ECHOES FROM THE FIELD, * * When He giveth quietness, who then can make trouble? and when He hideth his face, who then can behold Him,” He “that walketh righteously and speaketh uprightly” shall behold Him. Isa. 33:13-24. "He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the muni- tions of rocks; bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. Thine eyes shall see the King in His beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.” My brother, my sister, shall we behold the King in His beauty and in His beau- tious home? Some will; why not us? “Evry one that shall be found written in the book” “shall be delivered,” at that solemn time. Shall you be delivered? Shall I be delivered? Are our names “in the book?” Will they be “in the book’ when probation closes? If in the book then, they will remain there for- evermore. We need never worry over the results to us in the time of trouble, if our names are “in the book” when that time commences, May we so daily trust and serve the Master that we may, unto the end, experience the meaning of His words, “Rejoice, because your names-are written in heaven.” H. M. J. RICHARDS. FIELD REPORTS. Greeley. A few weeks ago the Conference Com- mittee asked me to visit Greeley and hold Bible readings with those who be- came interested in the trath, as the result of the debate held there. ; My work in Greeley was very pleasant, and 1 trust will result in good to the cause of truth. We are sure that several will soon unite with this people. - Others are interested and we believe these ~ should have the privilege of attending a series of tent meetings this summer. Sisters Dow and Barger have an inter- ested class of readers, and they will surely see good results from their work. May the good work in Greeley continue. Mrs. E. WARFLE. The Temperance Work. During the last month I have had the opportunity to scatter over 300 copies of our Temperance Number of the /zx- strucfor. 1 had several left from last year which I have given away with the address of the meetings in our church on 11th and Kalamath street stamped on the inside of cover page. I have visited ministers of other denominations and “time. presented the papers, bought a copy in English, also one in Swedish; and he expressed himself sev- eral times while looking through the paper, as being pleased with its appear- ance. At first he was a little surprised that the Seventh-day Adventist people took part in the temperance work, I then had the privilege of telling him that we as a denomination do all we can to forward the blessed cause. Afterwards we talked for two hours about the Sab- bath, baptism and the state of the dead. Several of the young people in that - pastor's church are very interested in the Truth, Last Sunday afternoon they had for subject in the Young Peoples’ meeting, “The Third Commandment”— in the Bible the fourth, vited me to be present, so I did so. Talso had the opportunity to give my testi- mony that I was saved through Christ; and that I kept the seventh day and not the first,— the day that God rested upon and blessed and sanctified,—and that we should obey God rather than man, After the meeting was over I had to go right away as we had a meeting in the even- ing, but there were six who came to our meeting. Five of them we believe will soon obey the Truth, The enemy is working very hard to hinder the Lord's work; but he can do nothing if we use every opportunity to stand up for the word of God, and work with our good books, papers and tracts, Now is the time to scatter the Temper- ance Number of the Youth's Instructor. Yours in the Master's service, CARL SVENSON. With the Canvassers. Brother Bailey sent in an order for sixty-eight Bible Readings for his May “delivery. We are glad to see these good books being placed in the homes of the people. There are thousands of people who ~ reports, with the exception of one or two, are ready to'buy our good books if they only had a chance. Shall we who know this truth be contented to stay at home and not give them at least a chance? How shall we answer in the day of judg- more encouraged to remedy the neglect, May the Lord ment, when these cases come up un- warned and unsaved? help us to take courage to go, if He is calling us by His spirit to take up some "branch of the work. Sister Locke writes that she has found her life’s work, and hopes to remain in the canvassing field until the close of These are the kind of workers that the Lord wants, for there is nothing else for us to do but give the message. One of. them Some had in- . Wwe are Brother William North quit his work in the store the first of May, and is going to give all his time to the canvassing - work. Sister Rohwer is doing good work in Denver, but on account of- sickness has not been able to put in full ti Brother Becker is also doing faithful work in Denver, We are glad to see men at the head of families take up this work. It sets an examsle for those that are just starting out in life, and causes them to have a desire to have a part in the Lord’s work. During the month of March there was only one conference in the Central Union that sold more books than East Colora- do. We are glad that Colorado is not all burnt over yet, The more books the people have in their homes, the easier it is for the canvasser to sell them another one, C. B. SurToN. Missionary Volunteers, We have received very encouraging reports from those who have worked with the special Temperance number of the Youth's Instructor. So far there have been ordered for this Conference 3,305 copies, and no doubt if all had done their duty, a much higher number could have been reached. However, any number can be ordered yet from the office. Al- though some have failed to avail them- selves of this special opportunity, yet encouraged over what has been done and we know that the active ones have experienced a great blessing. We feel that when another opportunity is given, even a ‘greater number will respond. Something should be said in regard to both the society and individual reports. Some of these have not been handed ‘in as promptly as they should, and especial- ly is this true of members belonging to the state society. Nearly all the society are in, while only three members belong- ing to the state society have reported. By considering the importance of this reporting system, possibly you will be While you might feel that your small report would never be noticed in making up the great grand total, yet every little counts. It is only the dripping of small drops of water on the hard granite which finally wears it away. Se itis with your seemingly small repért, which helps to develop the great final summary, A re- port should not be handed in to show HOW MUCH you are capable of doing, but