of the paper; then your name has to be set up in type again and re-entered on our book. So please do us the favor of renewing at once if you intend to do so. In a private letter from Sister A. G. Adams we learn the sad news of the death of Sister W. FE. Part- low, who in company with her husband,was taking a nurse’s course at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. The letter states that she died after a sickness of two weeks with typhoid fever, but was perfectly resigned to the will of God, and if her work was done to rest from this life to await the coming of the Lord. Her many friends in this State will sorrow, but not as those without hope; for she was confident that her sins were forgiven, and she was: ready to meet her Maker and her King. What a consolation for those who learned to love her, and who, if faithful, will meet her ‘‘on the shore beyond the sea’. The friends of the cause throughout the State will be pleased to learn of the success in the various churches in raising means during the days of prayer, Oct. 23 and 24. The amount sent in from St. Paul church was $30.88; Minneapolis, $25.01 besides jewel- ry and pledges amounting to over $30.00; Pine Island, $8.38; North Branch, $6.00; Pine City, $1.16. This is a very encouraging report as to amounts, and s0 soon after the collection was taken; and if other churches do correspondingly as well, the thousand dollars will soon be forthcoming with which to pay off the obligation which is past due. EE — North Branch. THE Lord is testing his people. This is very evident. While with the company at this place, we had especially good meetings in that God came near by his tender Spirit and hearts were moved to seek him as never before. The truths brought out of the Scriptures and Testimonies were such as pointed out our duties as a people in the work before us, and the rich blessing of the Lord attending faithful service. An elder and deacon were elected and ordained to their respective offices. Two united with the little band and $6.00 was given to the Gen. Relief Fund. Iam now on my way to Arlington. Remember me in your prayers. J. H. BEHRENS.