Preface A directory of the General Conference and its twelve world divisions, with their unions and local conferences or local missions and the related insti- tutions of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, is given in the following pages. The information has been furnished by the organizations themselves; but in cases where current reports have not been received, the most recent previous records have been retained or adjusted. The order in which workers are listed follows that given in the General Conference Working Policy: ordained ministers holding ministerial credentials, credentialed missionaries, credentialed Bible in- structors, licensed ministers, licensed missionaries, licensed Bible instructors, and credentialed litera- ture evangelists. In addition, the Directory of Work- ers gives the names and addresses of all licensed ministers and credentialed workers. The data that appears below has been summarized largely from the 1975 Statistical Report, while the figures for the number of churches and for church membership throughout the Yearbook are drawn from official repotts rendered for june 30, 1976. Although the name "Seventh-day Adventist” was chosen in 1860, the denomination was not officially organized until May 21, 1863, with a constituency of 125 churches and 3,500 members. Work was largely confined to North America until 1874 when the Church's first missionary, J. N. Andrews, was sent to Switzerland. The first non-Protestant country en- tered was Russia, where an Adventist minister went ‘in 1886. On July 28, 1890, the schooner "Pitcairn” was launched at San Francisco and was soon en- gaged in carrying missionaries to the Pacific islands. Seventh-day Adventist workers first entered a non- Christian country in 1894, when they opened a mis- sion in Matabeleland, South Africa, and named it Solusi after a local chief. The same year saw mis- sionaries entering South America, and in 1896 the Church had its representatives in japan. The publication and distribution of literature were major factors in the growth of the Advent Move- ment. The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, general church paper, was launched in Paris, Maine, in 1850; the Youth's Instructor in Rochester, New York, in 1852; and the Signs of the Times in Oak- land, California, in 1874. The first denominational’ publishing house, at Battle Creek, Michigan, began operating in 1855 and was duly incorporated in 1861 under the name of Seventh-day Adventist. Publish- ing Association. The Health Reform Institute, later known as the Battle Creek Sanitarium, opened its doors in 1866, and missionary society work was organized on a state-wide basis in 1870. The first of the Church's world-wide network of schools was established in 1872, while 1877 saw the formation of state-wide Sabbath school associations. In 1903, the denomina- tional headquarters was moved from Battle Creek, Michigan, to Washington, D.C., where it continues to form the nerve-center of an ever-expanding work, Each year sees further development in the work of the Church. That this may be accurately and inspiringly reflected in this Yearbook is the desire of the Archives and Statistics Committee and staff. World Statistics for 1975 (except as noted) MEMBERSHIP AND WORKERS (as of June 30, 1976) Baptized church members... 2,727,022 Organized churches.............. ... 18,668 Sabbath school members... 3, 422,401 Sabbath schools ................... . 36,201 Ordained ministers, active... .... 8,358 Total active workers... . 75,838 Baptisms and Professions of Faith 223,816 (June ‘75 to June '76) MISSION WORK Countries in which Church is working {Countries in the world—222) ee 192 Number of Divisions 12 Number of Unions... 79 Number of Conferences, Missions and Fields 373 Missionaries sent to Mission Fields... 340 GOOD NEIGHBOR PROGRAM Persons helped .. 11,765,012 Articles of clothing given 17,400,889 Cash and value of food given... $9,360,835 Value of medical supplies and equip- ment given $709,926 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Schools operated by Denomination ........... 4,039 Total enrollment .. . Primary and Elementary Schools Secondary Schools .. SS 4 Colleges... Schools of Nursing Universities... i. HEALTH MINISTRY Sanitariums and Hospitals rrererienane. 136 Dispensaries, Clinics and launches ............ 261 Physicians, dentists, residents and interns _. tenet eeen 1,737 Nurses _ . 6,708 Patients treated .. I 4, 700,360 Investment in medical facilities .. $430,237,893 (1974 figure) Food Companies... i . 28 Retirement Homes and ‘Orphanages en 53 PUBLISHING WORK Publishing Houses . . 51 Languages in which Church is s working... or. 559 Languages, publishing ir in. . eee 197 Literature evangelists ... Literature sales ............ viieee. 6,506 $79,930,827 CONTRIBUTIONS Tithe—World .. $231,308 464 North America... 154,365,839 Sabbath School—World .. 23,684,018 North America... wv... 15,422,105 Ingathering—World 12,934,481 North America .......o.ooocevveemieeeie. 8,191,170 All Contributions—World. 386,740,731 276,078 656