1. THE BRITISH-ISRAEL WORLD FEDERATION British-Israelites believe that the feltic and Saxon peoples of the British Commonwealth and the ited States are the literal descend- ants of the northern kingdom of Israel carried into captivity by Assyria, and that upon the return of Christ, they will Porn the nucleus of the kingdom of God upon earth, having their seat of gov- ernment in Jerusalem, where Cirist will reign for a thousand years. sritish-Israelites nave not founded a new denomination. The ad- herents are largely memoers of the Church of England together with a good representation from the free churches. In doctrinal belief they are protestant, reformed, evangelical. On {he inspiration of the 3ible they are fundamentalists: in prophetic interpretation they follow the nistorical school. Approximately one-third of its lead- ing writers and speakers have deen ministers of the gospel. While most of these are from the Shmreh of Bngland, there might be mention- ed Dinsdale Young, who was sresident of the Yesleyan : ethodist Con- ference in 191l; who has several times been chairman of the 3.01.%.F. snmal Congress; L. 3. phillips, Congregationalist minister, who is Honorary fditor of the “ritish-Israel Frayer League Quarterly; Jas. iountain, 3aptist, who has written two large books in defence of British-Israel teachings; and Commander Booth-Clibborn, husband of Catherine Bootn, who has appeared on many British-Israel platforms. (1) The headquarters of the orcanization in Britain is The British-Israel World Federation, at 6 3uckingham Gate, London, 5.%W.1 There are some Lg. I, Parker, ihational :‘essage, dov. 5, 1949, pp. 36),-366