Lesson da / THE DOCTRINE CF GOD 9 Strong's "Systematic Theology," he = 70 Wakefield's "Christian Theology," 124 - 130 Inmlling' The Christian Religion in Its Doctrinal Expression,” Al, 43, 134 Summers' "Systematic Theology," Vol. I, 48 - 69 ® 8 mals, obh, 286, 317 Bo 270 M H 427, 429 4 ¢ (TE pe KD F~ 8 579-280, 285 @ "The Fundamentals,” Vol. II, 209 - 233 T. Legson 3% THE ARGUIENTS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD x Strong's "Systematic Theology," 71 - 89 Floyd E. dAwmilton's "Basis of Christian Faith," 44 - 55 Wakefield's "Christian Theology," 130 - 139 ming! "The rr raki Religion in Its Doctrinal Expression," 124 - 136 PP Ao, 7599 - 90 ITH 1, 2 b> Coed Pp. Zz Cr Ed 17, 101 7 IY Rom. 1 : 12 - 21: ~ Sse 19 tL; Lens 20: 26 “A Lesson Xo OPPOSING SYSTAIB OF uumn Lay in RQ } - BN - AA Strong, "Systematic Theology," 90 - 105 -- 110 gh } Imllins™ 1 "The Christian Religion ete.n 108 - 123 el — as rT Lock, suc Terms as MEET ialish, mpgnogticigm, "Idealism," "Pantheligm," ATE AUR sutla}Psm, and "Theism" in several gdod reference works, such as ° L G oI THE STANDARD, or some of the encyclopaedias. pl ao Tn Lo A FF - a aE - Sis ates RR epy eI EE re te SEE § 2 a» wt ’ “ vr EE RP . / i TT — Rp a - es. iz - A Me a 4.8 + treme mc, THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD ; . .... Strong, "Systematic Theology," 248— 249—72"7. Mullins, 222 - 2350 Wakefield, 139 - 170 MH 409 - 438 See the "Index to the Writings of lirs. E. G. White, dp. 251 - 253, under the heading: "GOD, Appellations, Offices, Titlés of." Also numerous texts in the Bible. . 2 Kets ~3 . 5 | 251