THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL. NEUTRAL. To be neutral means “not taking sides with either party.” —{Webster). In the present struggle cof the nations the child of God must realize that his kingdom is not of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven. Further from another standpoint siiice the days of the captivity by Babylon the children of God aire captives scattered abroad through the nations of the earth with the yoke of civil power placed on their necks, as illustrated by Jeremiah when he placed a yoke on his neck and wore it for days to teach lsrael what their condition would be if their nation was once broken up. ‘Then the pro- phet carrying down his prophecies to the time when Christ would sit on the throne of David and Israel would be gathered again then the yoke would be broken ofi their necks and they would no longer be servants of the nations of the world. The above is the true teaching regarding our situation and relations to the kingdoms of the worid. [Further as Israel became captives of Babylon the instruction of the prophet was to them to ablde there as good citizens of Babylon and pray for their welfare and as stated dy Chiist “give honor to whom honor was due and tribute to whom tribute was due.” Seo far as all this goes the child of God is to be a good citizen interested in the peace ana welfare af all with whom he comes in contact. It matters not te nim as to what nationality he may come in contact he treats ail with respect having at all times the hope ol the gospel to aid all to sce how to be saved. When these principles are understood it is not hard to see that any thing of a woildly nature such as political strife, party tueds, and stiife of war among the people and so on he must be strictly neutral not taking sides with either. He lives so far as possible a quiet and peacible lite with good will to all avoiding stitie and enmity to any. All such things as killing his feliow man, enmity to any or haired to any race or nationality he knows nothing of the kind. His allegience is to God and to his laws and him only can he serve. If he sullers ior Christ's sake happy is he. Jeremiah served in prison for telling the people the truth. He was counted disloyal and a traitor to his country but it was not tive, he only told the truth. That the child of God must do at all time if God bids him. But in doing so it is for the sake and good of the people, he does it without favor to any. THE NEW BOOK. The story of the veal Jew and the Gathering of Israel we tiust will be ready for delivery by the middle of August at latest. Tt wall contain 400 pages. kvery page directly bearing on israel and their gathering a- gain with David their king. “The line is connected from Adam to the end, with the full story of the people of God told. In brief no bool like it. plete as it is. 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It lays the foun- gation of the Sabbath there and then follows it through to our day, giving both the Biblical History and the secular history to our day. It is surely a pook that all should possess and read who wish to know the truth on that important question. It quotes 84 languages on the enumeration of the weekly cycle. 36 Pages, Price 20c. THE BOOK OF THE LAW YOUND AGAIN” ‘this book is the most complete of all books published on the laws and statutes of God. It re- veals the great darkness under which all modern Bible teachers, regardless of sect or name are in on this question. It shows there is due a great refor- mation to be made in teaching the law as a whole before Christ comes. It shows there is not a text in the New Testament scriptures that teach that any law was abolished and nailed to the cross as taught by all teachers of today. It shows the laws written by Moses are just as obligatory now for the purpose they were written for, as they ever were and should be taught by all people. It is bound in leatheret binding, illustrated by two large charts, showing each code of laws as written, also a dia- gram showing the two covenants. The one at Sinai as given to Israel. The other the everlasting cov- enant made with all the people. Price, post paid, single copy, 65 cents. TRACTS “Peace or War,” 16 large pages. Price, 5c. “The Call of the Ministry and Their Support,” 16 pages, Price be. “The Two Women of the Twelfth and Seven- teenth Chapters of Revelation.” Twenty-four pages. Price 8c, 2 12¢, 10 50c. “The Gift of Tongues Examined.” Price 5c. UNION PUBLISHING COMPANY Britton, Okla., U. S. A.