ER 4, 1844. h if It of the ing men. lorioua' earth re It . sia; the goat, is Grecia ; and the little horn, It- of ke n thee that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee, and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another ; because thou knewest nut the time of thy visita- tion." 1 Pet. 1 : 9---11, " Searching what, or what manner of time the spirit of Christ, Which was in them, did signify .when it testified before- hand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow." Isa. 40 : 1-5; Acts 17 : 30, 31, " He hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness." Ecc. 8: 5-7, " Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing ; and a wise man's heart dis- cerneth both time and judgment." THE SIX THOUSAND YEsits.--sThe period of time allotted for this world, in its present state, f is.60dicyears, at the termination of which corn- of Days comes, the judgment is set, the Son of meters the great millennial F-bbatli, spoken of Man comes in the olouds of heaven, Ad the God in Rev. 20, and which will be, 'ushered in by the of heaven sets up akeiefizill kingdtp. There- personal appearing of Christ- 'U'the first Resur- fore the 2300 days; •viticti liztend the• time rectiqin; see Isa. 46 : 9, 10 ; : 1-3 ; Heb. when the exceishieg ereat hotit*to be "broken 4 : 4-9 ; Isa. xi. 10 ; 2 Pet. • According to without hands,'"rand to the " las. end -of the Usher's chronology, which is mod), received, indignation" are so years, at 'twee at tv1; Christian Era cornmenc a the year of the the coming of Jesus in ,plo.nds I( WI. 'The rid 4001 ; but Usher has lost, mostly in the period comtnenctd wit64414 le. i of Dan. ' • • - • tine of the judges, 163 years. This should be 9 : 24, which a termina or, cil , ttpd con- Aided to the age of the world, making for the stitute a part cif e 2300' days:. icy must commencement of the Christian era 4157, or in therefore commence together. From 'terse $11, other words, 4156 and a fraction, had passed at we learn that they begin at theigutiAdforsh of the supposed point of the birth of Christ. De- the commandment or decree4O firs10914._iiii .to darting this from 6000 years, the remainder is build Jerusalem. The point of time 'irtitnwebieb 1S43 and a fraction. Therellitthe period will to reckon, must be either when the decliMe was end within A. D. 1811. * first issued, or %wistwit was carried into'extentioit; Tlig SEVEN TIMES OF nit GENTILES.---The it could not be • theii fermsr, because ids- dative seven times of Gentile domination overthe church embraces all that was decreed by Cyrus, Darius, of God, spoken of in Lev. 26, began with the and Artaxerxes, king4 of Persia. See ha. 44 : breaking of the pride of their power, at the cap- 28 ; Isa. 45: 13 ; 2 Chron. 36 : 22, VI; Ezra I; tivity of. Manasseh, king of Jilidah, B. C. 677. 1-4:, Ezra 0 : 1-15 ; Ezra 7. Thr der r, Isa. 10 : 5-12 ; Jer. 15 : :1-is9 ; Jer. 1 : 17 ; embraces three grand objects : the li . ing hron. 33 s 9-11. This is t14 date assigned the temple, the restoring of the Jewish maims- by All chronologers for that evetit. The seven wealth, and the building of the stre tr.veaH. prophetic times oust to 2520' ears. As.proof Now had the 70 weeks, whictrit to 410 of tilis, see Rev. 12 : 6-14, where 3 1-2 times are years, commenced with the first is of the equivalent to 1260 years. A time therefore con- decree, B.C. 536, they would have e d B.C. sists of 360 solar years, whick multiplied by 7 46 ; but 69 weeks were to extend to the mani- make 2520. Had this periolltsanmenced with festation of Messiah the Prince, and the 70th, or the 1st day of B. C. 677, it wouianave terminated last week, covers the time of his crucifixion : with the first day of A. a ,1,44, for 677 full we Must therefore of necessity reckon from the other point, that is, the promulgation and ex n- 2520 ie hand, and 1843 once other, make 2520 'co Clete years. It has :been supposed tion of the decree in Judea. From litzri 7: 8. 9, we learn that Ezra began to go up on the firit that the i •riod would end in A.. D. 1843. But as a part ',f B. C. 677 is le ' i. correspond- day of the t month, and arrived Jerusalem' _At._ .i.F. ;lig i,--71.,f A. D. I 4-1;---x--- - dA in to *mirk, d$411 the fir. an' .4-46.4torivz-.--41"- 1p ;41-a,ch the period complete. It must have been in au- year of Artaxerxes, B.C. 457. 11 sing arrived at Jerusalem, he appointed magistrates •• and tumn that Manasseh was taken captive. As proof of this, see Hosea 5 : 5 ; Isa. 7 : 8 ; Isa. judges. and restored the Jewish Commonwealth, h lthe, 10 : 11. Hosea declares that Ephraim t=ad Is- under the protection of the king of Persia, a rael shall fall, and that Judah also shall fall with was fully authorized to do by the decree of Ar- tsxerxes. This necessarily required some little time. and brings na to the point when, the re- storing having been effected, the building of the street and wall commenced. The 70 weeks are divided into three parts : 7 weeks, 62 weeks, and 1 week: see Dan. 9: 25. The connexion shows that the 7 weeks were allotted for the building of the street and wall. They therefore commenced when they began to build, in the autumn of B.C. 457: from that point,2300 years reach to the autumn of A.D. 1844. THE SEVENTY WEEKS.-The 69 weeks extend to the manifestation of the Messiah. It has been thought by many that this was at his baptism; but this is a mistake-as fully appears from John 1, 19-34. There we learn, that after the baptism of Christ, he was not known to the Jews as the Messiah. John says, verse 26, " There standeth one among you whom ye know not ;" and in verses 33, 34, be declares that he knew him not, till he saw the Spirit descending and remaining en him at his baptism, which was previous to Iris giving this testimony. There is no proof that any one save John saw the Spirit thus descending. This proof therefore that Jesus was the Messiah, was given to none but John, unless it was given to others in John's testimony. But this testimony of John was not sufficient fully to establish the point ; for Jesus declares, John, 5 : 33, 34, " Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto the truth. But I receive not testimony from man." In verse 36, Christ says, " But I have greater witness than thkt of John ; for the works which the Father bath given tn• to finish, the same works that 14o bear witness Our blessed Lord and Master has promised that he will come again and receive his people to himself, that where he is, they may be also. The place where he and they are to dwell for- ever, is the New-Jerusalem, that holy city, which God bath prepared for them, and which is to come down from God out of heaven, and that New-Earth, wherein dwelleth righteous- ness. Concerning the time of that coming, he sa in Mark 13 : 32, " But of that day and knoweth no man, no, not the angels which in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.' is thought by many, that this passage prove men are never to know the time. Bu prove this, itilikewise proves that the God himself is never to know the time : passage declares precisely the same co him, that it does concerning angels a os 43ut can any person believe that our Lord, to whom all power in heaven is given, is, and will remain, ignorant of the time until the very moment that he comes to judge the world ? If not, then certainly this text can never prove that men may not be made to un- dersthnd-the time. An old English version of the passage-reads, " But that day and hour no man maketh knoWn, wither the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." The word know is used here in the same sense as it is by Paul in 1 Cor. 2 : 2. Paul well un- derstood many other. things, besides Christ and him crucified, but he determined to make know: nothing else among them. So in the passage first quoted, it is declared that none but God the s Father maketh n flown the day and hour, that is, sslAo tic:finite ehiteneeecl his And this necessarily implies that God makes the time known. The Old Testament contains the testimony of the Father concerning his Son, and concerning the time of both his fist and second comings. Therefore the time is to be under- stood. See Dan. 12 : 10, " Many shall be puri- eiem ;: Isaiah represents the King of Assyria as lied, and made white, arid tried; but the wicked threatening to do to Jerusalem as he had done shall do wickedly ; and none of the wicked s to Samaria ; therefore the final carrying away understand ; but the wise shall understand." of the ten tribes was before the invasion of Ju- is by the teaching of his word,' as,we are led dah, and in the same year. The prophecy of therein by the Holy Spirit, that we are to under- Isa. 7 : 8, is correctly dated B. C. 742 ; 65 years stand the time of the coming of our Gsoatous from that point bring us to B. C. 677. In that KIND. As further proof of this, see Dan. 9 25, year was the final breaking of Ephraim, that it " Know tHerefore and understand, that from the should not be a people. The history of this we going forth of the commandment, to restore and find in 2d Kings, 17th chapter. Kings did not go build Jerusalem, unto the Messiah, the Prince, forth Oh their warlike expeditions in autumn or shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two winter, but in spring or summer. Therefore in weeks." Mark 1 : 14, 15, " Now afte spring or summer of B. C. 677, Esarhaddon, and John was put in prison, Jesus came i the Assyrians commenced removing the rem- lee, preaching the gospel of the K. nant of the ten tribes out of the cities of Sama- God, and saying the tone is fulfill via ; and when they had accomplished this, they 19 : 43, 41, " For the day shall come s brought foreigners and placed them in their stead to inhabit those cities. Having performed, this work, which necessarily occupied some months, they were then ready to invade Judah, so that in the autumn of B. C. 677 they took the city of Jerusalem, and bound her king with fetters and carried him to Babylon. From that time 2520 years reach to the autumn of A. D. 1S44. Then the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, the dit- pensation of the fullness of times will come, the Redeemer will come to Zii4n, and all Israel shall be saved. THE 2300 DAYS.-The 2300 days of Dan. 8 : 14, are given as the length of the vision con- tained in that chapter. The ram, is Meio-Per- which waxed exceeding great, is Rome. From the 2nd and 7th chapters of Daniel. we learn, that Rome will come to its end when the Ancient efane, that the father bath sent me." The mi. I pot, to God, the e Heb Lexicon de- ist." The testimony alone was not sufficient to establish the fact, that Jesus had risen from the dead. There- the fore we are told, Mark 16 : 20, " And they went wa death , firth, and preached everywhere, the Lord work- of Christ. This event took place, accorslin o ing with them, and CONFIRMING the won! by signs Dr. Hales, (one of the ablest and best's% ft:llowing." See also Heb. 2 : 4. When the gers,) in the spring of A.D. 31. Fergus as last witness (that is Paul) had been called, and placed it in A.D. 33; but in order teprovailit, had gives his testimony, confirmed by miracles, be assumes the Rabbinical mode of reFkoErtrig the gospel as a divine system of faith, hope, and the year—which is not correct. They commence love, was established on its true foundation ; in Other words, the covenant was confirmed. Paul the year with the new moon in March ; but the Caraites, with. the new moon in April. The was converted in the autumn of A.I). 34. As word Caraite signifies" one perfect in the law." LJesus Christ was crucified in the midst or middle These accuse the Rebibins of having departed rof the week, and on the day of the Passover, from the law, and cemfbrmed to the customs of wjaich was the fourteenth day of die first month, it follows that the week began in the 7th mouth the heathen : and the charge is just, as they regulate their year by the vernal equinox, in of A.D. 27, and ended in the 7th month of imitation of the Romans • whereas the biw says A.D. 34. This was the termination of the /0 ihat the leinistry of John, therefore, commenced in the la t= part of A.D. 26. From Luke 3 : 21, we , that after John had been baptizing for 'Dome time, Jesus came and was baptized ; and verse 23 informs us, that at that time he was Or ..not far from 30 years of age. It is astronomi- :tally proved, that our Saviour was born fcur /ears before the Christian era. The proof is 'e. 1.41115 : —About the year 527, Dionysius Exigus, Reman monk, fixed the beginning of the Christ, and the other half by his apostles: see era in the year of the Julian period Heb. 2 : 3, 4 : "How shall we es• apet,'‘if we iik • 4713. This reckoning has been followed to the neglect t.o great salvation, which at the first tCat ti e. But Josephus, bi his Antiquities, BEGAN to be spoken by the Lord, and was CON- a- , mentions particularly an eclipse FIRMED unto by them that heardium • God ;Of the . 'Which occurred a short time before also hearing trern witness, both with. Signs 'and "'"" —1" — horrection (Pi CI bats A::d On m the sae des-thee is, the day after the net... steer the eiehlwth. 1 his a as a type of tt.e re- the. death of Herod , and the astronomical tables wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of sat,',01-- .. „ sample of the future hallent, the t tasT ritert4 of tl t it, that he beget the hotots of the tomb, and arose troutephatt the flz: this eclipse to have been on the 13th of the Holy Ghost, according 1 • .11 to Hs own wi . See I Cor. 15 • 20-Y3 Again in Les. '23 15,' 15. ' I • slept. h, in the year of the. Julian period 4710. The covenant which was cou.firmed is the new "I'''' rea;it a welks' '''' "' it is "U.". re" ;7"i7b "1:;1:lie': the fiftieth Jay. '1 li s the await:limy of the 1,, rd's cis, tut on Our Lord was born some months previous to covenant, i. e. the gospel. To'confirm it, si • gni- mount Sinai at the giving- of the law ; arAi was faint:. d, a. we !rain 1 from Acts 2: 1-4, when the Holy Spun dercesal,,l as a rushing. this his ; for after his birth, Herod sought to destroy fies to establish it on- a firm falilltiail011. The n I t d, I life; and Joseph, being warned by the angel foundation of the gospel is JEsus AHD THE RE- . atm execute th,• gieat i ornmissom whack the Mitstei It d Eisen theni,— wit!re' Yen711i1 Zthasprcrisi'l:711'r,Tr:'giull'hi;th.fitgeti;11:?'lig'' ' : , ! : r the , , . ; in' 'rt :r. and rtes too, t•t hose which remain W111111114(1. will Le fulfi le.: 13-15. The latest point, therefore, that we miracles, as those proofs which were indispen- can. fix upon for the birth of Christ, is near the sably necessary. But, John performed no mires- :::i'.fihrui."47174"..,g'itir::.7fr'ZI,`:::::,.,.Ni•::`,::,'Ii'..111,";Lit",:.:::',',,' ::7.,71,r. close of the year 4709—just four years earlier des : see John 10 : 4t ; therefore John's minis- stignsle";:tio"1 f "the 'a"' till all be "fill". 1 "" t"" (the first day of that mum li. Ns we learn imagist?, '23 . 23-25, !Alike 24 : 48; Acts 1 : 8, 21, 22 ; ,iii.,o,.., on the tenth di'. of the 7iii moue t, to al'. IS ;John rovers 23. 26-32, thid in. the 1111V of atone- regeneration : see John 3 : 1-21- In verse 22 ! called and qualified, having been with Christ !ITerProrpdleigitialZ7:2;e2.1::rt i 1,11=n at ttri cr:ri7st porn! !iv with Nicodemus, and taught him concerning All these witnesses, save 011e, were regularly °,4° SP.. 1.0 9' 7.22, 23, 24 , and Ecv loth ha!, Oct'. 5: we are informed, that Jesus returned, after from the beginniw, of his ministry, after the r'uf th- hl,fh or these things, into the land of Judea, where he imprisonment of But, when Paul watt ,P, 'Utf t theh 'hilt t holy La"tnycp% a typo "cfC,tnt;':11.1":‘,111. eiC : tarried, and baptized. As he had previously converted, and received his dispensation of the ,,,, no on dny Jesus will usrultily r- tn.!, prom,. As this was oil e trio h •4 the , l•f• t f w"itmv ant a ospel to the Gentiles, a sptrial NVItIICSS was Pftsa, law'', to Cal • ma, {oli re lead. Gal. 1 : 10-12; 1 Cor. 15 : 1-9. It that W as not with the apostles a matter of faith tl • all the 'I'd l'et eta' n"'" re" at Ihia ""4".1` 4`;'!":1".'"":1117:"""' Christ had risen, but a matter of knowled :d•t " st •tnkiuc "" of i• isro teenth )ear began. I he we see 69 weeks ended, and the 70th week be- gan, soon after John's imprisonment. John be- his ministry in the fifteenth year of Tiberius ar : see Luke 3: 1-3. The administration of Tiberius began, according to the united testi- - mony of ehronologers, in Aug. A.D. 12. Four- teen • years from that fj3oint, extend to August, • A.D. V, when hii fine or translated We," ilaressins his own testimony **how those miracles fined, "half, he. part, was not sufficient to establish the point; as is week was dividitto evident from verse 31 : "If I Ibear witness of event which wasWto di mpieicimy witness is not true." zale miracles of Pinot, publicly wrought, did not commence till after Sohn was put in prison : see Matt. 11: :2--6; Luke, 7: 19-23. The prophecy of Dan. 9 : 25, fenceruing the 69 weeks, was in- tended for tfie' whole Jewish nation ; and they were coadeielsed, because they urvlerstood it not. In Luke 19: 437 44, we find our Lord denouncing /upon them the most awful judg- !romp because therknew not the TIME of their The prophecy Was plain, and they have heeded it. Our Saviour also told plainly when the period ended, saying, tumid FULFILLED." See Mark 1: 14, 15; Matt. "4.02, 17 ; Acts 10: 37. Thus racks of Chriseproved him to be the Messiah ; w d nothing of the vernal equinox ; but retptired, an the 16th day of,. the first month, the offering' of the first fruits of the barley harvest. But, if the year be commenced according to the gab- bins, with the new moon in March, the barley harvest could not possibly be ripe in 16 days from that time. The Caraites are therefore un- doubtedly correct. Now our Lord was crucified weeks. From that point, 1810 years remained to the end of the' 2300 days. And from the 7th month of A.I). 34, 1810 years extend to:the 7th icorith of A.P. 1844. 'I HETI:PCS -1 he law of ?doses contained shades. of good timid. tor:Arnie-a Staten, of figures or types pointing to Claim arid his king- dom. See Hew 10 1 ; Col. 2 15, C. Eseiy ti mg tontuinid in the law was tube fulfilled hy him In Mit 5 17, 16, J. sus sa:t -Think nut that am cunt: to deaf toy the law we the plophel.e, 1 um led suite to destiny, but to fulfill. I or seri y I say mil° you on the day of the passover, as is evident from Till heaven arid ea,th pass, t.he pit or one tittle shall th UMW Rifled '' (or at hie lost •n J011.1 18 : It wag likewise the. dav belbre freamdietdi'eunintwhetrilrt, ani.l,r•egfuan the fulfil !tient of those t)pruct.titS;L,rd'in eu cording to the Rabbinical reckwing, the. Pasgbver the least to a, r 01 fail, either in the substance shadowed' forth', ur lit the ♦Sabbath, as is proved by John. It 51. Ac- occurred on the day before the Sabbath, in teIV::.`ta:ued'fintit,::e 1!):4,1:`,:.(1),T f;',I.'1'.7'!';';;':`,"1"`1, the 7!;*;,•.r?!. after. But, according to the Cataite reckoning, as it regard. time. One tylY:Lilfileit'.7. alithlio,ewfiarsstklial Sure the Passover occurred on that day in A.D. 31. I5amFbr'oln.thEll,"171'4611"„TI,Lhte„';',`,„11,',1,Y,I) Therefore that was the year of the crucifixion. evening. t,t '117 margin gives ,the literal rendering frorn the Heh,ew, The covenant was confirmed halt' a week by wore:Zell,: two esna}I.!sthe J. srph 7rYr:s'e::!1'17; rttrd lira; h137 them divided into two part•—the lehser or former emeriti and the greater or latter evening. The dividing point Lem' en two, ass 3 in the afternoon, the ninth hour lit the day. Jesor, died on the crush, on the game day, and at the same hour. See Mai. 15:32-37. lhus Chriht our Pass', er "ins SaC, f;•r ns Not on, p. , Cie law failed h..te. rune war wrest strictly regarded. Ili Lev. 23:6, 7. we are informed, that the day slier the l'assover as to be a special SaLliath; verse. 10 and 11 is a rorairiaud to oti. r the Chid fruits or' tbe A.D. 33, and not for several years heave and 4,,:T,;(thl„.17,dpat7:graeftturt:hrs third TINE u,t IS un important Lorne in the an en. lit of the Lord in a dream, toZk the youug child and St RRECTION : see Acts 17 : Pd; 1 COT. 3: 9-11 • =allied till after Herod's death : see Matt. 2: this foundation by testimony, accompanied 1:13T duce. And -ery one who :s ant vs iltargly 14trid, moat tee t Loin's fir coming, were fulfilled ,at fly at to e time at their smash the twilit I to every eteature• his mother, and went into Egypt, where he re- , Eph. 2 : 20. The gospel was established o Ise sew that he types that pointed to events riinnocted the commencement of the Christian era. Con- wrought through Christ in those mighty works, w a. he memorial of blowing of wimp... Si. Prt.l. 2: "Pio. up .i ,rated in the hesentli month lore nevtr set had than the point of time given by Dyonisius for try formed no part of the confirmation. Goa their fulfilm• nt is, the matt, close of ..4..D. 26—and at his baptism, was a hole, other half, who had a spec the seventh an g, I. when he .13,11 b,,,,,,',,,',,,,1,1" ,„7 (iiit,,.11,,",-,:;eircye :',11. God shall he finished, as he both Mil:aril to his i, is a, t; il.• mystery work assigned to more than 30. Soon after this, as is evidentf them, and for which they were duly quAiticd— ." On the first day of the seventh trimith,61,U0 sc. r- hi•ii g eon, the first dayuflhe week of ei4attsu, the ati :a till'ennial from John 2: 11-13, there was a passover. and that Was to tesVy concerning the works and 'ill he introduced, i y the hoviudii get the aortal, ti 1111.111t. of John's baptism, must have been in the spring i 15 : 2'7 ; sequently, Jesus was 30 years of age near the ' for half the week, and through the arnoiles the i fi:,... , daTi!i ..e.i,i.::,, RWevmoloon., In .t.htleut timet ai pporoted un oars. rain of A.D. 27. After this, Jesus had his interview — • , • • f g being the first passover after the beainnin Resurrection of our Lord see Luke 1 : 2 t went mil the no at holy plate of the !nadir. t-te• 41 • • t • 10 • 36 42 • 1 John 1 ' 1 31 0.,1 of ths.vichim hi tore the merry scat . tiiih, set day, he came out an, blessed the w itieg co ne meatiest ni th • week, Jesus caused the sacrifice and the oblation rection of Christ, which is the foundation of the to cease, by offering himself as a Lamb, without been in Jerusalem at the passover—see John 2 : 23 — and now returned into Judea, he must have been absent from that land between these two points of Limo. This necessarily brings us down to the summer or autumn of A.D. 27. But "John was n,ot yet cast into prison :" see John 3: 24. We are therefore compelled to place the point of time at which Jesus began the procla- mation of the gospel in Galilee, in the autumn of A.D. 27. Here ended the 69 weeks, and here began the week, during which the r01:ellatli was arnfirrned: see Dan. 9: 27. In the midst of the g ailed upon the stand. tahrri•adt witch beg. on the tl'eenth day the month, free the I•amh- TheSC all testified to the one glorious, funda l'"1" of th' In" ll"'":1:"."tinew: God w Inch " ter 1"'• " o mental fact, that Jesus Christ had risen from OR: n. .ci. 12. 23, f4. v. h od that a a doing, they confirmed- the covenant. or, in other It the, hear hot /SI and the PRI . words, established the gospel, twill the recur-1 Le persuaded, although ono thlie the duat1.•' lye T1 They had seen, handled, and conv„rsed 1.1'.111"1 "'"'"u iim; they had eaten ;Ind drunken with Lim 15-23; w it rot's- nt1/1 the re de t Ion of the l,,,dle , I • toata, arid the reds, pt lin of rot fihioYd posse e fter his resurrection, aml had receive(1 filar, him Eph. 1 9-1.1. our Iiiei.sed Lord w Ht.. of chore who title 'link cur no, oh the I, nth eay command to testify to these things. By 8(1 44 4., „to, ;•• 111,at :I • I resent eA44. , 1.1 Will y S. S. SNOW-. I • Sue ill. ENTER INTO THY CLOSET. failure, it would not have been a criptures. But as there was to e (prophetic periods do not reach will notlun at rust was not only proved to be the prom- their “ruessss," till this autumn, and now all the con- ing to soar. He has no d , but gives us the strongest "assurance" s, and it is equally use- siderations above presented, derive additional force from that his second coming to judge the world will be per- less to attempt to climb, since it is but an effort to fectly according to the Scriptures"; viz :the unfulfilled their agreement., with the ••fulness of times." I" this climb upon nothing. The sooner all these efforts are types which point to this glorious event,. Acts 18 : 31. city, the Jews observed Monday Se a "3d as tl e 10:1 dispensed with, the better. Entire submission, un- lot one jot or tittle of the law will fail. Mau. 5: day of the seventh month, hut in this, of course, they . . 17, 1A.— Voice of Truth. shrinking confidence in Christ, to make us precisely follow the reel:oiling of the rabhinnical Jews, and they what God would have us ; a death to all hope from -_---- - ..-- are, probably one month too early. SIGNS IN THE SUN. We confidently believe the Lord will fulfill these types ourselves, a boundless confidence in Christ, for the in his second coming, as the type of the passover—the abundant bestowment of every grace that we need. An appearance like that described below, is calculated to impress the mind of every beholder. Similar appear- waving of the first fruits, and the presentation of the We cannot expect too little front ourselves, we cannot ances have indeed been exhibited before, and very fre- pentecostal loaves, were fulfilled at his first coining. expect too much from Christ. We cannot have too quently within a few years. No philosopher has been Who can show why it:should not lie so? Therefore let much distrust of ourselves, we cannot have too unlim- able to give an explanation of the cause, winch satisfies us he always watchful, and "pray always," lest coming ited confidence in our Saviour. Then, at the feet of himself. It was seen in this city, and in other places, It soddenly, he feel its sleeping. Christ, let there be an entire relinquishment of all I was not needed to confirm our faith, but it may have right or title to ourselves, an entire giving up to be led awakened some careless ones. ___.,---------..-- SANCTIEICATION, OR HOLINESS OF in every thins, just where the Spirit of God shall lead, From the New Havan Palladium. HEART. regardless of eves!, thing in the universe, but to du THE HALO. EXTRACT OF A TATTER FROM C. F. To c. S. NI. God's will, while we came boldly fon.vaed to the throne The Rings around the sun yesterday, (September 9th) "Were I to Isfine sanctification, I know not what of Brace, for mercy and grace, to help in time of need. Such a one will be brought into full communion he fi-entwe°nheoraulrlys obtbskeirreveadndbyaslituerr cl:::ze d-dnasyvapenasuretho inter have so any thing, but what t rod desires, accompanied with an 0 better language to use, than to say, it is an entire sinking eat, and to have awakened an Intel igetit curiosity to into the will of : so that we have no desire fur i with the blessed Spirit of God, amid is prepared, living learn more respecting appearances of ibis kind, and their or dying, to be the Lord's, and such a one will surely asaese. centre in the zenith, while its circumference passed relation to all matters., " Thy will be done." When. "One of a city and two of kfamiiy." through the sun. The smaller circle was accompanied accompanying this entire subjugation to the will of God, by an eclipse of the saute n ajar axis and of small eccen- In the precious light of the comingllory, I now address trscity. Directly opposite to the Still, 36 degrees north of there is an entire, firm, unshaking reliance on Christ for grace to help in every time of need ; I suppose that , you. I he Lord is coining immediately, and I feel it. j I the zenith, the circumference of the larger circle wasein- have time only to repeat my testimony, that I believe, ersected by two other circles of nearly or quite the same the soul, thus submissive, thus uniformly confiding, diameter, forming, at the pont of inteisectiun, a bright without a doubt, that the Lord Jesus Will he revealed in will be preserved in the highest state of grace, that it is the clouds of heaven, on the tenth day of the seventh I !spot, such as would naturally result front the combined IMI, the privilege of the Christian to attain, in mortal flesh. month. By the grace eiven until me. I intend to follow I tight of the three lunimous tiegs. The ring that encir- the example of Noah. Lee and Abraham, and to art my cled the sun exhibited the colors nr the rambew, frequeta- Such a one will he kept in perfect peace, ler his m (antic, itid - ly with much vividness and beauty. The other rings and lire the few remaining days, as though I knee, is stayed am Gael. Nut that afflictions will not be felt, or as I Shall wish I had done, when all is over. The I were white, and fainter, as they were more tliteane from not that unkindness of friends, or wickedness of men, noir for which we have so long waited, has at length el circles, however. weh pes- the sun. Small pertions P . est. come. Let us lift up our hearts and rejoice. I have loved matic hues, appeared at different times both in the East will in no case touch the feelings ; these may be and W the Advent dociiine, and I love the children it has brouehl See the Diagram.] strongly moved ; hut there is no disposition to rebel, out from me world. and I soon expect to meet them in gin- or withdraw confidence from Christ. submission and ry. Amid the fearful responeibilities of these last mo- ments, I would speak to them once mare. I would confidence, are in my view, the exercises of mind, or en- treat them to renicialier Lot's wet, and not look behind mental acts, lay which thus state of grace is attained I Ions to tee than all there. Hot a erg Is heard, the voice - arid perpetuated. To such a one the Holy Spirit will of Ehjah is sounding. make his paths stssisht. We now .0.e, by the openIng scriptures, that we must escaper i our be given, anal the result will be, the shedding- abroad itye, and though we are found its the field, or on the (ire:sue. j of the love of God in the heart, and ail the graces of the Spirit will he the attendees fruits. If I am wnolly ever to' itseIliestvinxe: hatco nut it The lir Iiivs,\IJ‘i, ,anal fear. ol'w u st iv beW4,edirdnutis'ttillaey'‘ats)rnileL given up to God's will, Ile is ready to work in me ti) S very na1r.ot:ri; Must there is nay roam for worldly trappings ta!pgs will and to do of his own peed pleasure, and if I then I ottit., Is1, , nlife us f or ideaktht . backward must lose sight of the fully confide in Him to dwell in me, and walk in me. world. One plant 'i"O rwlaiiiidilila have no tenser tiesegto 1 l 1.(11';;Sel 1:1):r LIT'S hl‘' and thus cleanse me from all filthiness of the flesh and spit it, what shall hinder such a result ' What shall as sesIs atnd rare must all be relinquished. and we become si alosfyt7akietsn. tasnd bondage as thinigh we us ere cusitiseeritis prevent me, in that ease, from " perfecting holiness theittest hot: the last sefung time the fear of Gird !" Jr this is the will of God, even our shall stand ? Shall we belie' liut Whe may abide it 1 ,set 6ii.,fdriaol, as of fee, who r men I Do we The retirement of private devotion is strongly incul- sanctification, it Christ has come to do the will of God, lave j • orthis• a I 'Phis w all show. V *e can no sated in the expression, "Enter into thy closet." Re- and delights to do that will, and by that will we are . longer occupy a middle or uncertain position. tire from company. Go by thyseif. Re alone. The sanctified, what shall prevent us fruits berm sanct,lieel! FM. separation at length has come. Those who truly ' word closet means any retired place, at home or abroad, - receive this truth, came out and stand separate, not in When we are wholly given up to God's will, and arc • I. 1 action, • indeed. where w m e ay escape from the observation of others, Farewell, liar all hour. Glory, glory, glory, the Lord is and he undistiebed by them ; not that the closet itself truly trusting in Christ, day by day, to have God's will j con Amen, even so come Lord Jesus. possesses any sanctity, or will work in the way of a perfected in us .—this is the state of rehaions exile- cud S. NIINOR. charm. You are not to go into your closet on that rience, which prepares the Christian to die in praee, J account : but you retire from the notice of others to N. Sat. .Worn , Sept 2S, 1814. and of course it. w ill prepare line to live in peace, or to . ...... _• .... _ -- avoid ostentation on the one hand, and distraction on meet Christ in peace at his canning. It is net mitre- the other. s Shut she door." Keep out the world, queutiv the case that prefessina Christians come to ACCORDING so THE S.CRIPTI:R}:8•—Yawl says, Acts and prevent every intrusion. thou bast a great business 1rs : "22, 23, "Saying none ether things ties, these to transact with thy God. and let nst the nearest friend their dying bed, and feel wholly impress:led eis kart, which l the prophets and Moses did say should come, •,r relative interfere with thy intercourse with him. the world. If at length they die in peace, we fluid that Christ should suffer, and that he should he the The privacy of prayer is what is here enforced. Poor them submitting without reserve or stiptilation to the FIRST that should rise I roan the dead." Agatie 1 persons, who have but one apartment, can enter into will of (,tail, and throwing themselves wesily•spo„ the t'a'r. 15 : 3, 1. he says Christ died !Or our sills arene- the spirit of this direction by praying wherever they Lord Jesus Christ. to be prepared by him tier accept- thse. to the Scriptures, and rose again the THIRD can be retired. Isaac's closet was a field. "lie went , ,. , 1).‘ 1, aceoriltieL, to the Scriptures." The Old Testa. out to mechtate in the tield at even tide." David's faith in the Redeemer, they receive those measures of , declarations; and they no where teach that Christ own heart upon your bed and be still " Our Lord's God's love, shed :thread in their hearts, by the Holy should be the "FIRST' that should rise from the Ilead, closet was a mountain. " When he had sent the mul- Ghost, given unto them, which tills them with peace, and that his resurrecto'n should he on the .111 IR D teude away, lie went up into the mountain apart to pray, , D.1.1j," but iii the Ty PP:s. 'They d.) most ei).;)e, ' and when the evening had conic: he was there alone." exultation, and transport, even in tlitaagoinies of deam teach these thines. Ault Christ, the great ateisvpi:, Peter's closet was the house-top: " Peter went upon The same s'ihmi'81"" and faith iii tlirist' "id unav"i11- most perfially fulfilled these types which pw Med to the pray, shout the sixth Isour."—Heze. ably produce the same results, in late as in death, and hums death and resurrection. It was necessary to prove kiali's closet was tie-hints " his face towards the wall, he soul, truly :sanctified while in health, passes through this in order to establish his claims as the Messiah. i and praying to the Lord." cause. present halo was remarkable for its duration, and unwavering confidence in Christ, for grace as we need be prepared to hail the coming of Christ with joy." affortled favorable opportunities for observation. About i it to stand perfect and complete in al; God's will. The mid-c:dy, it consisted chettly of two comple,e rings, one 1 heart cannot be wholly sanctified. that does not say, TO THE ADVENT CHILDREN SCATTERED about 45 degrees in breadth encircling the bun as its truly, sincerely, and under all circumstances, and in centre, and the other about 72 degrees Mudd, having its ante God's sight. Ira this state subtnissien and ineet Seriliturs •are w hat Red referred to in these closet was his bed-chamber. " l'onimune with your • es • THE LORD'S CHRONOLOGY. seen, and shall see. he fulfillment cannot he ex- tended to another spring, because, that would he 2301 ' I write now for Advent believers who admit that the years ; and, besides, it would equally vary from the Types. "Unto 2300 days then shall the Sanctuary be 230b years. of Daniel 8th, commenced in 457 B. C. cleansed." But the atonement for the "holy Sanctuary" • • It appears to me plain that God has fixed the chronol- ' ogy within the year—that is. He has told us definitely was to he made "on the tenth day of the seventh month, by "the Priest whom he shall anoint in his lather's stead." at what 'point in the year to commence. The angel See Lev. 16 : 29, 32, 33. This Priest is our Lord Jesus told Daniel, chap. •9: 25, to begin the chronology at Christ. On that day, also, the trump of Jubilee was to "the going forth of the commandment to restore and be blown, and every man was to return to his inheritance. build Jerusalem." Now, turn to Ezra 7 . 9, and 1..iou See Lev. 25 : 9, 13. Here, also, we have an illustration read thus ;—"For upon the first of the first month, ! by which to guide us as to the length of time that is in- began he to go up [was the FOUNDATION of the I eluded in the phrase.—" Then shall the Sanctuary be going up] from Babylon." So the margin reads. "'cleansed." The Lord says : " Thou shalt number seven Now what was "the foundation of the going up." sabhaths of years :into thee, seven times seven years ; Was it not the "commandment to restore and build and the space of the seven sahhattis of years shall be Jerusalem !" There then God has fixed the chronolo- unto thee forty and nine years, THEN shalt thou cause gy—in " the first of the first month." Now if that the trumpet of Jubilee to sound"—when I. Exactly at the " was the first month of the ecclesiastic:1 year, the 2300 termination of the 49 years ; but, on the tenth years terminated last sping : then the period cannot I day of the seventh month," following the termination of the 49 years,' in the day of atonement." Thus, though extend to next spring, for that would be .2301 years. It seems to rue clear if the first monih spoken of in ,,they were commanded to blow the trumpet of Jubilee then ".when the 49 years were complete,it was not to Ezra, is the first month ecclesiastically, that it puts h‘e done untl the tenth day of the folio wing seventh the matter beyo;.d a doubt, that "He that shall come, month arrived, atel on that day, as we have seen, was will come, and will not tarry." beyond the first of the the atonement to he made for the holy Sanctuary. Hence seventh month this fall, i. e. beyond the tenth day of the term "then" includes the time intervening between the seventh month, or Oct. 22 or 23. That we are in the termination of the 49 years, also the 2300 years, and the tarrying tune, all admit, who believed in the Lord's the tenth day of the seventh month following. Then coming in 1843. That tarrying time cannot exceed) will the days of atonement come; the trumpet of Juhilee six months, else another year is added to the vision. will sound ; the Sanctuary he cleansed—the High Priest But the Lord answered Habakkuk. "The vision is furl will come out of the Holy Place—the sleeping saints he an appointed tin, but AT the end [not befoi'e, nor af- raised from the dead—the living saints he changed, and God's true people will return to their inheritance, with ter,] it shall :peal and not lie." It has not spoken vet, Nision U:11 speak this tall/But there has been a seem- How shall we he ready for that day Believe God's lberefore, the .2300 years d,iA, not end last spring. or the songs and everlasting joy. TII TH. tng tarry : our Lord said, "While the Bridegroom truth, and venture out upon it, by a strong faith that g:ves glory to God. We roust have the same state of -' tarried they all slumbered and slept." It was about Be- mind that we would have if we knew we were to die on time. Bat 'at midnight there was a cry made, ne- that day—the same entire consecration to God, and dead- bold the Bridegroom corneae" That such -a cry is now ness tope world. made cannot be aeuied. Then we are past midnight of I cannot better illustrate what I mean than to suppose the tarrythg time ; for this cry has been going since a large flat rock in the midst of the ocean. A promise July During this cry "allgthose virgins arose, arid is made by a glorious and mighty prince that at a given trimthse their lamps." Is not this now doing ! Clear- time he will send a splendid steamer to carry all persons lv it is. The professed advent believers are evident- whom he shall find there, with the evidence that they fully 1y giving their Bibles another searching—they are credited his word, to a glorious country. Many venture out after light. Some, however, tell us they can see no more to the rock. Some, when they are safe on the rock, cut the "All the ceremonies of the typical law that were ob. light on time. Did you not tell us, brother, "the wise rope. and theireraft with whioh they came there, driftsaway served in the first month, or vernal equinox, had their shall understand!" Have you now become foolish ? from them. and they look after it no more, hut are watch- bib:II/nem in Christ's first advent and sufferings: hut all and has your Loup "gone out ?" '_ atchman. what of ing for the arrival of the steam ship. They have no the feasts and ceremonies in the seventh month, or the night lhas it come to this ! 0 may you get oil quick- 1" Will you now tell us you do not know 1 doubt of the truth of the promise, and risk all upon it , autumnal equinox, can only have their fulfillment at his Alas Others, who come there, think it is enough that they are second advent. Let toe li,,tice some l Faith VAITEi, FAITH : a little more faith will on the rock. But they would he "wise and prudent,' 1. The ark rested en the seventh month seventeenth y. , so they make their craft, or boats, fast to the rock, lie- day. This has an appearance of a type, the rest of the enable you to see that our Lord gave the parable of the cause -.1f the steamer don't conic, we shall he without gospel nrk at the judgment. Gen. 8: 4. virgins- in part to fix chronology so that men or dev- any thing to get to land." Hence, they are going to be 2. The sanctuary, arid worshippers, and all apper- ils shoujd not run away with it. There it is strong as a prudent, and not run too great a risk. "According to taining to it, were cleansed 1.11 the. seventh munch, rock. Sertte ten virgins would come into what ap- thy faith he it unto thee," had been sounded betOre the tenth to seventeenth day, Lev. 16: 29-34, surely a geared to them to be a tarrying time. At the middle time the steamer was expected. The day arrives. The type. of it a cry was to be made. Just such a cry did begin prudent ones, it may he. intend to cut their boats loose, 3. The Israelites of God were to afflet their souls, /bout three months after the tarrying time commencey and let them float off, if they see the steamer coming. It from the evening of the ninth, to the evening oldie tenth It has gone for the last month, with the rapidity o appears in sight ; but now it is too late to let go their day, seventh month. Lev. 23 : 27-35, a type of the ightuing, and we are now in the morning watch, and boats, without being discovered : and besides, the same trouble, Dan. 12 :-`1. within less than 30 days of the advent. Remember, prudence would dictate now that they do riot let their 4. The holy convocation of all Israel, seventh month there is no other tarrying time- The Scriptures no boats bloat away till they are certain that they are not 1-15th Jay, Lev. 23: 24 ; Num 29 : 1. A type of the where make provision for a second tarry. No, none mistaken in the approaching vessel. Now it comes so gatherings of the elect, Ps: 81 : 3-4 : 98: 6. near, they cannot possibly cut loose without being disco- 5. The great feast, seventh month. fifteenth day, of God's words will "be prolonged any mere. God owns this truth with a power that I have nevtr wit- vered. The steamer arrives at the rock. What is the all Israel appeared befOre the Lord. Lev. 23: :34 ; 1 evidence that you had implicit confidence in the promise Kings 8 : 2. Type of the marriage supper. Heb. 11 : ., nested in any other Even the preaching of '43 never of the arrival of the steamer 1 Our boats are cut loose, 9, 10. L led to.such an entire consecration of all to Curl as and have floated away iron' us, so that we could not 6 The Jubilee sounded seventh month. tenth day, does this truth. Those that receive this truth show possibly get to land, and must have perished, if the throughout all of the land. Lev. 25 : 9,10. Type of final re- it by their works as was never done, to the same ex- i steamer had not arrived, for it is a rock wheewao other , demption. 1 Thess 4: 14-17. tent, under the alarm which led the virgins to go forth to I vessel ever passes. " That is enough," crogjoi Cone; 7 'flue time of release of all Hebrews in bondage, meet the Bridegroom. It is literally GO YE OUT I mender of the steam vessel : "cal/lean board ; such con- seventh month fifteenth day. Dent. 15 : 1-13 ; 31 : to meet him :" a giving up all—a dying to the world— fiderice shall not be disappointed." Those who had kept 10, 11 ; Jer. 36 : 8-14, at the feast of tabernacles. the same entire consecration and giving up of all, that their boats made fast to the ruck,. now crowd round. alisl This evidently is typical of the release of the Israel of we have seen in a Christian when about to digVI.strive to get on board the steamer. The Commander God. Such is the effect of this cry where it is believed: i asks. '• What mean those boa's 1 see last to the rock 8. The atonement was made on the tenth day seventh Just such an effect I should expect God would design yonder, or whose ropes have only been cut since I arrived mon* and this is certainly typical of the atonement I to produce, to prepare us fur the change from mortal iii sight'!" They answer, " We thought we would be Christ is now making for us Lev. 26 ; 1-24 antitypo0 to immortality. Without such an effect produced. I : frudent, so that if the ',Learner did not arrive, we might Ileb. 9 : 1-28. rave something to get buck to land w ith " "1"4,11 made 9. When the high priest came out of die truly of holies, see not how we could be ready. The Lord giant us Provision for the flesh, then." cries the Commander, after niaaine the atonement, he blessed the people. mercy in this pere.ous day. Amen. I "did you, and so doubted lily word t .-le,:ordraz to thy I es'. 9: 22, "3 ; 2 Sam. 6: IS. So will our greet GEL/. STORRS. i faith be it unto thee. The evidence is against you. Von 1110 Pritst, Het). 9: 28. This was on the seventh ....--------- niade provision to return, and now you must reap the month. tenth day. THE FINALE, fruit of your unbelief." "SO THEY COULD Nor 10 'Phil was in the harvest time, the feast of harvest ENTER IN, BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF'!" Olt, awful was kept In the seventh month, from the tenth day, to if the position I have taken in the previous article isstate if despair! the seventeenth. Ley. 23: 30. And the end of the correct, then the 2300 years terminated last spring, in the Cut your ropes, now, brethren : let yourToats float work' is compared tin the harvest. Matt. 13 : 30. Christ " first of the first month," Jewish time, Why did not the ()flout of sight ;—yea, make haste before the "sign of i says plain. iii ' harvest lone." advent then occur I and why was not the Sanctuary then the Son of Man appear." Then it will be too late. ' 11. Mon in the least of tabernacles, in the great day of cleansed I Because—if it had been, at that time, the Venture now—and venture all. Oh, my heart is pai:1- Scriptures would not have been fulfilled ; fur, the Types ed for you, while I see you hesitate. Oh,makeibaste, the feast in the last day. John 7 : 2, 37. So in the last great day, Jesus' voice will call forth the righteous could not have had their accomplishment, as we have dead John 5 P, 29 ; 1 Thess 4 . 16 " I beseech you—don't dally—push off that boat, or you are lost ; for, "WHOSOEVER SHALL SEEK TO SAVE HIS LIFE SHALL LOSE IT." So sai Jesus Christ, our Lord and Judge. Make haste then, once more 1 entreat you, 0 MAKE HASTE—let go every boat by which you are now calculating to escape to land "IF it don't come." That "le" will ruin you. It is now the last trial and temptation. Do as ou Lord did with the last temptation of the devil—"Ge thee hence, Satan," said he. "Then the devil him,and behold, angels carne and ministered unto him. So it will be with you, when you have gained this tri umph. One word to those who would escape with their lives and be received of their Lord when he comes.— Stop not to contend with those who hate this doctrine, and wish to reason you out of it. _You can do them no good, and they may do you eternal injury. If you find those who are honestly inquiring on the subject, treat them kindly, but especially direct them to God, who only can held them in this late hour. Pray al-- ways, and watch continually. The Lord will coma • and WILL NOT TARRY. My faith is a thousand fold stronger than it was two weeks ago. I feel that it would be a sin for me to doubt or indulge in an if, for one moment • I am forbidden, by the Spirit of God, to do so. I cannot do this great wickedness and sin against God. I dare not do it. To God and the word of His grace I commend you. Farewell, till we meet in the kingdom of God. kingdom/ STORRS. In the early part of last year, many of the brethren were looking fOr the coming of Christ on the anniversary of the crucifixion, or of the ascension, or of the day of Pentecost, which would he sometime in June. On the - third of May, 1813, Bro. Miller wrote a letter to Bro. Himes, in which te said he hoped this expectation would prove to be well founded, but he gave the following reasons for thinking otherwise.