NEWS NOTES In his book ‘Rebuilding a Lost Faith,”” John L. Stoddard, a convert from agnosticism to Roman Catholi- cism, tosses a hot potato to Protestants to handle. He says: ‘‘Protestants often deride the authority of church tradition, and claim to be directed by the Bible only; yet they, too, have been guided by customs of the ancient church, which find no warrant in the Bible, but rest on church tradition only! A striking in- stance of this is the following:—The first positive command in the Decalogue is to ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” and this precept was en- forced by the Jews for thousands of years. But the Sabbath day, the observ- ance of which God commanded, was our Saturday. Yet who among either [Ro- man] Catholics or Protestants, except a sect or two, like the ‘Seventh Day Baptists,’ ever keep that commandment now? None. Why is this? The Bible, which Protestants claim to obey exclu- sively, gives no authorization for the sub- stitution of the first day of the week for the seventh. On what authority, there- fore, have they done so? Plainly on the authority of that very [Roman] Catholic Church which they abandoned, and whose traditions they condemn.’”’—New edition, p. 80. © “Deaths from cancer since Pearl Harbor have exceeded many times the deaths in combat in the armed forces of the United States,’’ says “The New York Times’’ of January 21, 1944. PAN CAT, tga en This recent picture of Mount Vesuvius, shows the famous volcano called “the pride and scourge of Italy, > in eruption—the worst in 72 years. A giant canopy of smoke and ashes hangs over the crater of the Commenting on the visit of Dr. Sigurgeir Sigurdsson, Lutheran bishop of Iceland, to the United States in April, “Time’’ (May 1, 1944) remarks: “Of Ice- land’s 130,000 population all but 400 Ro- man Catholics and 70 Seventh-day Ad- ventists are included in Dr. Sigurdsson’s see.”” The Seventh-day Adventist ‘“Year Book’’ for 1944 says that the Iceland- Faroes Conference of Seventh-day Ad- ventists has eight churches with a membership of 449. These figures do not include unbaptized members of Sev- enth-day Adventist schools. Neither does this church baptize into its mem- bership infants and tiny children who have not reached the age of accounta- bility. ‘““Rome’s critical situation and the perils menacing the Vatican have caused Pius XII to permit the Swiss Papal Guards to be reinforced by Swiss recruits and rifles substituted for their tradi- tional weapon, the halberd.”—The New York Times, April 23, 1944. “In an event unprecedented in the South,” reports ‘“Time’’ of January 3, 1944, ‘‘a Negro last month won North Carolina’s Mayflower Cup, awarded an- nually by the North Carolina Society of Mayflower Descendants, for the best book by a resident of the state. This year’s winner is 37-year-old J. Saunders Redding, professor of English literature and creative writing at Virginia’s Hamp- ton Institute.” BE RENNER, RE Ed RL boiling mountain, dominating the countryside for a radius of many miles. Many hamlets and villages in the shadow of the volcano have been buried-under a blanket of lava and ashes. TA tees mn The LI a) A report from Washington states that ‘every passing hour of 1943 saw more than $10,000,000 pouring out of the Treasury to meet the costs of global war.”” A total of $85,135,000,000 was spent for the war effort during the entire year. The average daily rate was $272,- 900,000. © Speaking about the national budget requested by the President for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, ‘“‘Time’’ of January 24, 1944, remarks: ‘Franklin Roosevelt was asking for over twice as much as the United States national in- come in 1933. World War II’s cumula- tive cost to the United States by 1945 would be $397,000,000,000—a third of a trillion.”’ According to ‘““Time’’ (May 22, 1944) researchers of the University of Denver recently quizzed citizens about the United States Bill of Rights, and re- ported that 23% never heard of it, 39% could not identify it, 15% gave hazy or wrong definitions of it, and 23% were reasonably acquainted with the first Ten Amendments. © In “The New York Times Magazine”’ of January 23, 1944, it is stated that the Office of Scientific Research and De- velopment has some 6,000 scientists and their assistants working, and is spend- ing almost $3,000,000 a week in scientific research to develop new weapons of war.