gigantic race-war, and genuine race-war means war to the death.” While prophecy plainly indicates that there is a terrible conflict just before us, no heart need sink in despair. In God there is hope. Above the winds of strife and the waves of destruction, He is watching over His own. Confess your sins, surrender to Him, and you will have nothing to fear. Then when the besom of destruction sweeps over the world, your heart will be at peace, knowing that God is near to keep and to save. Make your peace with God today, and assure yourselves of His salvation. Shall Revolution Bring Evolution? (Continued from page 11) this idol, upon getting this message, gave him presents worth over ten thou- sand dollars, but they cannot persuade him to remain on earth; he must go! One district near here has already complied with the law. When the people heard of the new ruling, they went first to the temples and took all the gods to their homes, thinking to protect and worship them there. The magistrate sent out word that on a certain day his soldiers would thoroughly search every house in the district and every man who had an idol in his home would be heavily fined — fined according to the size of the idol. Upon hearing this, the people carried all the gods, great and small, out and dumped them into the river — hundreds of them, ugly and beautiful, mud and wood, paper covered and gold plated — all drowned in the river. To WHAT WILL CHINA TURN? HAT effect will this nation-wide movement have on the moral awakening of China? ‘That is the ques- tion Christians are asking now. The government is destroying their idols and offering the people nothing in their place. Evidently this is our day in which to point these multitudes to the true God— the great Creator, and to His soon- coming Son, the world’s only Saviour. What a pity that so many mission- aries have nothing better to offer these people than the vagaries of evolution — a doctrine that is anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Bible; a doctrine that knows no sin, no fall, no Saviour, no heaven, no future! Evolution is another sign of the end. ‘“Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might he saved . . . God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.”” 2 Thessalonians 2: 10, 11. Throw- ing away her idols, will China turn to atheism, evolution, or Christ? The answer largely depends on what you are doing to bring Christ to this people. I write from an interior station. Today I baptized five into the fold of Christ and the hope of His soon coming. One was a woman seventy-four years old. PAGE THIRTY-TWO The water was cold, but before the crowd of heathen who had assembled she walked boldly into the river. I told her not to be afraid of the cold water. She replied, “The cold water can’t hurt me, for my heart is hot.” May God bless her and all others who turn from dark heathenism to walk in God’s light. About two weeks ago I took twelve into the church in another citv. One was an old man eighty-three years of age. He was one of the happiest men I ever met. Within the past six months we have circulated, with other literature, a hundred thousand folders telling briefly that the end of the world is near, that Christ is soon to return, and urging the people to come to our Seventh-day Adventist chapels and study the Bible that they may be pre- pared for this greatest of all events since man sinned and lost Eden. Because of sin this is a sad world. This morning I was awakened just at dawn by a soldier's bugle sounding the death knell of a criminal. A few seconds later I heard twelve pistol shots. They came from just across a pond from our house. Yesterday two men were shot. But this morning's tragedy was especially sad. Shortly after the soldiers had left the corpse lying upon the ground for the charitable society to find and bury, the dead man’s young wife came and found him. Throwing herself down beside him she fainted and for hours lay there with her dead companion while the unfeeling crowd that passed looked on. Sin is a terrible thing! Only the loving Christ can save us from it and its awful results. Reader, do you know Jesus? He loves you. He is soon coming to destroy sin and all who refuse to part from it. Accept His offer of mercy and pardon. Rebel not longer against His love. When you know Him you will want to do all you can to save others for whom He gave His life. Give — self, time, property, money — for missions. Digging at Ur (Continued from page 13) dence of large population movements between the Babylonian plains and Palestine. Babylonian luxury, too, had found its way into Canaan, to a degree that the Bible merely suggests. An Egyptian king of the time has left a record of the spoils he took in a foray into Canaan. He lists inlaid and gilded chairs, golden scepters, jeweled tent poles, chariots overlaid with silver and gold, a gold helmet, richly embroidered robes, and iron armor with gold inlay. Such a collection of Oriental articles of luxurious refinement could not be surpassed, could in fact be scarcely approached in rich- ness by robbing all the museums of the world today. Yet these things came out of patriarchal Palestine. Abraham had been called out of Babylon to escape its contaminating influences. Now we find him in the Babylonian frontier communities, in the midst of the very civilization from i which he had been taken. Why? Was it merely to show him the land that his children would possess some four hun- dred seventy years later? This is hardly likely. Abraham knew why he had been sent into the Babylonian colonies of Canaan. Having received the promise that he was to be the father of the children of God, and the stem through whom was to come the Messiah, for the gospel was given to him, he was sent as a missionary to the children of sin. He knew the religion of the people and he spoke their language. He was in a sense a product of their culture. He was well fitted to be the channel through which they were to receive the word of God. It was through him that Babylon was given a chance to repent. But he was not commissioned to go to the old mother-cities of Baby- lonia. ‘They were too hardened, too conservative, too self-sufficient, too wedded to their idolatry. Instead, he was sent to the frontiers, whose men had been broadened and made receptive by the conditions of frontier life, and where some, at least, would respond. PRESTIGE OF THE PATRIARCH T WAS as a princely pilgrim that Abraham moved about the promised land. He made alliances with other Bedouin princes, shepherd-kings like himself. His own armed retainers num- bered more than three hundred when he rescued Lot by force of arms from the invading ‘kings. His position in Egypt, on the occasion of his sojourn there, was one of equality with the king of the Arab dynasty then ruling, a Semitic like himself. Back in Canaan, he proceeded to the distribution of the land between himself and Lot as if his position made consultation with others unnecessary. As a Bedouin prince, the head of a clan, his influence seems to have been im- mense. And he used his prestige and high position to further his missionary activities, for we find him commanding a numerous and ever-increasing house- hold, many of the members of which were persons who had attached themselves to him as the result of their acceptance of the true God. But while individuals turned to Jehovah, the tribes of Canaan continued to worship the gods of Babylon and their own. They rejected God’s messenger and his message. Even the Moabites, Edomites, Ishmaelites, and Midianites, relatives and in some cases descendants of Abraham, fell into idolatry, instead of remaining true to God and carrying on in the land the work begun by Abraham, after the principal branch of the family had moved into Egypt. And this principal branch returned, after nearly five hundred years, as the divinely appointed excutioners of the inhabitants THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE