These four workers, left to right: Angel Gomez, Joel Gomez, Americo Ciuffardi, and Dionisio Christian, were dedicated to the gospel ministry on Sabbath, August 3, in the Dominican Conference. After the service. Pastors Angel Gomez and Dionisio Christian accepted calls to work in the Central American Union. News Brevities . . . » On Sabbath, August 10, Roy E. Perrin, president of the Franco- Haitian Seminary, and Nahum Dorval, minister in the South Haiti Mission, were ordained to the gospel ministry in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. B Salvador Monzon, district leader, 4,728 Baptisms Durnig | 2nd Quarter, 1963 Four Thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight in- dividuals chose to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America during the second quarter of 1963. Never have so many joined our church in the second quarter of the year. This, added to a record- breaking first quarter, has given us 8,122 new members b baptism during 1963. Our total membership is now 167,064. We thank the Lord for these wonderful blessings, but humbly ask for even greater victories in the future, —David H. Baasch 12 and Leopoldo Blanco, a faithful lay member, are building a church in Liberia, Costa Rica. Brother Blanco has had some outstanding evidences of God’s blessings on his crops, as he dedicated portions to the Lords work. The proceeds are used in the building of the church. » O. D. Anderson, M.D. an Adventist physician of Miami, Florida, dedicated the week of August 4 to 11 to attending the regional meetings held in Cape Haitian and Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Dr. Anderson’s health lectures and personal interviews were greatly appreciated by both the workers and laity in the two Haiti missions. » Francisco Arroyo, president of the Salvador Mission, has written that they are now starting the third Seventh-day Adventist church in the city of San Salvador. One of the members has donated land for this project, and the members are raising funds to construct the building. » The Eben-Ezer church in Port- au-Prince, Haiti, has been the scene of great activity recently. Twenty teachers, under the general leader- ship of Gabriel Desvarieux, have been directing 250- enthusiastic children in a Vacation Bible School. DISPLACED CHRISTIANS . . . (Continued from page 6) be accompanied with the malady of an obstinate spirit. It may then necessitate the persuasive counsel of several experienced church leaders. The most devoted may become deceived in his reasoning: neither does experience or age shield a saint from self-deception. Forget the Lapse When the brother or sister who has become the object of Satan’s thrust on doctrinal confusion sincerely recognises his dangerous course, then let those who are sound in the faith refrain from referring to this un- fortunate lapse. Elements of skepticism hover close to those of faith, In church fellowship each is to receive new ‘courage and strength from the other members. The church acts as a unit; divisions of opinion and disharmony on points of doctrine merely indicate” that the sanctifying work must continue. But weak and defective as the church may be, she is still the object of God’s supreme love. ‘ The church of Christ has been aptly compared to a ship meeting the lashes of a severe storm. We do well here to reread Acts, chapter 27. The angel of God had revealed to Paul how the storm-tossed passengers could be safe. They were to believe God and act under His commands. Paul’s counsel received from the angel was for all to stay in the ship: “Except these abide in the ship, ve cannot be saved.” No member of the crew was to act independently. Thus, acting in unison, ach doing his part to save himself, his brother, and the ship, all came safely to shore. When eventually the old ship Zion sails into port because the church’s mission is accomplished, then, using this analogy of Paul's shipwreck, it may be said of the redeemed, “That they escaped all safe to land.” We have been especially counseled to learn the lessons for which this in- spiring chapter was included in the Bible. Brother and sister, it will soon be heaven at last! Hold fast to the truth. Hold fast in unity of spirit. Make certain that you take your position on the ship, so you will not be among the displaced. Cherish the fellowship of the saved. ~Review and Herald MESSENGER