The Mesaonger With a feehne of dread the Tran funehy alternately prayed and stared at the clock as the sun set and the point of no return approached Unable to deaide, Prerre told Loan to tbe the tao children and vo: he would rematn. she refused to go without tom Finally, in desperation, Perre tuned to his wie and told bier taomake the decision, and he would acree After alony. tense stlence she quietly rephied, We wall say Life in Vietnam was very difficult after that tor the Tran Cunily and other church members. The State exercised strict controls on religous activities. There wis ne opportunity to preach outside their own communtiies, to say nothing of the north" Tithe slowed toatnckle and the church leade costraee led to survive. Loan worked tor several vears wsan Bnpelishiteacher ma goverment school After mony educated people led the country in boats, creating ashortage of Eaglish teachers Loan was told to been reach on Sabbah Reluctantly, she quit the job rather than work on Sabbath, Another urgentdecision had to be made aboutthien chaldrens education. Therrchildren were told toattend schoolon sabbath, which they would not do Also, there was no possibiho that they could attend collece m Vietnam, because pastors” children were not allowed that privilege After further soul searching. 5 the Trans decided to send then 12-venr-old son awa ona boa tomy to reach the US owhiore he would Trve with Tas aunt and attend church schools Aes vers Tater whe nshe wos TF then daughter also fled Vietmam on about Loan remembers the torturous want of nearly Jmonths betore they finally rece ed word from ther danghter thar she had made the vovage satety (Both children are currently enrolled in medical programs at Loma mda University Prerre served as the Vietnam Mission trewsarer tor 7 ears, Atter Loan stopped teachime English, =he began trunalanne the Sabbath School lessons and other documents for the Mission, and she started a translation class to tran tie vouth ol the church todo ts work, She hasal:o been very active aa Dorcas leader and has imvolved the focal church mmany outreach projects i the community to help orphanages, leprosy centers, ete When times were severe, Prorre and Loa were tempted to think that they had made a bie nustake in choose toreman in Vietnam. One ofthe greatest sacrifices hus been the separation trom their children. But when they recall the teadership roles they have filled in the church and the countless times they hie consoled discouraged church members, they know that they made the nght decrsion on April 23, 1975. As Prerre and Loan leave, there 1s no doubt that their departure will create abig vacuum bothin the church's leaderdip and in the hearts of the church members in Veta, — Messenger Staff SOC THFEAST ASIA UNION ALSSTON HRECTORY te Talus frespleat. ADEA Wolo bk } Coating President CON We OC Senpetary, Beha 1 aberry Pom Masaengd! Cee Dreasiger Fotos Wong : Lo Co Astoaate Freastirer Steven Gale Sinem Sun . FE SI TTT Hote No i aunly Church Stine anes Shirky © hapa Shp Kenbog: Satoh Monge y Fohmud Sovin Sool Assan Elomi abot bomcalesn, As=oumie tM ~ Pubteding Health & Teper: Health are, Spanit of Prophecy FOR O\Woanle Co lineterial Corian ate Dorothy Wikies Chadd Byviogeeliang Shepherdess Tatemanional LOCAL NLSSION THEE TORY Pentnsular Matava Ted A ind Hort Paatany 37000 Kaa Dotaporr, Malas san (ete phinis. 243 770s Tovad Lev 0 Lo cP ssnde my - EE LoNeerelary FalSweed ban oo . oC Dheasmer Natok Poon Rees TOR Panparah Sobadi Salas oa Fedeploo: TALE TNA Fax tONKy Tne Chandos 5 cabana © 0 oo . Proesndem Manson Cin ging Sevrehuy Jun Nee bin . Irae or Surawak Poe Bo J ati hacking, oawak Malayan Teloplioe 2323400 Jd 41 202012 Fan 237003 {inet Walter oo . Ir aden Edad SU aah . . Seorelany [hid supatip ay . . Lo Treasarer Ningapore Hi Turon bast Street 13 Smpapore 2260 Telephone MG an22 bux (67) 562 Ja! Phoouy Chek Yoo . A . Co Pressed Tol» KO Heo SC Nectetary Treasurer Thailand Prakanong Posty ace Box 234 Banehok brio Thialband Telephone: 391 0320 00] os IN) JAE bax (an sg 140 Wo Fasshoun CL I. oo Presudent Funesit sacpne Negretary ery Clan-logeso Boadapenn 0 0 Treasoeer INSTRU TTONAL DIRECTORY Mission College Salus Sanaa Misston Health Foo Conipany Foch Myer: Seithizist Aso Diag Colfewe I A STH Setheast Asia Pablishhnge Phooge Teiband Poblishuse Hoses Rangkob Adventist fHospatat Fonang Advent! Hosp Ehidiet Adventist Hospital Youngberg Adventist Hoepial Moonie Yew Seng Soba NS Apdon Ionald Wo Brody - Witham Laspe Nurs Stpuinvoeng Justa Groh The Messenger © published by-gaonthly © ihe officiad organ of the southeast Asta Hon Mission orn Seventh day Adventists, 2311 pper Serig oon Booed, Setpeapeoge [3300 Tel 280 7280 F oc 28d TI87 Fdies 0 0 . I SE ST Mousague biter Mandya Johnson Carontation Magegeer UY Wy Pavowd nd Printing by Supihease Asia Publshking House Sept tet Jol