SR SERRE ABOVE IS ONE of two permanent buildings that stand side by side at Leoni Meadows and are used for storage and by main- tenance. Two top-priority building projects are the ranger’s house and 10 cabins. Visitors can see these under construction. The faith- fulness of God's people in giving to Leoni Meadows Development on a regular systematic basis is making all this possible. GGA Library Gets $600, Dictionary as Donation Mrs. Alma Hopkins has made a donation of $600 in addition to a copy of Webster's New Universal Dictionary to the library of Golden Gate Acad- emy. The gift was presented to William Wright, principal, out of Mrs. Hopkins’ love for chil- dren and her concern for their Christian education. Over the years, Mrs. Hopkins has paid tuition for eight GGA students, none of whom were her own children. A resident of Berkeley, 75- year-old Mrs. Hopkins has been a member of the Market Street Church for more than 50 vears. In fact, she helped give Bible studies when Market Street first opened its doors. WALLA WALLA COLLEGE Alumni Chapter Reunions See Bulletin Board od Branch Sabbath School Begins in Cofati Area One of the fastest growing communities north of San Francisco is the Rohnert Park- Cotati area. Several Adventists living in or nearby began a Branch Sabbath School on r— January 7. Adventist churches in this area are cooperating with this endeavor, and anticipate that a company will be formed soon. Worship services will be held at the First Assembly of God church, 138 I. Cotati Avenue, Cotati, at 9:30 am. and Sab- bath school will follow at 11 am. All are cordially invited to attend. For further information, con- tact the Santa Rosa Church, S810 Sonoma Avenue, or tele- phone (707) 542-7230. Wyland Wood, Pastor Santa Rosa Church Northern California Conference Philip Follett, president; Richard W. Simons, secretary; Richard H. Rod- erick, treasurer: Box 23165 2300 Norse Drive, Pleasant Hill, Califor- na 94523. Phone 415 687-1300. PACIFIC UNION Mrs. Alma Hopkins discusses the library inventory with Principal William R. Wright, Jr. During 1977 Sacramento Central Holds Monthly Nutrition Class The year 1977 found Sacra- mento Central Church involved in nutrition and health educa- tion through a monthly class for the community on these subjects. Marylois Gibson, the 1977 program director, stated the class goals: To instill an appre- ciation for wholesome foods and health habits, to provide education that reinforces selec- tion of healthful recipes and popular food ideas and fads, and to develop a whole approach to health (diet, exercise, attitude). These were accomplished by discussing several aspects of general ideas which included discussion of current scientif- 1cally sound ideas on nutrition, welght control through total eating pattern, and discussion on how to stimulate an adven- turous, creative attitude toward using fewer refined foods or meat. Classes met once a month, were open to the public, and covered each subject with a lec- ture, demecnstrations, samples. (vary Nosler, “Captain Car- rot” of TV and radio, began the year as guest with soups and cultured milk fcods. February's class covered high fiber foods with Instruction by Nutrition- 1st William Green. April and May dealt with cardiovascular preservation. Proper exercise and low cholesterol foods were presented by Dinah Gibbs and Nancy Bardos, physical ther- Calistoga Crusade in Progress The Bible Speaks Crusade with John and Ellen Klim be- gan in Calistoga Saturday eve- ning, January 14 at 7:30. Meetings are held in the Ad- ventist church at 2064 Grant Street and will continue Satur- day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights until March 3. Elder Klim travels “From Eden to Eden” in his presenta- tions with special emphasis on Fort Bragg Dorcas Prepares Baskets for Needy Families Dorcas ladies and Christmas baskets go hand in hand. I.adies of the Fort Bragg Church prepared six baskets for needy families. They also decided to check with the va- rious relief agencies in town for additional names of needy families. Dorcas I.eader Esther Thut was stunned when asked to prepare 23! Faith led the Dorcas Society to make an appeal to the con- orecation on Sabbath: $75 came in, with many families pledging to donate produce and canned roods. The faith ol these ladies was rewarded with the knowledge that 23 tamilies would have a happier Christmas this year. RECORDER/MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1978 “God- the Designer and Re- storer.” Messages are designed to bring new Inspiration to church members and new light to non-members. Ellen Klim, who has done many scenic oil paintings of Ha- wail, will present blacklight chalk drawings almost every nicht. Please send names of persons whom you would like to have invited to: Pastor Harold Keeh- nel, 63 Brannan St., Calistoga, CA 94515. apists, and Zane Kime, MD, dis- cussed the concept of very low fat intake. Current ideas about protein and vitamins as well as high consumption levels particular- ly, were discussed in May by Marylois Gibson, dental hygien- ist and nutritionist. Catherine Gearing, RN, presented wilder- ness foods in June. Marylois Gibson gave an overview of health factors and presented healthful gourmet foods in Sep- tember. For a grand finale, Dorothea Van Gundy Jones spoke to an enthusiastic audience of 150- 200 during a four-evening sem- inar. Interest was also generat- ed in the local media. Mrs. Jones was interviewed by “Captain Carrot” for both his radio and television shows. She was also interviewed for a morning television program, and a local TV station sent a crew to the church to film her in action for five short presen- tations on their evening shows. Those involved in the year's program received a blessing in the appreciation and enthusi- asm expressed by people who attended. What a privilege God has given cach of us to share in some way somcthing of the “oood life” He offers us. Santa Rosa Church Hosts Dinner The social committee of the Santa Rosa Church recently hosted a dinner in honor of newly baptized members and those preparing for baptism as a result of an evangelistic se- ries conducted by Evangelist John Klim. Held in the dining room of Rio Lindo Academy. the dinner was prepared and served by Versitron Industries. Hazel Osborn and Mary Wong were in charge of deco- rations. and Marvin and Joanne Wilson with Edgar and Vashti Jackson seated the guests. Ray ITeathman and Pastor and Murs. J. W. Wood planned the pro- oram. Dressed as a clown, Manuel Pajon was the high light of the evening. Pajon climaxed his clowning with a beautiful ren- dition of “Vesti l.a Guibba” from Pagliacci. Don TL.unt and Dolores Brooker presented vo- cal and instrumental numbers. The program closed with a con- orevational sing-along. A dinner was held recently in honor of those baptized and those who continue to study at the Santa Rosa church. SHEEN “ Herb Ford, Professor FUC Dept. of Comm. pa Glen Robinson, Managing Editor Pacific Union Recorder Claudia Randolph, Coordinator Recorder PUBLIC RELATIONS WORKSHOP January 20-22 Springs of Living Water Richardson Springs, Calif. Just outside of Chico Learn the How-to's of news writing, picture taking, TV presentations, efc. All are invited to attend! Send: $30 per person includes mea lodging, and instructional materials Charles G. Edwards Public Relations Dir. Northern Calif. Conf. S, along with the name of your church to: Claudia Randolph, Registrar Public Relations Workshop Box 23165 Plecisant Hill CA 94523 You do not have to bring bedding .. just personal effects, ALL MONEY MUST BE RECEIVED BY 19. Plan to arrive Friday, January 20, in time tor supper at 6. January Philip Follett, President Northern Calif, Conf.