MVA welcomes Steve | Davis as principal a Pistor Steve Davis has assumed the posi tian a= principal of Mount Vernon Acad- cmv Pvis has a hroad bockoround as a pastor. youth leader and teacher. Most re- cently he served for three years as vice principal at Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pennsylvania, Prior to his tenure at BMA. he served in the same postition at San Pasqual Academy in Califorma for eight vears, Daviz has a =trong spiritual com- mitment to Adventist education and has committed himself to ensure that the students at MVA receive an edu- cation based on the model that Jesus save, encompassing the physical, C mental and spiritual powers. Steve and his wife, Jan, are already at work to ensure the best for the stu- dents at MVA. They have three chil- dren: Angela, 17. whos attending MVA: Linnae. 14: and Todd, 9, who is attending the Mount Vernon elemen- tary church school. | Steve Davis New Ohio teachers With summer vacations over, school bells are ringing again and a new school vear is underway in the dedicated and professional teachers are the following persons: Cindi Rendell. who has worked lor several vears with her husband. Ron. at the Findlay school. Cindiis a 199] vraduite of Southwestern Adventist (College in Keene, Texas, with a Ih. in elementary education. Lakewood students have welcomed Sue Frederick a= their new teacher. A native of Ohio and a long-time member of the Elvria church, she re- cently received her degree in elemen- tary education from Ashland University. Donelle Hendricks 1s a 1992 araduate of Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, with a B.S. in elementary education. She had an emphasis in language arts and a background in telemarketing and recruitment while a student at An- drews. Donelle i= teaching at the 12 Ohio Conference. Added to the statt of as a teacher-helper, is now the teacher Lima school for the T9932 05 aeade ne YET The Toledo school 1s happy to have Argenta LeBlanc as the teacher for srades five and =i LeBlanc comes to Ohio from Indianapolis Junior Acad: cmv, She has a Bos desree in educa tion from Southern College mn Collecedale, Tennessee, Her lsbanodd, Pauls pastor of the Bowling: Northwood Swanton distoriet. Returning to Ohio from Detront Michigan, are Chuck and Edith Araujo. The Arawjos are veteran teachers with a broad background in education. They will he working to- vether as i team to build the program at Zanesville, Accepting the challenge of i "mis: ston” school in the Ashtabula area 1x Jane Mecozzi. Jane has worked at the Lakeside school as the assistant teacher for the past year. She is a 1990 graduate of Atlantic Union Col- lege in South Lancaster, Massachu- setts, with a degree in elementary cdducation. ROBERT SKAGGS Superintendent of Fducation In transition Jack Robinson his accepted the position of pastor for the Chillicothe: Jackson district. Jack and his wife, Audrey, come to us from the Carolina Conference. where they had served since 1985. They have three children: Nathan. age 11; Lisa, age 10; and Caleb, age 5. Jack is not new to Ohio. He attended Mount Vernon Academy and met and married Audrey an Wooster. Fred Fuller will he pastoring the Centerville church. Fred and his wile, Rose. are returning from service at [Far Kastern Academy in Singapore, where Fred served as pastor and Bible teacher and Rose served as physical education/health teacher. The Fullers have three children: Rebekah. age 14: Fred H, age 12; and Julie, age 10. Trust department receives highest accreditation During a recent North American Division trust services seminar in Farmington, Connecticut, the Ohio Conference Trust Services Depart- ment received the General Conference Certification and Accreditation Level A award. | ) SPOTLIGHT ON OHIO | JE JR _ = JR This oward = the result of the in tense elforts of the former trust ser vices director Robert Dann and former associate director Gerry Chapman to raise the accreditation level of the trast department to the | highest evel possible. “The Ohio Con- | ference hos helped lead the way in obtaoning this level of excellence.” ae cording fo George Grumley, chairman | of the NAD Trust Services Certifica- tion and Acercditation Committee. JEANTE HALDEMAN Folitor, Nission: Oho | Boys and girls enjoy hilltop adventure Almost 60 boys and girls journeyed up the Mount Vernon Hill church driveway to enjoy i program packed with activity and fofs of adventure. The special guest, ventriloquist Dennis Crabbe of Idaho, kept the boys and girls spellbound as he and his handmade dummy, Rusty, “together” told inspiring Bible stories and stories of adventure. Following the opening exercises. the children enjoyed out- door Dible scavenger hunts, beginners and advanced obstacle courses and nature trail features, Special events included face pamimg and water hal loon explo- S101. The clos- HY Program was featured a= the wor hip service on the Sah- hath morn- ing following the week's adventures. With the help of Rusty, his dummy. Dennis ('rabbe di- rected the hearts of voung and old alike to thie joys that we each can anticipate in the earth made new. This approach to Vacation Bible School 1s only one of many creative Bible schools conducted in churches around the conference this summer, DALE GLASS Communications Seercitary Dennis Crabbe with Rusty. the dummy VISITOR. October 1. 1992