Did Noah’s Flood Reach America? (Continued from page 9) What animal exists today that we can compare with those reptile-footed beasts, Diplodocus and Brontosaurus. ‘Think of animals weighing nearly forty tons and more than eighty-six feet in length! Yet such animals once roamed on the earth. Dr. W. D. Matthew says: “The cutting off of this giant dinosaur dynasty was nearly if not quite simultaneous the world over.” ‘Those who do not hold to a world cataclysm are at a loss to know how to explain this simultaneous, world-wide extinction. Professor Lull, in speaking of the dinosaurs, says: ‘One of the most inexplicable of events is the dramatic extinction of this mighty race.” VIOLENCE OF THE REAL FLOOD HE Bible Flood was so violent in nature that all life in the ocean it- self seemed doomed to destruction. Fossil fish are found entombed in whole shoals in various parts of the earth. In Scot- land there is a fossil-fish region of nearly ten thousand square miles, in which countless thousands of fish show un- mistakable signs of having been buried alive! Hugh Miller, the old Scotch geologist, says of these fish: “The figures are contorted, contracted, curved, the tail in many instances is bent round to the head; the spines stick out; the fins are spread to the full, as in fish that die in convulsions.” Ferns and delicate tropical plants have been discovered in fossil beds near the arctic circle which tell that once a very mild climate existed at the “top of the world.” In Siberia, mammoths have been dug out of ice banks with their flesh in such a remarkable state of preservation that explorers have fed their dogs on this meat kept in cold storage since Noah's Flood! Undigested grass has been found in these animal’s stomachs. Some terrible catastrophe sud- denly overtook these grazing beasts, and just as suddenly was the Edenic climate of the antediluvian world blasted with the shivers of arctic winter. In every part of the world, on the high- est mountains, fossil sea shells are to be found. When was the ocean over the tops of the mountains but at the time of the Bible Deluge? The Flood of Noah was the most stupendous physical event in all history. But our modern theologians and scien- tists have minimized the Flood into a local catastrophe. The real evidence of this Flood in the rocks all over the world has been ignored. Peter says of this class of people who were to appear in the last days: ‘‘For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the ~water and in the water: whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.” 2 Peter 3:5, 6. AUGUST, 1929 The Greek word here translated “world’’ is cosmos and means arrange- ment. The arrangement of the Edenic world ‘“ perished’’ or was violently dis- rupted. When the Flood was over, and the earth appeared above the waters again, it was denuded of its once luxuri- ant vegetation, mighty forests, and beautiful verdure. The forests were buried and were in the process of chang- ing into coal. The shoals of buried fish were either undergoing fossilization in the earth or were in the process of turn- ing into oil. On top of the earth, rock and slime, gullies, caverns, canyons—all ugly scars—greeted Noah and his family. And while today many of these scars have been covered up by a new vegetation, we need only to dig underneath our feet past the soil formed since the Flood to find the unmistakable evidences of a world catastrophe just like the Book of Genesis describes, but which the modern world disbelieves and discounts, and for it substitutes at the most a local inundation of a river or two in the Mesopotamian valley! Let us be careful that we are not found willingly ignorant of the power of God's word by discounting what it did at creation, at the Flood, and what it will do in the near future to the heavens and the earth that now exist, which “by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” 2 Peter 3:7. MISSIONARIES Save Money on Christmas Gifts Missionaries: Now is the time to select your Christmas gifts. Ac- credited Missionaries are granted 10% discount on all orders of $50.00 or over taken from our current general catalogues. 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