aciFic union Monday, October 11, 1976 / Volume 76, Number 15 / Angwin, California / Official Organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Mindanao/ Philippines Adventists Send Aid to Tidal Several divisions of the Adventist Church have provided more than $100,000 in disaster relief following the August 16 earthquake and tidal wave that struck the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Howard D. Burbank, executive director and manager of Seventh-day Adventist World Service (SAWS), has announced that $20,000 has been voted to buy food and building materials. They will be purchased within the Philippine Islands. Also, 50 tons of emergency medical and housing supplies are currently en route by ship to the victims. Another 20,000 pounds of clothing are set for flight this week. Shipping costs will be provided by Philippine Air Lines. Walter R. L. Scragg, presi- dent of the Northern Europe-West Africa Division, announced in London that his organization will send a planeload of tents, blankets, clothes and water purification tablets to Mindanao shortly. Over 6,000 persons have died and 28,000 are homeless because of the tidal wave. U.S. AID (Agency for International Development) had asked to use the Adventist Mountain View College, in Malabalay, the Philippines, as a relief center for its activities. However, to date Wave Victims AID is not participating in the relief effort. SAWS has set up its own operation in the Mindanao city of Pagadian. In another SAWS action, 100 tents and 2,200 blankets will be sent to the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe. Seventy thousand persons have been evacuated in anticipation of the eruption of a volcano there. Freight costs are being paid by Air France from SAWS’ East Coast warehouse near New York City. Health Team To Go to Thailand A diversified team of volunteer workers trained in curative and preventive health care will leave Loma Linda University shortly, enroute to Thailand where they will work among the Pwo Karen tribe. Led by Kent Gregory, a 1976 graduate of the School of Health, the five-member team will provide a program designed to meet the spiritual and phys- MORE GENERAL NEWS ON PAGES 7 & 8 ical needs in a multi-dimensional program of health ministry. The group will begin its work in Thailand this fall and will center its work on care needs. “From this nucleus, a program involving nutrition, agriculture, immunization, sanitation, and health education will evolve as needs are perceived. Accompanied by his wife, Britt-Marie, also a 1976 graduate of the School of Health; Mike Kalebaugh, an agricultural specialist; and Barbara (Continued on page 8) "Queston" Signs of the Times El Centinela Message voice of prophecy October, 1976 Colleges Sponsor Cycling Trip “There’s nothing like a bike trip to help you see where you are and where you need to go,” says Janene Turner. She’s speaking of the second annual cross-country bicycle trip sponsored jointly by Loma Linda’s Arts and Science College at La Sierra and at Walla Walla College, College Place, Washington. Developed by Miss Turner and Jim Perry, the summer event is part of The Great Adventure which offers four programs in unusual physical education. Perhaps the most strenuous is “Queston” (Quest-on), the 30-day cross-country cycling adventure. Minimum age for this as well as “Heavenbound” is 16, and participants must be well conditioned. “Heavenbound” is a 26-day venture in the Washington Cascades—back packing, mountain climbing, rock climbing, and survival/stressful teaching setting. A shorter program is “Intoit” (Into-it), a 10-day float trip down the Snake River. This group is led by the Idaho Dru-rys, experts in kayak and raft and excursions. Children may (Continued on page 7) MEDICAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Oahu Financial Assistance Possible Guaranteed Wage for Adventist Christian in example and spiritual leadership Specific Needs General Surgeon—Oahu Family Practice—all islands INSPIRATION 5FKS "Not a sigh is breathed, not a pain felt, not a grief pierces the soul, but the throb vibrates to the Father's heart. . . . God is bending from His throne to hear the cry of the oppressed. To every sincere prayer He answers, 'Here am I.' He uplifts the distressed and down-trodden. In all our afflictions He is afflicted. In every temptation and every trial the angel of His presence is near to deliver." Desire of Ages, 356 Dear broadcast friend in the Pacific Union: From our studios and offices in Glendale, the Voice of Prophecy team wants to express appreciation to you for your faithful support of the broadcast ministry. Did you know that you actually purchase the air time, pay the salaries and meet the monthly expenses for the quantities of printed and recorded materials that make this broadcast ministry possible? We can continue to serve here only as long as your support allows us to do so. Last year gifts by members of the Pacific Union during the special October offering and throughout the year brought $163,944 into the operating budget for The Voice of Prophecy. Besides giving to the broadcast through local church offerings, many Pacific Union members joined other listeners who sent their contributions by mail. Your financial help is vital, but your prayers are just as important, and we solicit them. Only as we accept the Holy Spirit as our constant Counselor can we draw others to Jesus. Our most urgent need at The Voice of Prophecy is for more than human wisdom in laying plans for reaching others. We take courage knowing you’re on the Voice of Prophecy team. We appreciate every gift you send to keep the broadcast on the air, every prayer for those who are listening to God’s Word. This month you express your belief in the message of hope for this troubled world by your offering for The Voice of Prophecy. Let’s work together to advance the cause of God. In Jesus, Speaker-Director Evangelist Ben George will be conducting a series of meetings at the Paradise Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2701 East Eighth Street, National City, October 8-23 at 7:15 nightly. This is your opportunity to contact your relatives and friends in the area to invite them to this important series entitled, "In Times Like These." Enjoy beautiful gospel music with baritone Ken Taylor. Annual Convocation Plans Set for this years Major White bath school at Final plans are being made Annual Convocation at the Anaheim Convention Center. A meeting will be held Friday, October 29, at 7:30 p.m. On Sabbath, October 30, the session will begin with Sab-9 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. Principal speakers in the Arena meetings include Elders Major White, Walter Blehm, J. J. Aitken and H. M. S. Richards, Jr. The King’s Heralds "Wherever the love of God is, there is always a desire to express it." 3 Testimonies, 544 FIVE-DAY PLANS - OCTOBER 1976 Date City Address 11-15 Redlands Redlands Com. Hospital 18-22 Fallbrook 24-28 Yucaipa 35225 Avenue E 24-28 Poway 13940 Pomerado All programs 7:30-9 p.m. Director S. Kannenberg Melvin Jacobson Claude Turner Melvin Jacobson Dr. Information 825-8601 Powell 747-5243 825-8601 Davis 743-8385 Blythe VBS Filled to Capacity With 63 children in attendance, Blythe’s Vacation Bible School had its biggest year ever. If all of these children would become a part of the church family, church membership would more than double. Eighty-six per cent were nonAdventists, once again demonstrating the evangelistic value of VBS. The VBS was held in the Blythe Adventist elementary school adjacent to the newly-built church which was used in J. J. Aitken Quartet will join with Elder Richards in his meeting. Spanish believers will have meetings all day Sabbath in the Anaheim Room as in previous years. Elder Roger A. Wilcox will speak during the worship service and Elder Walter Blehm will speak at the 2 p.m. service. Al Dia, La Voz de la Esperanza, and field workers will tell of the way God is blessing the Spanish work. Services are planned for youth, juniors and children. A brochure will be sent shortly to all Southeastern’s churches with the full program. Parking at the convention center has unfortunately been raised to $1.50. Plan to be in attendance for this spiritual feast which will include the best in music as well as the spoken word. the graduation exercises Friday evening. Those who made this a successful VBS included not only leadership from church members, but assistance from nonAdventist parents. Because of overcrowded conditions, children were encouraged to sign up early for next year’s VBS. A total of 12 willing workers served faithfully each day to assure success of the VBS. Southeastern California Conference Walter D. Blehm, president; Warren C. Heintz, secretary; Sylvester D. Bietz, treasurer; 9707 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, California 92503. Phone (714) 689-1350. Sabbath School Juniors coming to Sabbath school 15 minutes early so they will have more time for the Sabbath school program may seem unbelievable but that is exactly what is taking place under the leadership of Jerry and Christine Bartram, a husband and wife team at the Azure Hills Sabbath school Junior division. “Our aim is to bring the kids to Christ by making the Bible a vital part of their Christianity,” Jerry declares, “and we can accomplish this only by making it interesting to them and their non-Adventist guests.” Assisting the Bartrams, Dennis and Rochelle Stirewalt are hard workers and early risers who organize their work well. At 9 a.m. they are on duty, and just as soon as a Junior ap- Reaching people Voice of Prophecy Roy Naden Presents Bible Marking Seminar Direct from TV’s Come Alive, Roy Naden is presenting a Bible marking seminar now in progress. The three-week series has four weekly sessions: Sabbath at 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. Your Come Alive host is the Ontario Church, at 856 North Sultana, in Ontario. Roy Naden believes that the Holy Bible has in it the basic building blocks for a happy home and a sound society. In this series you can learn how to mark your Bible in a unique way so that you can quickly find those passages of Scripture that answer every major Biblical question. The final meeting will be October 23. Esther Leon, Nelly Gil show the nutritional value of various foods. Nutrition Classes Are Taught The La Sierra Spanish Church held nutrition classes for the Spanish community in Corona August 23-26. Nelly Gil was the coordinator for the classes which were held in the Conference Room of the Corona Community Hospital. She had previously attended nutrition classes given at the Loma Linda University School of Health by Irma Vyhmeister, PhD. Esther Leon and other ladies from the church assisted her. Nightly classes had an average attendance of 44, 12 of them newcomers. Draws Juniors 15 pears, he or she is provided with an activity in what is called Stage One, the “Bible Adventure Readiness,” just one of the four periods that take place in this meeting of “The Bible Adventure Club,” which convenes officially 9:30-10:45 a.m.—but unofficially from the time the doors are open until the necessary dismissal for the church services. The theme of the various activities in the “Bible Adventure Readiness” is related to what the Sabbath school lesson emphasizes. Stage Two is termed “Bible Exploring.” At this time, class groups meet to share what they have discovered during their Bible research. Study for the day at the "Bible Adventure Club" was on the parable of the talents, and decorations were appropriate. DINNER MEETING FOR SECRETARIES Richard Banks, PhD, Director of Counseling Loma Linda University Will speak on "Assertiveness—Friend or Foe" October 19, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. El Rancho Verde Country Club in Rialto To make reservations (before October 18 noon) and obtain directions, call Karen Lafferty (714) 785-2088 days only Sponsored by Association of Seventh-day Adventist Professional Secretaries Previous to this, Mrs. Leon coordinated a class given at the La Sierra Spanish church where an average of 100 persons were present every night. Irma Vyhmeister gave valuable nutritional instruction to the group. Elder Merado Leon gave invaluable service on both occasions, as did a number of ladies from the church. Foods of wholesome nutritional value were presented. Loma Linda Foods gave needed supplies and aided the program. A. C. Cortez, Pastor La Sierra Spanish Church Minutes Early Third stage, “Bible Sharing Time,” is a time when the Juniors all meet together within a circle to compare what new things have been found in their exploration and to sing songs that bear a relationship to that day’s Bible emphasis. For instance, when the study for the day dealt with the talents, one song sung was “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go.” The final stage, “Bible Learning,” brings the day’s study down to its practical aspects with a mission story and a challenge to put the Bible learning into practice. Kraid I. Ashbaugh, Comm. Secy Azure Hills 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 Conference Sabbath Announced Elder John Robertson, producer of short programs at the Voice of Prophecy, will be the opening speaker at the 24-hour Pomona Conference Sabbath starting at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 15 and concluding on Sabbath, October 16. Elder Bruce Johnston, president of the Sarawak Mission, Far Eastern Division, will speak at 11 a.m. Sabbath and again at 4:30 p.m. Kenneth Vine, Professor of Biblical Studies at Loma Linda University, will share his knowledge of archaeology at the 2:30 p.m. meeting. Elder Robertson, as producer of short programs at the VOP, creates radio spots for specific American audiences. Elder Johnston, who pastored in the state of Washington (1950-56), was Associate Professor of Religion at Andrews 1956-63. Since chairing the De OLD GLORY GETS THE SPOTLIGHT — Both flags—church and national—were an integral part of the daily activities at the Torrance Vacation Bible School, August 2-11. Jay Cook carried the American flag and Renee Cook carried the Christian flag during opening exercises the first day of the Bible School. Fifty-six community children, ages 5-13, attended the eight-day session 9 a.m.-noon weekdays. Update . . from the president SCHOOL ENROLLMENT: Conference figures show more than 4,500 students are in our elementary and secondary schools. This is an increase of more than 300 students over last year. The value of training a young person for eternity is worth any sacrifice. MINISTERS MEETING: On September 13 ministers of the Southern California Conference spent the day studying the spiritual implications of stewardship. Church leaders in Southern are committed to the spiritual value of faithful stewardship. The fact that tithe belongs to God and that the individual owes it to Him with no strings attached was recognized as a Biblical principle. All members are urged to pay their tithe where they are members. God holds us accountable to pay our tithe and others accountable to use it properly as specified in Scripture. There is a great work to be done in the metropolitan Los Angeles area presently limited by the failure of some to be honest with the Lord in their tithes and offerings. LAY ADVISORY MEETING: On September 14 the Lay Advisory Committee met and reviewed the opening enrollment in Adventist schools, the Inner City work and reviewed briefly plans for the March constituency meeting. The dedication of these lay leaders and their interest in putting God's work first is deeply appreciated. partment of Theology at Southern Missionary College (1963-68), he’s served as an evangelist in the Far Eastern Division 1968-74. For 17 years, Dr. Vine was pastor-teacher-administrator at Middle East College in Beirut, Lebanon. From there he went to Loma Linda University where he became head of the School of Religion. He has written many articles and journals on archaeology, and has done field work in such places as Ai (Et-Tell), Khudrea, Caesarea, Jerusalem, Lebanon, Jordan and Heshbon. The meetings will be held in the academy gym. Teacher Gets Second Doctorate James S. Wallace 6-8 grade teacher at White Memorial Ad ventist School, has received the Doctor of Ministry degree from the American Baptist Seminary of the West at Berkeley. Wallace also holds BA and MA degrees from LLU and James Wallace a Master of Divinity from Andrews. His PhD was earned from the California Graduate School of Theology. His second doctoral dissertation is entitled “A Handbook for a Hotline Counseling Service in a Protestant Church: A Ministry for Youth and Adults.” This work includes three languages and is 312 pages in length. It is currently being published under the title, “Hotline, May I Help You? An In-tergenerational Church Program.” It will be used by AWARE—A World Alliance for Rehabilitation and Education. Wallace is currently completing a second Master’s degree Harold Calkins President Will Elder Harold Calkins will be the main speaker at the three-week series planned for the East Los Angeles Church, 700 South Hoefner Avenue, October 30 -November 20. The five-night - a - week meetings will convene Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- in marriage, family and child counseling at Chapman College in Orange, in conjunction with volunteer work at the Melodyland Hotline Center. A further objective Wallace has is to translate the Old Testament from the original language into an interlinear form, English-Hebrew-Aramaic. James Wallace is in his third year as a teacher at White Memorial. Ora McLean Chosen as Lay Activities Head Elder Ora McLean, former lay activities and religious lib erty secretary for the Upper Ora McLean Columbia Conference the last five years, has come to Southern to replace Branson Chris-pens. Elder McLean, a graduate of Union College (1950), pastored in Colorado for 13 years. He next directed the ra dio-TV, lay activities and Sabbath school departments for the Wyoming Conference two years and the Nebraska Conference for six. He was ordained in 1955. His wife, formerly Avis Erickson, is an executive secretary. The McLeans have three adult children. The two girls— Sharon and Shirley—are married and Ronald is in medical school at Loma Linda University. Ventura Hosts Meetings Everett Duncan, seminar speaker for the Faith for Today telecast, is presently holding a series of meetings at the Ventura church, 6300 Telephone Road, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:15 p.m. Howard Flynn, pastor of the church, would like to have names of persons in this area who might be interested in attending or who would like to have one from the evangelistic team call on them personally. Contact Pastor Flynn by calling (805) 647-6978 or (805) 642-5387. Conduct Series day at 7:30. Elder Calkins’ general theme will be “Purpose in Life.” Medical talks, feature films, and special music are all planned to add to the evangelistic thrust. Separate meetings for children, ages 5-10, will add interest for them and free the parents to enjoy the sermons. Names of those who should receive an invitation to attend should be sent to the pastor at 700 South Hoefner, Los Angeles, CA 90022. BREATH OF LIFE OCTOBER 17 KCOP-13, 9:30 p.m. "The Master Key to Life" "THE SHOCK OF STANDING STILL" KABC-7, October 24 It Is Written BIG BIBLE TENT WINS 45-Orlando Rudley, the speaker who "makes it plain," was aiming at 50 souls during his tent series at 29th and Central Avenue in Los Angeles this summer. He came very close. Shannon Goodwin directed the music and his wife, Geraldine, played the organ. Invitations to the meetings were announced from a roof speaker mounted in a moving automobile by the man at the extreme left. Lottie Devine (center left) did the Bible work and the saxophone artist (extreme right) gave the special music one week during Sabbath school. A team of a half dozen or more was involved. Several were students from Oakwood. In a Nutshell FAMILY FILM NIGHT AT GLENDALE CITY—Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Stewart will be sharing their Mediterranean adventure on 16mm sound color film in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, 234 North Isabel, Glendale, Saturday evening at 8 p.m. (October 16). Come see life aboard the French ship "Murmoz." Visit the quaint Villa France, Rothschild's Museum, Monte Carlo, Catina, Cnossos' Palace, the walled city of Lindos, Izmur, Ephesus, Corinth and known ports of Sicily, Malta, Crete, Rhodes, Mikonos, and Athens. RIDGECREST EDIFICE GOING UP-Church construction for this high-desert congregation suffered a setback weeks ago. However, the church has assumed the burden of finishing the structure and here's how things stand. The roof is on and the tile laid. The rough carpentry work is finished, and the sheet rock is on. The insulation is in, all wires have been pulled and the plumbing is roughed in. The glassman has done his work and the pews have been ordered. The members hope to be meeting in it by the end of the year. ABC INCOME ON SEPTEMBER 12-A total of some 1,000 individuals showed up for the first used-book exchange at all locations. New-book sales hit the $12,000 mark as "used-book" owners pocketed $300 in profits from their parking-lot displays. TWO MORE WORKERS IN SOUTHERN—Ana Ciugujew is a part-time clerk in the ABC and Ricardo Norton is a student missionary at the Glendale Spanish Church. Miss Ciugujew, who has attended Los Angeles City College, was born in Argentina. Pastor Norton, who earned his degree in theology at Montemorelos, was born in Costa Rica. School Enrollment Is Up Church - school enrollment among the Highland Park Filipino Church children has increased 61 per cent since 1974. This school year 129 have been enrolled compared to 80 during the 1974-1975 school year. The increase last year was 36.2 per cent and this year’s 18.3. According to Church Education Secretary Priscilla Cata-lon, less than half a dozen children of elementary and academy age are not yet enrolled in an Adventist school. Next school year, the plan is that every child of school age in the congregation will be enrolled. Last year the church adopted the “combined-budget” plan. “The parents see the beauty of the plan,” Mrs. Catalon says, “and are becoming more convinced of the necessity for Christian education for their children.” PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 3 T. J. Rasmussen Welcomed to Grand Avenue Church Pastorate Marriage Enrichment Carmichael Sponsors Seminar New pastor of the Oakland The Carmichael Church will sponsor an Adventist Marriage Enrichment program for 35 couples at the Central California Conference campgrounds at Soquel October 15-17. Much is being said and written these days about the many marriages that are falling apart. Some people, however, are actively doing something to help strengthen healthy, existing marriages. Among these are Chaplain and Mrs. Al Brendell from the Kettering Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio. The Brendells, in cooperation with several other couples in the Dayton area, have developed the Adventist Marriage Enrichment program and will introduce it on the West Coast at Soquel. It has been a tremendous blessing to those who have attended elsewhere. For cost information or reservations, please write or call the Carmichael Church, 4600 Winding Way, Sacramento, CA 95841; (916) 487-8684. R. K. Tilstra, Pastor Carmichael Church Grand Avenue Church, Elder Tedford J. Rasmussen recently came from the Florida Conference where he was pastor of the Tallahassee Church. At Grand Avenue he succeeds Elder Murray W. Deming who T. J. Rasmussen retired last June. Northern California Conference Helmuth C. Retzer, president; Richard W. Simons, secretary; Richard H. Roderick, treasurer; (Box 23165) 2300 Norse Drive, Pleasant Hill, California 94523. Phone (415) 687-1300. THE GENE ERICKSON TRIO will present a sacred gospel concert October 16 for the 11 o'clock worship service in the Antioch church, 320 Worrell Road. To contact the trio for a concert appointment, write Gene Erickson, 1651 S. Cherokee Lane, Lodi, CA 95240, or call (209) 368-5775 days or (209) 369-1558 evenings. A graduate of Andrews University, Elder Rasmussen began his ministry in the Michigan Conference and continued there more than 20 years. He was part of the original cast of the + Red Cross. The Good Neighbor. Your Story Hour radio program which began in Berrien Springs in 1947. “I became an expert storyteller as a result of this experience,” he said. The musical talents of Elder Rasmussen and his wife Joy have been part of their ministry through the years. He sang bass in the Gospel Heralders quartet. Mrs. Rasmussen is an organist. They produced a radio program for five years while serving in Michigan. The Rasmussens have four children: Michael, a church school principal in North Carolina; Timothy, a Michigan correctional officer; Kathleen, a dental hygienist in Michigan; and Merri Beth, the youngest, a student nurse at Southern Missionary College in Tennessee. We extend a warm welcome to the Rasmussens as they begin their ministry in Northern. Helmuth C. Retzer, President Northern Calif. Conf. ROSEVILLE YOUTH FELLOWSHIP WEEKEND Friday, October 29—7:30 p.m. Sabbath, October 30—11 a.m., 3 p.m. Features: Elder Richard C. White of Hollister The Madrigals of Sacramento Union Academy Other talented young believers Weekend activities are under the direction of Nancy Moses, Roseville Youth Group leader Roseville Adventist Church 914 Cirby Way Phone: (916) 783-4279 Three-Day Teaching-Learning-Leadership Seminar Soquel Campground, November 19-21 Early Childhood (Cradle Roll, Kindergarten) Emphasis will be on getting to know the child, how he thinks and learns, and helping him to apply Bible learning to his life. GGA Reports an Golden Gate Academy is enjoying an 18-per cent jump in enrollment this year, bringing the total number of students to 210. There are 78 secondary and 132 elementary compared to last year’s totals of 63 and 111, respectively. According to Principal Bill Wright, the increase is largely a result of summer recruitment efforts and an expanded scholarship program. Wright said, “This year we were able to offer more financial help to worthy students— which made the difference to several families in affording or Enrollment Jump not affording Christian education.” Parents were asked at the August 26 registration to state reasons for enrolling their children at GGA. An overwhelming 95 per cent marked “Christian teachers and curriculum based on Biblical principles” as the primary reason. Other choices were: “Alternate education from the public school system,” “More individualized instruction” and “Strictly enforced discipline.” Carol Moses, Correspondent Golden Gate Academy Paul Roesel, director of the Loma Linda University Child Development Center. He will be assisted by Marilyn Beach, Elder Charles Betz, Geri Smith, Jean Hickerson and Jean Roberts. Americans United FALL MEETINGS - 1976 Americans United for Separation of Church and Jtate will hold regional meetings in Northern as listed below. Andrew Leigh Gunn is the new national executive director. Gioele Settembrini, a longtime worker in Americans United, is his assistant. Oakland—7:30 p.m. Gunn Thurs., Oct. 14 Redding—7:30 p.m. Settembrini Fri., Oct. 15 Manteca—7:30 p.m. Settembrini Sat., Oct. 16 Paradise—7:30 p.m. Settembrini Mon., Oct. 18 Concord—7:30 p.m. Settembrini Tues., Oct. 19 Sacramento—7 p.m. Wed., Oct. 20 Settembrini Adventist Church 278 Grand Avenue Redding Adventist Church 2828 Eureka Way Manteca Adventist Church 525 South Union Road Paradise Adventist Church 5720 Academy Drive First Baptist Church 3033 Bonifacio Street First Southern Baptist Church 4840 Fruitridge Road Youth (Earliteen, Youth) Childhood (Primary, Junior) Dan Burrow, Professor of Education, Pacific Union College. He will be assisted by Vivian Mazlum. A primary consideration will be how to motivate children to explore the Bible through the joy of discovery. Other topics will be: age-level characteristics, control, Bible learning activities, and application. The emphasis will be on planning that involves youth in actual Bible study and helping them to apply the Scriptures to their lives. Age-level characteristics, and developmental tasks will also be considered. Dianne Rasmussen, teacher and youth leader in the Northern California Conference. She will be assisted by Ted Wick, chaplain of Pacific Union College. Jack Dunham, director of the Religious Education Foundation. He will be assisted by Roger Coon, Pacific Union College. Administration (Superintendents) Dr. Dunham will present the second step in his Senior Teaching System entitled "Expository Scriptural Analysis." This will provide you with the tools and skills for in-depth Bible study. Attention will also be given to visual reinforcement, and instructional objectives. Elder James Hardin, director of the Sabbath School Department of the Pacific Union Conference. He will be assisted by Elder Jerry Friedrich. How does one enlist and train teachers and division leaders? How can we increase daily lesson study? How can we meet our Sabbath school budget? We will study the principles of Christian leadership and administration and seek to find answers to the above questions. 4 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 Amateur Radio Operators Meet At 6 a.m. every day, Guy Welsh, W6ZTY, ‘‘ham” radio operator from Visalia, is on the air to share the word of God with anyone who tunes to 3980 kHz. He is ‘‘net control” for the Bible Study Net. This has been going on for 18 years. Many join in the discussion; some just listen and are refreshed by this early morning study of God’s Word. Twenty-two ham operators from the San Joaquin Valley recently met at the Clovis Helm Avenue church where they presented the Sabbath school pro- gram, special music for church service, and enjoyed a fellowship dinner afterward. Every part on the Sabbath school program, from chorister to benediction, was presented by persons with “ham” call letters following their names. Five baptisms are known to be direct results of the Bible study hour. Hamming is a hobby that brings relaxation to the participants and a feeling of satisfaction to Bible Study Net members as the gospel is imparted to others. Monterey Bay Academy Gets Twelve Staff Members These "hams" took part in the Clovis program. Twelve persons have joined the Monterey Bay Academy faculty and staff for the 1976-77 school year. Two of the newcomers are Henry Garcia and Cynthia Carstensen, participants in the Youth Taskforce program, who are assisting the dormitory deans. Garcia, a PUC graduate whose studies focused on the psychology of social welfare, served as a resident assistant during his senior year. He is also assisting in the woodworking classes at MBA. Miss Carstensen is a sophomore religion major at PUC. Kathy Hall, a graduate of Walla Walla College, is MBA’s new assistant dean of girls. A journalism and English major at college, Miss Hall will also teach journalism and sponsor Monterey Bay Academy has welcomed these individuals to the faculty and staff. Front row (left to right): Larry Cooke, Charles Robaina, Hazel Nuefeld, Elder Paul Eagan, Sheila Yates, Henry Garcia. Back: David Sochor, David Baerg, Wes Kandoll, and Kathy Hall. Northern and Central California Conferences For Sabbath School Teachers, Division Leaders and Superintendents the student senate. David Sochor and Charles Robaina have joined the Versi-tron Industries team on campus. Robaina is a graduate of MBA, Class of 1971. Prior to his return he was food service director at Newbury Park Academy. Larry Cooke and Wes Kandoll have joined the dairy and laundry industries as work supervisors. Mark Johnson returns to David Baerg also has joined the maintenance department. He is responsible for keeping all of MBA’s vehicles in running operation. Baerg, father of physics instructor Bob Baerg, brings to his job more than 40 years of experience in automotive and diesel mechanics. He is now teaching Auto Mechanics II. Paul Eagen formerly pastored in Reedley and Orosi before joining the faculty last spring. Why do they wiggle so much? Our youth won't say a wordl Our teacher does all the talking. How can I get them to study? Our Sabbath school is a bore. MBA’s maintenance department. Pastor Eagan teaches freshman and sophomore Bible. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF OUR SEMINAR TO HELP YOU . . . 1. Experience and become skilled in using new methods 2. Know how to choose and use Bible-learning activities 3. Formulate and use learning objectives 4. Understand the age-level characteristics of your learners 5. Assist your students to apply Bible knowledge to their lives 6. Recruit and administer a teaching staff 7. Conduct an ongoing training program 8. Lead your Sabbath school more effectively 14 HOURS OF INTENSIVE TRAINING WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE • Staffed by specialists • Latest training techniques, group interaction, audio-visuals • Methods based on the Bible and divine counsels • You will be more confident, enthusiastic and equipped with better skills BIG WEEK IN SALINAS featured the Kiddie Kapers Parade— with the Salinas Pathfinders. Carrying the club banner were Kim McAlexander, Brenda Gabbard, Steven Sieber, and Chris Dever. San Francisco Series Is Slated PRE-REG I STRATI ON IS REQUESTED. Class size is limited so fill out form and mail NOW. Registration (includes text and/or handouts) $ 7.50 Meals (6 meals at $1.75) 10.50 Lodging (2 nights at $2 per night) 4.00 TOTAL $22.00 Parking RVs (light and water) $3 per night Be sure to bring warm bedding • Check-in Friday 4-6 p.m. • Seminar concludes Sunday, 12:30 If you can do so, please bring your own recreation vehicle to provide more room for others. Please Register Me in the Following Division: (check one) Early Childhood ( ) Childhood ( ) Youth ( ) Adult ( ) Administration ( ) Please Check One: Check enclosed ( ) Bill me ( ) Bill church ( ) NAME_________________________________ PHONE------------------------ ADDRESS________________________________________ CHURCH-------------------------------- CITY._______________ STATE___________ ZIP_________ Mail your registration to: Sabbath School Department, Central California Conference, Box 580, San Jose, CA 95106 The charter of the United Nations was signed there. Now a charter of salvation will be proclaimed there— San Francisco, the War Memorial Veterans’ Auditori-um, Saturday, October 23, at 7 p.m. Voice of Prophecy Evangelist Fordyce Detamore will open at that time a three-week, 21-meeting ‘‘New Life Crusade.” Elder Det-amore’s first-night topic is ‘‘The Other Side of Death: Mysteries of the Spirit World Exposed.” F. Detamore meet the people.” Potter is the pastor of the San Francisco Central Church, 2889 California Street. He and other pastors are ready to extend personal invitations to individuals in the city if names and addresses are sent to Pastor Potter immediately. Associated with Evangelist Detamore will be trombonist Emil Moldrik accompanied on the organ by his wife, Ruth. Former University of Southern California basketball star John Rudometkin will appear during the crusade with his unique witness to the saving and healing power of Christ. According to W. Armour Potter, manager of Elder Deta-more’s crusade, Elder Detamore has just come back from a campaign in the Orient. ‘‘He’s as energetic as ever,” says Potter. ‘‘When he arrived he was ready to visit all the San Francisco-area churches to preach and Elder Detamore’s nightly programs will be highlighted by color motion pictures he has taken during his extensive world travels. San Francisco’s War Memorial Veterans’ Auditorium is located at Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1976 5 ■■“gi-fwsaii )