4 PACIFIC UNION RECORDE PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PUBLISHED WEEKLY Ly the Paciric Uxjoxn CONFERENCE OF SEVENTII-DAY Mountain ADVENTISTS Jew. Cal. Subscription Price, IMifty Cents a Year Editorial Committee H.W. Cotirell Claude Conard J. J. Ireland Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1906, at the Post-office at Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. dantvanry 17, TI =DAY, 1907, The Calitorpia Conference Conpmitiec Pobd oo mneetinge or the confeicnee olilce holding wr Movoiarn aea, fos San dav, the he to fy planes for the coming conference ARN TER Jose, Prrothiren Cf, renstrer ot the Calitornta Troet Soetervs WO HTL Covell, and Ja Tec hined mand a trip to FToalds- i : CN URI no bore the fntter part of dst weer tn hn interests of the Tren Smociety wor They vetvened Monday poriniog, Dirother 11 HL ted tert Mountain View loasi Phos evening for College Poe, ER IRTRRT ESR TENS the atten Robert Lio, a hoy wate oes eel [EARS TRITEAL Woah, toate theo : 1 colette Ye ne il of this month esac rnnher rom the acifie Press, Bom 0 week to Pororher WW Tiree ded Pot band, where hie nseisioag Vo Namde an the afitee van fone for the convention, Corbis was in Monta [dey Jb 0), View the first of the week aotendhing the Heo ves Stondiiy one conference conimitlee meeting, tarned To Suerninenio SETREETR too watch develoreents tn the Soedee closine sovemeni tn the Leoishature, olor @0orbiee vents a pvibey af ie 1 teresting tadks with Assemblviven, many posed tony stens cfowhor seem to he ti a tendite vowed Sanda od state, EE (Jest Ticiniits (il [ie Mission A Copy ol : —-— tool hie To bis Just rottie to and (RRR Flix hp nah lisbon Mass, . Cy crohns og eal nly, — n Pan . H est, at ToS-To7 Staniiord Sv, Boston, 1 ciated AVY Ee Sen | . VERE Cad to, R a. [EN ARR LITEEE HS EEE the Jona REP citer, We believe that tins paper huis GO ister mii=sion on the world, and shauld he widely civenlated among that nationality ane this country. Have von netohbors or Acquainranees who oe Jews? Why not interest them in read: me this paper that as published espe ciofly for them. The subseviption price iso twenty-five cents a vear. Order os above, Word has Year's Dav, of the botler-room and main butlding of the Bethel Nend- Bethel, Wis, The fire started at about 5:30 in the morning in ihe reached us of the harning, aN ew cin, ad how, 1t 1s not known, Althoueh the fire botler-room, just burned very slowly, nothime could be done to stop it, as the Woiter supplyowas cut off, the pumping chant being in the hotler-room. No one wis hurt, and nearly everything of vada me the way of school supplies, clothing, carried from the furniture, ote. was buildings before they were consumed, The cirls have heen provided for in the homes bovs™ dormitory renmeins, and the of the people who reside near the Nead- inv. School werk will be continued. Mrs. Andrew Speedie, formerly a Be San Francrsen, Wiash., “We have no chareh Ble worker and norse in vweltes from Conconully, where he is now living: here, aud only ao few members who core able ta meer regnlavly for sabbath schol, which was organized last Apel meet during the woe of prayer except on the Sabbath had the been We were not able to hot the most of us readings. Axa result owe leove hlossed, and mode ta feel our need of doing mare for the mesawee here, We decided to have o club oi Nigax, At Hirst we thought of taking five copies, but now have thirteen, bam two more hetore hen} aed Too hoping to vet mating the order, Tam doing what medical missionary work Ioaom able to do, and amo meadking an effort to get oo plovsicinn located here,” I I Notice Wanted, help-=Six vonng or middle docd women for work, chamber ~~ pantry matds, faundry work, eter One hoy from