Tflissionarp Tklorh. wherever they see them. They ( are glad to have some egg money recognize pictures of the lessons Lord, Thou hast seen my sinful lack mage and Mary C. Huffaker. Of patience and submissive grace, Tent Co. No. 4. Brethren C. When thou hast taken my blessings C. Webster, F. M. Fairchild and back And sent me sorrows in their W. E. Bidwell. Gilbert Iles place; will go as organist. For chasened thus, I could not see The work in the cities will For tears that Thou wast good to me. remain the same until camp FOr sin, that Thou was good to me. labor for the church. Lord, take them all and everyone, A new, square tent with fly Blessings and idols, each delight; But let me say "Thy will be done ;" will be furnished tent company And make me know Thy will is No. 2. right. The exact location of these I only ask to feel and see, My Lord is always good to me. tent companies has not been de- -MRS. E. B. HAUGHEY. cided upon as yet, but will be announced later. DISTRIBUTION OF LABOR. %)( Lord, I have murmured at my lot; meeting, when such changes as But feebly tried to do my part, And do Thy holy will, and not may seem best will be made. The weak devices of my heart; Brother Fred Fairchild will And, therefore, oft I could not see go to Ironton to canvass and etcome isitor. "then thev tbat feared the Mort) snake often one to another." VOL. IV. MT. VERNON, OHIO, MAY 4, 4900. NO. 43 MI-t PItetrontrViottor At the recent meeting of the conference committee and labor- ers held at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, April 17-20, was made the fol- lowing arrangement of work and distribution of labor for the sum- mer. Four tent companies will enter the field, all of them laboring in the southern part of the state. Tent Co. No. 1. Elders H. H. Burkholder, 0. F. Guilford and R. A. Boardman. Bible Work- ers, Bessie E. Russell and Annie E. Smith. Tent Co. No. 2. Elders A. G. Haughey and Albert Carey, and Brother M. C. Kirkendall. Bible Workers, Katherine E. WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN? came in from the barn one day Where are the children under with a bantam egg up to each the Third Angle's Message? The cheek and said, "I s'pose my Lord says, "Out of the mouth of bantams (a present from Auntie) babes and sucklings hast Thou are missionary hens." I feel so ordained strength because of thankful for the word. I love to Thine enemies, that Thou might- read it to my children and have est still the enemy and the aveng- them call for "more." I know it (Psa. 8 :2) . Why should is better than words of mine or not our children understand the anything else that I can read prophecies, and be able to present them, and I thought tonight as I them in their own simple way? read to them that it was easier Christ is our example in all for me to read aloud from the things, and He studied the word Bible than from any other book. till He was familiar with its say- I was tired when I sat down to ISSUED SEMI-MONTHLY BY THE OHIO S. D. A. CONFERENCE, MT. VERNON, OHIO. PRICE: 25 CENTS A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered at the Mt. Vernon Postoffice. E. Lindsay and A. C. Shannon, and Brother James Smith. ALWAYS GOOD. Bible Workers, Ella M. Tal- Miller and Mrs. A. Carey. Miss ings. At the age of twelve, He Mayme Wells will go with this was acquainted with the prophe- company to canvass. Tent Co. No. 3. Elders D. cies concerning Himself, and could astonish the wise men with His understanding and answers. When questioned with regard to His actions, He replied, "Wist ye not that I must be about My Father's buisness?" Are the little ones receiving the benefits from the Reading Circle that they should? Are these pre- cious lambs of the flock being fed with the Bread from heaven, that they, like Him, may astonish their listners with their under- standing? As Jesus' mother taught Him, so ought the children be taught today. Some realize this and are giving their children the at- tention and care which will cause them to make advancement in the divine life, as the following letter will show :- "Our school is still interested in the lessons and the message for today. My own little ones to send. Little four - year - old 2 THE WELCOME VISITOR. HOW TO TEACH I. Teach promptly. Be in time. A Sabbath-school teacher is the object lesson of the class. He should be an example of promptness in findiug hymns and Scripture lessons, and taking an attitude of devotion. A tardy teacher demoralizes the class. Teach earnestly. Enthusi- asm which takes possession of body as well as soul and mind, is contagious. Teach overflowingly. Get full of the lesson. Master it. Commence the first of the week to study. Teach ignorantly. Preach- ing is pouring out. Teaching is drawing out. Never tell a scholar what you can make him tell you. Draw out until the class is dry, then pour in of your fullness. Teach illustratively. Ran- sack your memory for illustra- tions from earth, or sky, or Bible, or experience. Our Savior never preached a sermon without a pict- ure. Teach suggestively—not to impart truth, but to awaken thought, that you may fix the truth. Never ask a scholar a question he can answer by yes or no- Teach impartially. One boy in the class is smart and he knows it. Another is dull, bash- ful, ignorant, and stupid. Never skip the poor stupid boy. You advertise him. Teach partially. Give the poser to the bright boy and en- courage the timid one with an easy question, and thus level the class. Teach parochially. You are the pastor of your class, and it is your buisness to look after them through the week. Let them feel that there is one to whom they can go in every hour of temptation. Call at their homes at least twice a year, and invite them to your house at least once a year. io. Teach patiently. Don't get out of patience with yourself. God has used teacheas as pooa as you. Don't get discouraged with the nervous, ill-behave, trouble- some boy. The worst boy needs you most. II. Teach prayerfully. Pray for yourself, for your class, over the truth, before you go, as you go, while you teach, as you come home.—REV. SMITH BAKER in S. S. Worker. SOON COMING CONVENTIONS. CANVASSERS' REPORT For week ending March 24, 1900. ORDERS VALUE Jay Raymond 20 $25 00 W. E. Bidwell 34 23 23 F. H. Henderson 6 13 85 L. A. Holobaugh 34 45 '00 Total .... ..... 94 $107 08 Week ending March 31, 1900. ORDERS VALUE W. E. Bidwell 52 36 99 W. S Huffaker 8 8 00 F. H. Henderson 9 00 Jay Raymond 23 29 00 Total 83 - $82 97 Week ending April 7. 1900. ORDERS VALUE W. E. 24 32 W. S. Huffaker...... 20 21 00 F. H. Henderson 9 00 Jay Raymond 30 37 75 Julia A. Tracy 1 75 Total 50 - $93 82 DELIVERIES VALUE W. E. Bidwell $ 35 04 Jay Raymond 87* 00 C. L. Wilson 66 50 read and when I finished I was rested." Where are the children ? Par- ents and teachers, Jesus is still saying, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not ; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." C. V. R. Our Sabbath Schools. A neat program of the Sab- bath School convention, to be held at Green Spring, May 19 and 20, has been received. The State officers expect to be in at- tendance, also other valuable help. All are invited to attend and bring a blessing with them, Pray that a great blessing may be received at this time. A district and Sabbath School convention has been arranged to be held at Newark, May I I to 13. This is the first convention hold in district No. 2, and we trust it will be a great success, because of the presence of the Holy Spirit, the great instructor. All in the district are invited to attend, and others who may be in convenient reach. ALBERT CAREY. L. A. Holobaugh F. M. Fairchild: W. E. Bidwell ....... Total 23 00 47 50 ... 44 45 $318 49. "THE NATIONAL GOVERN- MENT AND RELIGION." The foregoing is the title of No. 5, of the Religious Liberty Library, now ready. This is a sixteen page tract, containing both of the matchless Sunday mail reports quoted in American State Papers. Never before have both I these reports been printed together in cheap form. The price of this copy is only one cent, with the usual discount on orders of one hundred or more. This tract is standard matter that will never become old, hence no one need fear to order a good supply. Order from the tract society. "The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord ; but He loveth him that followeth after righteousness." THE WELCOME VISITOR. 8 I have ever been thankful that I have had the privilege of at- tending this school. Of the three years that I have attended this school this last has been the best, not only because of mental advancement but of spiritual growth. Our motto, "They shall all be taught of God," is verified daily in every study. God's hand may be seen guiding in everything, domestic duties as well as school work. I have learned most valuable lessons in my experience here that can never be found in books. It is such a blessing to have God- fearing teachers who show by their daily example that they love to serve the blessed Master. My only regret is that there are not more young people to share these blessings with us. May God bless and prosper His work here is my earnest prayer. CLARA HAMPEL. It is with pleasure that I have the privilege of writing a few words in the interests of the Academy. I have received many blessings and learned val- uable lessons since coming to the Academy, and I shall look back on this year's work as a profitable one. The Lord has been working among us in a marked manner, and we can see the evidence of His power to soften and subdue hearts in many. To all the young people of the state of Ohio who wish to receive a Christian education, I would say, plan to come to Mt. Vernon Academy. By availing your- selves of the opportunity of at- tending this institution of learn- ing, you can receive a training which will fit each one for your future field of usefulness. WILLIAM KIMBLE. Mic:•LtrIt -Vert-Lori _Academy. to do anything that He will not give us grace to accomplish. I ( Vernon AcabemQ. felt that this was a school of _ ---- ----- God's own planting, and I knew FROM THE STUDENTS. that His spirit was here in a marked manner. And though I I thank God for the privilege of attending this school. I have through sickness, in His own learned many valuable lessons good time He saw best to heal since coming here, though per- me. I am now rejoicing in the haps not so much from books as love of a risen Savior, and can some. Yet I trust that I have thank God that I am here in a learned lessons of faith in God place of learning where I know which will never be forgotten. that He is pleased to dwell, and Two years ago last September, where I can be taught by those I came here with the intention of who are seeking daily instruction attending the school throughout from the All-Wise Teacher. the year, but was called home The great Physician still does live two months later on account of That in ages long gone by, the sickness of my mother. Al_ Did to the helpless new life give, though I alWays had a desire to And heard their weary cry. He heals disease of every kind. Ye return after spending that short weary, sick of sin, time here, I never saw my Come to this Savior, and you'll find way quite clear to do so until He gladly takes you in. last September. And but for be- True happiness is only found lief that the Lord had something In serving Christ while here; If forth His praises you but sound good in store for me here, I This life will not be drear. should not have come then, as This loving Savior for you died my health was very poor and had Upon the cruel cross; been for two years past. From In agony His soul was tried; a human standpoint, it did not You need not suffer loss. seem of any use to start into Then enter now while yet 'tis light, school. But the Lord said come While yet you see there's room. ' The day of mercy turns to right. and I came on His promises, And this will fix your doom. knowing that He never asks US —KATE KELSAY. had many lessons to learn This is my third year at the Academy, and these have been the most profitable years of my life, as well as the most enjoy_ Asleep in Jesus. ) 4 C oil 4 THE WELCOME VISITOR. able ones. Surely the Lord's hand is guiding in the work done here, and His spirit is impressing many grand and noble lessons on our hearts. It is my earnest de- sire that many more may have the opportunity of coming here and enjoying the blessings we enjoy. FLORA A. EVANS. YOUNG. - At Toledo, .0., April 1 2 , two, fell asleep, Mrs. Tillie J. Young, nee Avery. Sister Young was born at Bowl- ing Green, O., Jan. II, 1852 and married at the same place June 2, 1879. Her husband, J. 0. Young, and only son, Gurney, with her aged parents, two broth- ers and two sisters, survive her, and were all present at the buri- al services held at Bowling Green April 15. The special blessing which John the Revelator heard a voice from heaven tell him to write of the "dead that die in the Lord from henceforth," (Rev. 14 :13), will fall certainly to her. Her life on earth has been one of self-denial and devoted ser- vice. Early in youth, she ac- cepted the Third Angel's Mes- sage, and from that date until her death her testimony in word and deed was clear and constant for the truth, to the glory of the Father and Son. The circle of her experience in this world was circumscribed, limited to a small radius about the place of birth ; but that her experience in the things of the "world to come" were deep and broad, all who knew her, saint and sinner, came forward to bear willing wit- ness. In church capacity every duty came as a privilege and each detail was worked out with utmost care. During some months past, she was secretary of the S. S. at Toledo. Here her faithfulness in smallest mat- ters, like holy oil annointed all the sessions of the school. The last Sabbath but one before her death she acted strangely, and in the light of what follow- ed she must have foreseen her possible death. She asked to be relieved from duty on the plea that she might not be able to at- tend any more. She did not suffer in the last portion of her illness, and the last day she spent mostly in singing and praising God. In the evening of the eleventh, her manner changed to quiet rest until 6 o'clock of the morning of the twelfth, when her life gently passed out. Many times during her illness she joined in prayer, and gave assurance of her whole trust in God. Repeatedly she would say, "It is all right." It is not for man to eulogize the dead, but the works of such as those of this dear sister not only "follow them" in the glorious fact that such works go with them, but also they follow in the influence left behind upon the living. The funeral was largely attended, two buggy loads coming from Liberty Cen- ter, some twenty miles away, where she had lived and labored a number of years before moving to Toledo. May she rise at the special resurrection (Dan. 12 : 2 ; Rev. t :7.) at the voice of the Father, and come forth glorified "to hear God's covenant of peace with those who have kept his law." (G. C. 637.). M. S. BABCOCK. SPENCER. - On Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1900, Forrest Welty Spencer, aged five years, and five months, died at Hicksville, Ohio. "Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears ; thy work shall be reward- ed, saith the Lord ; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy." "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, .that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." Funeral services were held on Friday, Feb. 23, at the home of Brother Burr in Hicksville. A. C. SHANNON. ITEMS OF INTEREST. E. A. Merriam spent Sabbath, April 29, with the Spencer church. Commencement Monday eve- ning, May 14, at eight o'clock : all are invited to attend. Misses Bertha Gibson and Dorothy Zeidler, both students at the Academy, have gone to Battle Creek to take the nurses' course. We are sorry to learn that sister Eva Johnson is sick with fever and unable to carry on her Bible work. We hope that she may be better soon. We are pained to announce that Sister June Fairchild has at last succumbed to the dread dis- ease consumption. She died Tuesday morning, April 25. Prof. Field has been absent from school a few days, on ac- count of the death of his mother- in-law, Mrs. Stuart, who died Thursday morning, April 26. The deceased was taken to Bat- tle Creek for interment. Elder C. A. Smith and family left Mt. Vernon April 18, for Wisconsin, where they expect to spend the summer. They will return to their home in the fall. It is hoped that the summer's outing will prove beneficial to Elder Smith's health, which has been in poor condition for some time. "He that winneth souls is wise."