it proves nothing except that a young man was killed by a fall and was restored to life through Paul. Each of the four Gospels records the fact that early in the morning on the first day of the week, the women went to the sepulcher where Jesus had been laid and found it empty, which record is made for the purpose of proving that our Lord did rise from the grave on the third day in fulfillment of the many prophecies they had not understood. But Luke's account goes a little farther and seems to anticipate the claims that the Sabbath was changed at the resurrection. It states that Christ was buried on the day of preparation for the Sabbath, and when the women had seen where they laid Him, they returned home and prepared spices and ointments to anoint His body. But finding it teco late to attend to the matter before the Sabbath began, they simply “rested on the Sabbath day according to the commandment,” and went early on Sunday morning, still regarded by them as a work day, but found Him gone, proving conclusively that they had never heard of such a change of the Sabbath, or the institution of a new one. No one can believe that He would have failed to tell them if He had contemplated so important a thing as a change in the moral law. EVENTH, we cannot tell when the seventh day comes. WORLD CONTACTS Keep Us in Touch with Today and Give a Vision of Tomorrow UNMEN in Chicago; riots in Ber- lin; politics and international re- lations in Washington ;revoltsin Arabia; earthquakesin Japan; breadlinesin New York; inventions in Detroit; the latest in Hollywood,-- yes, all are carefully watched and reported in THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE through its world-wide contacts in all important centers. That’s why the WATCHMAN is able to give each month a digest of world events clearly visioning the ultimate end toward which we are all being directed. Do you often wonder what “these things mean” and where it is all leading us to? Then read = Watchman Magazine AN INTERPRETER OF THE TIMES NASHVILLE, TENN. Lyndon L. Skinner, Circulation Manager THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE Nashville, Tennessee I want THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE to keep me in touch with world events. Send it for one year. Here’s my dollar. Simply ask any first-day pastor and he will assure you that the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, has never been lost. Then look on your calendar for the day that comes just before Sunday, and you will just as certainly have the seventh day. It is manifestly impossible to lose the seventh day and retain the others, Eighth, You cannot keep the seventh day on a round world. Such a claim is equivalent to saying that God knew not the earth was round and has required an impossible task. Yet, I have never heard that the rotundity of the earth interfered with Sunday keeping. The day of twenty- four hours begins and ends at a given line in the Pacific ocean, and men have no difficulty in observing Sunday, wherever they may be on the earth’s surface, The same is observance. true of seventh-day Lemons (Continued from page 25) Lemon CruMB PUDDING 2 cups milk 2 cups bread crumbs 1{ teaspoon salt 17 cup sugar 1 egg Grated rind 1 lemon 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon melted butter Pour the milk over fine, dry bread crumbs; add salt and sugar, well-beaten egg, grated lemon rind, lemon juice, and melted butter. Pour into buttered baking dish and bake in a slow oven (300 degrees) 40 minutes. Serve with creamy pudding sauce. CREAMY PUDDING SAUCE 1 egg 34 cup powdered sugar I cup cream 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice Beat egg until light; beat in powdered sugar. Add cream whipped until stiff and fruit juices. Serve ice cold. Fruir PuncH 15 cup lemon juice 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind Grated rind 15 orange I cup orange juice 1 quart water 34 cup sugar Cook sugar and water for 3 minutes. Cool, and add the other ingredients. PINEAPPLE PUNCH quart water cups sugar cups chopped pineapple cup orange juice cup lemon juice Boil water, sugar and pineapple 20 minutes. Add fruit juices, cool, strain and dilute with iced water if necessary. Either fresh or canned pineapple may be used. THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE