4 THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY UNION PUBLISHING COMPANY BRITTON, OKLA., U. S. A. Entered as Second Class matter March 17, 1915, at the post office at Britton, Okla., under the act of March 3, 1879. G. G. RUPERT - - - - - C. M. Hayhurst - - - - - Managing Editor Contributing Editor Subscription price, per year - - - - - 50 Cents Number 4 Volume 1 JULY, 1915 NEW WINE IN OLD BOTTLES. We fully realize how hard it is to inject new ideas and new doctrines into those who have accepted wrong teaching. Luke says a new piece of cloth patched on the old garment does not agree con- sequently the new maketh a rent in the old. Mark says not to sew a new piece on the old. Yes, that advice is just as true today as when it was written. It is also true that it pertains to the difficulties of introducing new doctrines among those who have become established in wrong teaching. This answers all the questions which arise, why it 1s so hard to change onc who has united to any wrong faith and he- comes established in it. It matters not what that faith is, they all claim it is sufficient for them. The Remnant people who are scattered abroad in Babylon will surely need to fully understand these prin- ciples and realize that the cross is still here for us today, the same as it always has been. He that will not forsake all cannot he my disciple. Position, asso- ciations, ignorance, and superstition will cause many souls to be lost. Many a thread-bare garment and old dried up hottle exists today in the various organizations which no one can ever reach. Truth is ever fresh and the more you wear the garment of truth, the more lustre and beauty it posses. Such garments necd no patching, and the same of the bottle. It never gets dry hut is ever pliable and open to receive new wine, which is additional light on God's word. “Walk in the light while ve have the light,” is just as important today, as when Christ spake the word. And now may the good Tord help all to realize there is a fload of light to be received, which the Remnant have not yet realized. We sav to all: do break the spell that is over you and come out where God can give vou the light ‘of His word. ) One Brother writes: “I believe the truth vou are teaching, in your hooks and paper, will go like fire in the near future.” Another writes: “I have heen reading your hooks and paper and it has worked me up wonder fully, and IT must study hard to know the whole truth for this time.” Another writes: “I have now finished the “Yellow Peril” and I do thank the Lord for the licht it has given me and IT do thank the Lord with all my heart that He has given you grace to write “Time, Tradition, and Truth” and the manv thines which throw such abundant light on the Scriptures.” Another writes: “I want to do anything to help you that is in mv power. I want a catalogue of all your books.” - These are all men who have made the Bible a study and are what we call “cool- headed men of ability.” ’ My reply is: Why shold it not work us up. when God has seen fit to throw such light on His word? Tt has kept my heart in a con- tinual state of reioicing for the nast fifteen vears, or more, as the rays of light would shine in my soul. T can trulv say to all who will open their heart and mind for the snirit of Gad to come in untrammele, they too, can rejoice with us. They too, will see there is something that they are not getting from the various organizations of Rahvlon. All vou have to do is to onen wide the door and sav, as one brother wrote lately, who had heen closed up, as it were, for seven vears: “Now if vou have light T want it. So T send vou fifty cents for the paper.’ This man has the hooks in his houce. Remember, the path of the just shines more and more unto the perfect dav. SPECTAL REQUEST. A Drother whose heart has heen touched, in the work we are doing, says: work for God, T am readv to do so. with and savs further: and much interested “Any wav 1 can assist vou in vour He sends a remittance to begin “T have heen a user of tobacco for fifty- eight vears and if you can in anv wav give me help to give it up I would be glad. T desire to quit the hahit.” Now, in reply to this call for help we can onlv say what we are advised to reply to the messengers of the nations when they will come to ve in the future for advice in the national troubles. That answer 13, “The Lord has founded Zinn and the poor of his neople trust in it” (Tsaiah 14). So we sav. the Tord has promised to he a present help wn every time of need to aid vs in overcoming had habits. We speak from experience on the tobacco auestion. Tobacco, strong drink, had language, and some of these hahits so common among men today, are like the habits of fornicaticn. Use of blood, and cating things strangled were to the Gentiles in the days of the Apostles. These unnecessary things must be laid aside before much progress can he made in spiritual life. The Remnant people are to be clean people. Honest, just, in earnest, sincere, and clean from all bad habits, Now, our request is for all who love the children of God to pray for this Brother that he may become free from this habit which the spirit of God has condemned and reproved in him. We extend our sympathy and prayer in his behalf and all others in the same condition. The law does not allow us to send more than three numbers of sample copies to one address in a year. Therefore, the three first num- bers are out, to many. Send in your subscription if you desire the paper further. We also say that we do not hesitate to ask in the strongest terms that all who wish the paper to succeed, to sccure cvery subscription possible. We can hee for this for we give in return many times the worth of the money. Our subscription list is much larger to date than we could have expected, hut far from sclf-supporting. Now is an opportunity for everyone to do all they can to help this grand work. Not a single copy sent out that is not worth the price of a vear’s subscription to any onc who loves to know the truth, The paper is filled with matter each month which cannot be had in any other paper printed. Let the tracts also he circulated everywhere, If you wish to know about Armageddon and the consecutive order of cvents, also what the sign of the Son of man is and how the Remnant will know when probation closes, get the two tracis coverme these points. Fifty-six pages in the two. Price for the two, 135 cents. There are many things we would like to give the readers just now but our space will not permit. We would like to say much just now. on the war question, in the light of prophecy, but we cannot for want of room. We can say there is not a doubt in our minds but this war is the beginning or preliminary step to the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. This war mav never cease and it may for a very hrief period, we can’t say as to that, but we can say it will he followed by that which is much worse. We can say further, that probation is just as liable to close hefore the time we have set as it is later. We say we are not far wrong on that point, if wrong at all; and it is now time for those who profess to helicve in the Bible to he in earnest if they expect to he saved. Now is the time for the children of God to get their bearings on Bible doctrine and know where they stand. Now is the time to send out the publications which give the trum- pet no uncertain sound. Let all join with us who wish the light to shine out to their fellow men. Let every one who now takes the paper try to get another subscriber this month. If you wish to know definitely, positively and, unmistakably, where, what, when, and with what nations fought Armageddon, is and have something definitely settled in vour mind about it, and the same re- garding the sign of the Son of Man, when, where, and what it is, and the time it will appear, get those tracts. These two tracts for fifteen cents—ffty-six pages. Everybody is willing to receive anv improvement on anv kind of machinery, or any other thing that will help them, but not so with religion and a knowledge of the Pible. When a creed (helief) is once established and some superstition of infalibilitv mixed with the belief that those who first started the sect was led hy the Lord, that settles forever the question with many. Now let the reader remember it to be their solemn dutv as Christians to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good; and also remember that in our day God is to give the greatest light that has ever shone on his neonle. Sn please dn not act so foolish as to close up your mind to the thines God has for you, but show the people that vou are going to profit by the mis- takes that others have made in doing so. THEN AND NOW. In a careful study of the Old Testament, we find manv lessons for us who are living in this present age. I.essons that should be of comfort, of courage. and lessons to draw us ncarer to God, and les- sons that will show us the machinations nf the evil one. to vnderstand them, and to learn from the experiences of others. Tn the history of the children of Tsracl under the reigns of Rehohoam and Jerobhoam, we find much that hears a marked resemblance to our times. We find that the place where the Lord had nlaced His name, — that is, the place dedicated to His worship—was Terusalem; for ere was the temple, and here were the priests who ministered in the tem- ple, and the children of Tesracl recoonized that to he the only place. Those living a distance from Jernsalem. alwavs came un to the city at stated times, for no other purpose than to worshin in the temple. They loved and reverenced Jerusalem. for thev knew it tn he the place where the Lord met with His neonle. So when the Kinedom was divided, and ten tribes went to Jeroboam, he knew that if he was to keep these people loval to himself Te must do something to nrevent them from going up to Jerusalem to worship, for he said: “Tf this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the Lord at Jerusalem. then shall the heart of this people turn arain unto their Tord. even nto Rehobonm, King of Judah, and they shall kill me, and go again to Rehohoam, King of Judah.” I Kings 12-27. Hence, in order to save his own life, and keep his suhiects loval to him, Jerohoam set ahout tn estehlish some sort of worship that