The Lord will manifest Wimself to all wlio geek Yim with humble hearts. The end of all things is at hund, Our cyes must be fixed on Christ. As the culled und chosen of God, we must repregent the truth in its purity. Our lives are to be such that the world will teke knowledge of us that we have ben with Ohrist and that the truth may seem te them more desirable than error, If rightly conduieted, cur sanlttariwis may exert a refining, ennobling influence, and lead many sculs to Christ, The religious principles muintuined in thege institutions +111 demonstrate that there is relief for the soul, weary and sick of sin. ¥uny are wemkX and sick because of dipeuse of tre soul, Let Christ be held up before them us the great Healer, who in- vites them to come to Him and fine rest, Tell them that the heart of Christ is drawn out in compassion und love for Wis blood-bought heritage. He will hewl the troubled heart that looks tc Him in faith. To the poor, sin-sick soul repeat the Saviour's invi- tation, "Come unto We, all ye that lubhor and arc heavy laden, and IT will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I um meek and lowly in heart, und ye shall find rest unto your souls. Por My yoke is casy, and My burden is light,n There is true Joy in learning of Christ, Tell the puffering ones of a compassionate Suviour, He 18 the only Physician who can “cul both body und souk. He has given Wis life for the world, that men should not perigh, but huve everlasting life. He looks with compusslion upon thosc who regurd their cuse as hopeless. While the soul is filled with fear and terror, the mind cun not gee ‘re tender compassion of Christ. Our sanitariums