-6 - This is a work of high character and tremendous scope. It surely marks Loma Linda as A Place and Work of Great Imvortance "Loma Linda has been specified to me as a very important place, and one which demands the best Bible teacher we can supply. There are promising youth here who are to be qualified to fill important positions in the work.. They should have the best class of instructors and capable Bible teachers who understand the truth of the word. The truth and righteousness revealed in the word of God is to be the stronghold of our workers. D-196-1908, Medical Ministry, p. 58. A Great Advance — The establishment of the College of Medical Evangelists registers a grsat forward movement as indicated by the following statement: SA "To-day we are combining the work of ministry and of healing as we have rever done before. We are working to educate our people how to treat the body in sickness, how to regain health, and how to keep well when health is restorsd."” M5. =95-1908, Medical Ministry, p. 63. It is such statements as these that have pointed the way and constantly urged us onward in the development of the institution which we have at the present tine. Nct one in the pioneer days of the Medical Colleze foresaw what it would come to ba. We entered upon the undertaking by faith; surely not by sight. We had 1ittla to start with beyond the Divine instruction to go forward. Men and organizations of the world warned us not to waste our timeand money in what would surely prove to be failure~ a nonument of folly.