Yellow buttons flashing ‘‘Help- ing Others Find Christ’’ appeared this year at Redwood Camp Meet- ing. “‘It all started,” says Dr. Caleb Davidian, a retired dentist from Placerville, ‘‘when the Con- ference Evangelism Committee heard that funds for evangelism were limited. “If the concept of the ‘Com- mittee of 500’ for Voice of Proph- ecy and Pacific Union College’s ‘Committee of 100’ could work so well for these projects—why not for evangelism?”’ Last year $25,000 was collected for evangelism in one week at Redwood Camp Meeting. With lots of enthusiasm, a large ther- mometer graph, and a box of yellow buttons, Dr. Davidian again began the campaign for funds for evangelism this year. The story was told at one of the evening meetings of a little boy who turned in all he had—sixty- nine cents—for evangelism. Some- one was moved by the Holy Spirit to make up the difference—$103.31 —amounting to two dollars a week for the year. To the surprise of even the most $40,000 Raised for Evangelism at Redwood Camp Meeting optimistic, the field evangelism offering went over the $40,000 mark in cash and pledges this year. These funds will be utilized in local Revelation Seminars scheduled throughout the Con- ference. Northern California Conference Receives Award for Famine Relief Efforts The Northern California Con- ference recently received commen- dation from the Adventist Devel- opment and Relief Agency (ADRA) for the response that community service members gave to help peo- ple in the Ethiopian-Sudan ter- ritory of Africa. Dr. Leslie Ander- son, director of the Inner City/ Community Service Department for the Conference, recently ac- cepted a plaque from Lee Grady, director of ADRA, on behalf of Palo Cedro Church Hosts Health Outreach Under the instruction of John Scharffenberg, M.D. of Bakers- field, the Palo Cedro Church has scheduled four training classes in health outreach to begin this fall. All personal ministries leaders and assistants, and health-related pro- fessionals, including physicians, dentists and nurses, are encouraged to participate in these training classes. Dr Scharffenberg offers much help in the area of commu- nity service in this pilot training program for churches in North- ern. In addition to training and in- struction, Dr. Scharffenberg, under authorization of the State of California through the San Joaquin Community Hospital in Bakersfield, will be offering the classes with continuing education credits for registered and licensed vocational nurses for a combined total of 30 credit hours. There will be modest registration fees for the Southeastern educational training, handout ma- terials, and instruction manuals for the individual classes. The subject of ‘“Coronary Risk Reduction’ will be presented on September 23, followed with. “‘Ap- plication of Dietary Principles in Coronary Risk Reduction’ on Monday, September 24. On No- vember 4 Dr. Scharffenberg will explore the subject of ‘‘Cancer Risk Reduction.’ The series will conclude with a seminar on “Weight Control’”” December 9. All classes will run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Registration by September 15 is encouraged, so adequate arrange- ments can be provided. For those interested in more information and registration forms, please contact: Dr. Byron Wareham, Palo Cedro Health Outreach Coordinator, 2112 Ferry Street, Anderson, CA 96007, or phone 916-365-3351 or 474-5265. EN GOOD RESULTS ARE REPORTED from the Revelation Seminars con- ducted in El Cajon by Pastor L. Charles Schultz (above). The series was held in the Knox Auditorium. Of the 142 who attended the first meeting, 91 graduated from the course twelve weeks later. Due to the strong in- terest this program has created, a Daniel Seminar is being conducted as a follow-up in the El Cajon Church. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / AUGUST 20, 1984 the members of community serv- ice centers in Northern. Six months ago the Secretary- General of the United Nations asked the General Conference for additional help for the more than five million Africans who were in desperate need. ADRA indicated that the Northern California and Michigan conferences responded so well that some commendation was in order. Children of the St. Helena Spanish Church sing to promote missions of the Northern European Division on thirteenth Sabbath. St. Helena Spanish Children Promote Missions Sabbath school leaders at the St. Helena Spanish Church make thirteenth Sabbath a special time for mission promotion. Every quarter, Mrs. Hilda Velez, direc- tor of the cradle roll/kindergarten department, and her associates, Mrs. Anabel Coca and Mrs. Emilia Rubalcava, present a special pro- gram to the members of the adult Sabbath school depicting the divi- sion receiving the thirteenth Sab- bath offering. On Sabbath, June 30, with the rostrum decorated with a windmill and beautiful red tulips, the Northern European Division was Alumni Association, Seminar: ‘‘Ways to Wellness” Making Prevention Work, Oc- tober 3-7, 1984, at the Americana Canyon Hotel in Palm Springs, California. This seminar, designed for physicians, dentists, nurses, and all other professionals, combines an outstanding scientific program in preventive medicine with the opportunity for recreation, exer- cise, developing a personal total fitness program for you or your patient, fellowship with other health professionals and spiritual renewal. This program has been approved for 10 hours of Category I Contin- uing Medical Education credit by the American Medical Associa- tion, and is acceptable for 10 hours prescribed credit from the American Academy of Family Physicians. This program is also authorized to confer 10 hours of California Continuing Dental Education credit in Category 2, and has been approved for 10 con- Hemet Branch Sabbath School Holds Cooking Classes The Hemet Branch Sabbath School in Anza, under the leader- ship of Lester and Fay Hillman, conducted a cooking class on each of five Mondays during April. Members and nineteen of their community friends attended. Their response was demonstrated by urgent requests that a second class be held in the fall. “We need more of this type of information” was a typical comment. LLU Physical Fitness Seminar Set for October 3-7 The School of Medicine of Loma Lin- da University and the Loma Linda Center for Health Promotion will present the 1984 Physical Fitness tact hours by regulation of BRN state of California under the criterion of California Medical Association Certificate in Contin- uing Medical Education. given special emphasis. For a brochure and additional information, contact the Alumni Association, 11245 Anderson St., Suite 200, Loma Linda, CA 92354, (714) 824-4633. Calexico Adventist Mission School is in need of: Self-correcting IBM Selectric Il typewriters Small tractor with PIO for use as lawn mower Playground equipment—balls and bats, racquets and nets, slide, monkey bars Sharp 885 copy machine (New) World Book Encyclopedia (New) Two sets of The Bible in Living Sound Kitchen utensils for Home Economics Curriculum 1978-84 Dodge Maxi-van with A/C for transporting students to and from Brawley, CA For further information, contact The Principal, Box 1067, Calexico, CA 92231 or call (619) 357-3711 Redlands Spanish Church Relocating Inn recent years the San Bernar- dino Mountain View Church has joined with the Highland Church, taking the new name Arden Hills Church. Elder Ron Watson is serving as senior pastor. Since this merger a sincere ef- fort has been put forth to sell the Mountain View property. Seeing the need of a Spanish- speaking Adventist Church in this highly Latino neighborhood, the Redlands Spanish Church has voted to sell its church, purchase the Mountain View church and move its congregation to this wider mission field. First services in the new loca- tion took place on August 4. Elder Eliseo Hernandez is pastor of this Spanish congregation, located at 918 N. Mountain View Avenue. Sustentees’ Retreat Postponed Due to the loss of the lodge at Pine Springs Ranch we regret to announce that we will not be conducting the Annual Sustentees’ Retreat usually held in October. The Pine Springs Ranch taskforce is busy at work and it is hoped that we will resume our retreat in new facilities in another year.