6 SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD As a general rule the last six months of the year are less taxing on our expense budget and the income usually a little better. If that is the ease this year, we hope to show at the close of the year an operating gain of somewhere between seventeen hundred and two thousand dollars. This, of course, means that the in- debtedness of the conference has been reduced again by that amount. This gain has been made possible through the faithful support of the entire con- stituency. Some of our members have been donating quite liberally toward the conference operating, Doctor Herbert Westphal who started pract- ice in the lower Rio Grande valley a vear ago last September, made a dona- tion of five hundred dollars toward evangelism, which goes into our oper- ating. Others have made good offer- ings. We appreciate this greatly, and wish to thank our faithful people for their loyal support in our endeavors to operate the conference on the ba- sis of getting out of debt and bring- ing more people into the truth. G. F. EIcHMAN. Goose Creek Effort “CHURCHANITY?” instead of Christianity seems to prevail in this part of the field; but in spite of the great amount of prejudice here in Goose Creek and surrounding towns, about twenty or more new people have taken their stand for the truth, and will soon be ready for baptism and church membership. For several weeks a number have given up their tobacco and have attended services here on Sabbath. Studies have been given to others, who we hope and pray soon will de- cide to accept all the truth and be- come part of the true church. The daily newspaper here has print- ed reports of our meetings, thereby aiding in getting the truth before the people. Those assisting Elder Jere D. Smith in this effort are: Miss Addie Mae Kalar, Miss Jerrine Gage and the writer. Our closing meeting will be July 21. We solicit your prayers. R. E. LYNN. News Notes G. F. Eichman and J. A. Tucker spent Thursday and Friday at Salmon and Douglass in the interest of the work in general, Dr. G. A. King was in Fort Worth on a business trip last Thursday. At the present time Doctor King is lo- cated at Flatonia. Among those who visited the con- ference office last week were Prof. R. L. Carr and Mrs. Dora Parkins and daughter Del Laverne, of Keene. Roy Cole of Jefferson spent one day at the conference office replacing the ceiling in one of the office rooms. The Book and ‘Bible House workers are busy getting plans laid for a good display of our books at camp- meeting. They are expecting to have a larger display of books than we have had for a long time. Come prepared to take advantage of the special camp- meeting discounts. G. F. Eichman spent Sabbath at Orange, where a new church was or- ganized. G. A. Schwerin organized a new Mexican church at Mercedes on Sab- bath, July 6. This church was organ- ized with a charter membership of 39. Miss Nadine Harris, our depart- mental office secretary, returned to her duties Sunday morning after spending a week of her vacation with her sister and family in New Hope. R. P. Montgomery, President T. R. Gardner, Secretary 419 | TEXICO CONFERENCE | Rencher 8t., Clovis | i Another Call to Campmeeting IF YOU fail to attend campmeet- ing this year you will miss a great spiritual blessing. We are counting strongly on a great spiritual feast at Roswell. You should be there. We need you. You need the camp- meeting. Will you come? People over the conference are writ- ing in inquiring about the meeting, and are looking forward to it. Brethren, we are living in serious times. The end is rapidly drawing near. You and I need to prepare for it. We should come aside for prayer, study, and devotion, in order that we might get ready to meet the Lord. Plan now, pray that the Lord will open the way before you. Bring the young people and children. Good help will be provided for them. R. P. MONTGOMERY. On Top of the World TWO weeks ago Brother Chas. Van Dusen and I spent two days working in the lumber camps out in the mount- ains west of Albuquerque. We took orders on both sides of the Contin- ental Divide. One was taken right on top—on the “backbone of Amer- ica.” We felt on “top of the world” in more ways than one. Going down the Western Slope we took orders so fast that we continued our work until others were in bed. While looking for a place to spend the night we noticed a campfire out in the hills. Following its light we came to a group of lumbermen who were gathered there to overcome the chill of the mountain air. Brother Van Dusen accepted the courteous offer of the only piece of furniture in camp— a board bench, and mastered the sination by demonstrating his work in the flickering light of the camp- fire and taking an order for Bible Readings in the best binding. Our total sales for that day’s work was $81.75. Surely the Lord is blessing the work. In looking over the records of the past we find some very interesting things. The month of June showed the largest sales for any one month in the past five years. Our delivery was also the best June delivery in the same length of time. Already this year the colporteurs have sold nearly as many books as were sold during any entire year since 1930. The deliveries for the first half of this year show a 120 per cent gain over the same period of last year. If you feel impressed to help sound the last warning message will you not answer the call now? F. B. MOORE. Thirteen Baptized at Plainview ON SABBATH morning July 6, the first communion service was held in the Plainview church with the new believers from Floydada in attend- ance. This was the first meeting to- gether of the two groups of believers. In the afternoon a baptismal serv- ice was held in one of the Baptist churches, at which time thirteen new believers were received into the Plain- view church. Three entire families were represented in this new group. A sweet spirit of Christian fellowship prevailed through both services, and the occasion will long be remembered by all who were present. The believ- ers in Plainview and Floydada feel deeply the need of the prayers of those who make up the great family of God’s people in the Southwestern Union Conference. C. A, WALGREN,