10 THE HUNTSVILLE SCHOOL and it is to bear fruit to His glory. Those who come to this school to receive instruction on the farm or in the school-room, are to be taught in right lines, and are to live in close connection with God. I am so glad that we have this farm. One came to me, and said, "I think it is a mistake to keep that land. It is not half cultivated. 1 think that they might better turn it back to the conference.” That night instruction was given me regarding the matter. It was God's purpose that the school should be located near Huntsville. Ie saw that the workers here would not have to fight every inch of ground, as those in some other places have had to do, in order to establish the truth. The struction was given me, Never, never part with an acre of this land. It is to educate hundreds. If those who come here as teachers will do their part, if thev will take up the work in God's name, sending their petitions to heaven for light and grace and strength, success will attend their efforts. The teachers are to be kind and tender, and at the same time very thorough in discipline. This is most essential. Minutemen are needed in this school,— men who have vitality and power, men who are prepared to use the capabilities of the whole being in active serv- ice, that evervthing about this school may be of a character to recommend it to angels and to men. Teachers and students will then have the satisfaction of knowing that the work is done right. Every one before me is to be a missionary for ‘Christ. We want every one who comes to this school to trv to get some other one to come. It has been COUNSEL TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS 11 represented to me that there should be one hundred students, at least, in attendance. Will you not try in every way possible to swell the number to one hundred? And when the school vear is over, these students should not be sent out to go where they please. They are to he trained and educated till they are able to go out into the field to work for the Master, to tell what the truth has done for them. Students, there is work for vou to do. You can labor where white people can not, in places where the existing prejudice forbids them to labor. Christ left Jerusalem at one time in order to save His life. It is our duty to take care of our lives for Christ's sake. We are not to place ourselves, unbidden, in danger, because He wants us to live to teach and help others. Students, God will help vou, but you must not think that vou can retain the unchristlike traits of character that vou naturally possess. You must place yourselves in the school of Christ. You must learn from the One who learned from His. Father. He did what His Father told Him to do: and we are to do what He tells us to do. “Ye are God's husbandry, ve are God's building.” Do not bring to the foundation that which is repre- sented as wood, hav, and stubble; for such material will be destroved bv fire. Bring the material that is spoken of in the word of God, as gold, silver, and pre- cious stones. This will stand the test. If you bring worthless material to the foundation, your work will be consumed. Although you may save your own soul, you will have nothing to show for your life-work. "God desires vou not merely to save your own soul. Center for Adventist Resear! Andrews University Berrien Springs Michigan Co