a tpn THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL 7 WHAT IS THE DIVINE SEAL OF GOD? If the 144,000 are sealed with the seal ef God in their foreheads, Rev. 14, then it becomes us to know with no uncertainty what that seal is. There has been much said about ‘the seal of God,” and “the mark of the beast.” Some have said, “The mark of the beast was sprinkling for baptism,” others said it was the Sunday institution in the place of the observance of the proper Sabbath. The opposer of the money power says it is the money power, and the love of money. That is the mark or seal of the beast. As to what it is there has been no end to the positions taken. Sabbath keepers (and myself, also in the past, included) claimed the seal of God to be the Sabbath. They show that that commandment con- tains every requirement of a legal seal as affixed to a law in order to place the law in force. This argument is placed in a plausible setting. They also then reason on the same basis to show that the Sunday institution 18 of Papal origin and it constitutes the mark of the beast. This also at first thought looks very plausible. But can a law or any single commandment of a law be truly said to be the seal to that law? We reply, No. No law or seal is so used in the world. In every transaction of legality where a seal is required the law and the seal are two seperate things. The seal is that which places and gives power to the law or document when placed to it by an official authorized to affix the seal of his authority and office he holds. This is too positive and plain to question by any hence no commandment of God or of any other power cal possibly be the seal or mark of that power. Every child of God that will ever be saved must be sealed. Paul says: “That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which arein heaven and which are on earth; even in him. “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being pre- destinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: “That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, “Which is the earnest of our inheritance yntil the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.”—Eph. The apostle is very plain in the above showing how all are saved. He says, “They heard the word of truth and after they heard it were then sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise till the day of our redemp- tion. He further says that seal is the earnest (or pledge) given us. This needs no comment as to the manner of the sealing of God’s children. Namely, it is the Holy Spirit that does the work after the indivi- dual has hearf and accepted the word of God. The Holy Spirit witnesses to it and thus places its seal upon them. In our civil national order the official appointed for the purpose affixes his seal and that place the document in full force. Just so in God’s realm the word is taught. If the mind receives it, then the Holy Spirit, the one divinely appointed, places its seal of the acceptance of the word by the individual, and they are sealed by writing that word in the mind and heart of the individual by the Holy Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:1-4. The individual’s name is then recorded in the heavenly record, The name of Israel and Jew is ap- plied to them by the Lord and thus they are sealed. Then we ask again, What is the seal? We reply, It is the Holy Spirit. With men the impression is made either by writing with a pen or some instrument made for the purpose, with God the impression is made by the Holy Spirit upon the heart. The Next Point. In order to obtain the seal of God the individual in his reception of the word receives Christ as his King His Redeemer. They then become citizens of His kingdom. They obey His laws and no other. Christ alone is their Master. Him alone they serve. In every test as to which power they will obey, they obey but one and that is Christ. They cannot serve two masters. Strict loyalty is ever the test. So far as Christ's word permits and no further can they go to please others. This includes every commandment Christ ever gave, as the Author and Finisner of our faith. It includes every testimony of Christ througn His divinely appointed prophets as recorded in the Bible. They add nothing to His word, neither take anything from it. The Father’s name is then in their forehead (mind). They know nothing but Christ and Him crucified as their Redeemer and Master. Thus they are sealed (marked) for the kingdom of God. Their character is accepted. The Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand. The last work to be done, is to seal 144,000 of all the tribes of Israel, 12,000 of each tribe. It is said of this num- ber that they get the victory over the beast and his image. They have the name of their God in their foreheads. The prophet Ezekiel calls this work of Sealing in the ninth chapter, the marking of them in their foreheads, by the one having the writer's ink horn by his side. The one thus de- scribed is a representative of the Holy Spirit. The individuals marked are those who cry and sigh for the abominations done in the midst of Jerusalem. (The professed Church.) Following the work of marking, the remainder of Jerusalem are all slain, both old and young. Thus the word mark, and seal are synonmous in this case. The work here described is the same as the gathering of the Remnant out of Babylon before her destruction takes place by the falling of the plagues. Note: Babylon is composed of the various organiza- tions of Christendom. Hence, the time of separation finally comes when every false doctrine held must be given up be- fore the seal can be placed on the mind of the Remnant of Israel. But that is not all there is to consider. There is anoth- er power that demands obedience to it and that power is the Beast and Its Image, which has a mark or seal also. How shall we learn what is the mark of the beast? We reply just as we did the Seal of God. We learned that in order to have the seal fo God we were to hear God’s Word and receive it in our hearts and acknowledge God as our sovereign, our King, and with willing hearts obey His laws and require- ments. From His organization of Government down, It re- quired strict adherence to all the Lord required, just so with the civil power of the beast. The beast is simply carrying out its King’s (Satan's) demands. Its King is Satan, he is the god of this world. It is he that says *‘I will exalt my throne above the throne of the most high.” It is he that demands obedience from all his subjects. His system of worship is baal worship from the earliest times. He worships the planets and nature as his god. “He is the Prince of the power of the air. His doctrines are the doctrines of devils.” His organiza- tions are a counterfeit of God's organization, in both church and state. His system is under the rule of the beast. It js the union of Christianity and Baal combined. It is the mystery of iniquity. The authority at the head of his work on earth is ‘‘the son of perdition.” He sits in the temple of God, showing himself to be God.” His daughter is the Mother of Babylon, his grand daughters are the daughters as now organized throughout Christendom.