ADVENT SOURCE COllECTION General Gonf ·cnca cf Seventh-Day Adrentists WASHINGTON, 0, C. • • c No.~ • COMING OF CHRIST! EDITED AND PlJBLISBED. BY E. J.ltJOBS. VoJ.l NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1843. No.I. ~--~~~-=~~~~~~~--~-~ --~ ---~-~-~ -~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~' TE:RMs. ll T.-lr. means the first universal kingdom llwt /1 meot and spread of the gospel is not the king- The terms of this paper are made easy, to correspond succeeded Greece. You will bear in mind, dom, but" glad tiding!!" of the kingdom. See with the pecuniary embarrasments of the present times. these three first kingdoms Wtre universal.- Mat.t. 4: 23; 9: 35; 24: 14; Luke 2: 10. RaAD AND CIRcULATE 8eing the only price that is asked. The head reigned" wheresoever Lhe children or H.-Do you then say that the kingdom spo· . copies may be had upon these terms. All ordero men dwell,,_,, ruler over them a11," (ver at-1.) ken of in verse 44 has not been set up? W tS JTected to E. JAcoss, 123 Henry-street, N.Y. post paid, The ljreastand arms reigned fttJ l diaeven unto certainly have been so taught. will meet with pro!llpt attehtioo. We make r,o promise Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twen- T.-It cannot be correet, from the facts al- ever to issue another number. If, however, it should ty provinces," (Esther 1 : 1.) The bellv and ready named. The gospel i8 a dispensation to fall intQ the hands of any God's stewards, whom he may sides of brass shall bear rule over all the earth; prepare subjects for the kingdom. True, the direct to aid in spreading this truth, so obnoxious to the so did Alexander. The first universal king. good tidings is in some pla~es set for the world and worldly minded professors of religion, and dom that arose after the division of Greece, and kingdom itself; for instance, in Acts 28: 31 ; funds should thus be forwarded for this purpose, we will the fall of divisions was the Roman. See Matt. 13: 19, 24, 31, 33, 44, 45, 46. Again, promptly issue another number as soon as a sufficient Luke :J: 1. '' ~nd it came to pads in those the world is called the kingdom; being the ter. amount is received. If a sufficient amount should not days that there went out a decree from Cesar ritory where this kingdom is to be set up. See be received soon, what does come :will be applied to pub. Augustus [a Roman emperor] that all the world Matt. 13: 38; 42: 47, 48, lishing the Midnight Cry, or for any other, as should be taxed." fl.-It seems hard to give up the idea that shall be directed. E. JACOBS. H.--Will you give a correct meaning of the the kingdom was set up when Christ came and ~=========~==~~==~feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of established the gospel dispensation. iron? (v. 41.) T -No doubt; but bear in mind where the· T.-lt means tbat the Roman kingdom shall stone smote the image-not upon the head, THE VISION. The enemies of truth, in endeavoring to lead be divided (v. 41) into ten kingdoms, (v. 44,) in breast, belly. nor yet upon the knees, which it us to some position where the vision of Daniel the days of which kingdoms, the God of heaven must haye done if the kingdom had been set up m1ght be seen to fa,'or their carnal views, have shall set up a kigdom which shall never be de-when Ohrist lirst came, for the fourth kingdom only caused the truth, therein brought to view, stroyed, but shall break in pieces and consume was not then uivided-but upon the FEET. to appear still more lovely; and, like Baalam, all these kingdoms, and it ~hall s!and forever. Remember also that he whom I serve has said, after he had been led by Balak to take the first, ~-Is there any proof that this fourth or •' my kingdom is not of this world.'' second, and third view of Israel, we are con- Rfman ldngdom has been divided into teu kins- H -But he did not say it was not in this 1trained to say, " What the Loan saith, that 1bms? . . . _\ world. will I speak." It may seem that the vision , T.-Yes, tlus IS a clear undisputed fact Hl T.-Look at Luke 28: 18. "I will not drink has been looked at from every mountain, hill, history, and for authority 1 would refer to Micb· ti( the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of and little eminence, an~ it probably has; but the a vel, Meue, Bp. Lloyd, Dr. Hales, Sir G\Hl shall come." It had not then come. He exhibition of truth is ne~·er unwelcome t~" th Newt~n, Bp. Newton, a~d Dr. ~c,,t;, 'l'h~y we1e taught us to pray, ''thy kingdom come;': flesh lover of truth, therefore from the little valll estabhshed as follo~.s,VIZ: l. ftw H~ns, lll_Hnu-ant\ b~ood cannot in~erit it, (1 Cor. 15.: 50;) here I dweil I will take a brief look, and gary, A. D. 356. 2. I he Ostrogoths.lll Mys1a. A. wh nIt comes, the samts must become Immor- nothinj! new is discovered, the truth will D. 356. 3. The V_isigoths, in Pa.nnonia, A. D. 378. tal this is not till the last trump, (verse 52.) looked at once more, which I am sure will o 4. The ~ranks~ Ill France. A. D. 4?7· 5. The Th~ quick and dead will then be jndged, (2 Tim. us no harm. Vandals m ~fnca. A_· D. 407. 6 .. J he Sueves, 4: ·1.) Scores of such witnesses might be Honesty.-Can you tell me what I am to und - an~ Alans, m G~sco1g~e a_nd Spam, A. D. 407. b~ught forward, but you have not time to hear stand by the head of gold upon the great ima(e 7. fhe Burgu~d1~ns, m Burgundy, A. D. 407. tHem now. described in Daniel 2; 31-3a? · 8. The Hcruh, m ~taly .. A: D. 476. 9. The .• H.-These proofs seem quite convincing, Truth.-Verse 38, "Thou art this head ~'Saxons and AngJes, m Bnta1n, A. D. 476. 10. ·but tell us particularly when this kingdom is to gold." It is the Chaldean kingdom; Ncbuchad'\ The Lombards, m Germany, 483. be set up. nezzar, the head and representative of that H.-An~ do we ~nder~tand from you that 'f.-Matt. 25: 31, 34. When the Son of kingdom. being addresseu as the kingdom, for these ten lu~gdoms still exist? . . man shall come in his glory and all his "after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior T.-C.erta_mly; for the fifth um versa! kmg-holy angels with him: then he will say to the to thee." dom, which 1s Gods,. ~as not be~n. st>t up, fro_m blessed, "inherit the kingdom." See also H.-What does the breast and arms of silver the fact that when It Is set up 1t 15 to break m RP-v. 11: 18. When the kingdoms of this world mean? pieces and consume all these kingdoms, inclu-become the kinadoms of our Lord; remember T.-The kingdom that arose after the head, ding the four; this has not yet been done, for also that this is ~he time when the dead are to (ch. 5:30, 31.) "In that night was Bel>~hazzar some, if not all of them, still exist; they are be judged, (verse 18.) Again, it will be when the king of the Chaldeans, (head,) f:llain, and not yet consumed. the· Father gives to the Son the heathen for his Darius the Mede took the kinguom, and reigned H·-If these kingdoms still exist, by what inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth. over the Medes and Persians"-a kingdom infe· names are they known 1 for his possession. Ps. 2: 8. rior to the Chaldean in point of wealth, splendor T.-These are the modern names : France, H.-What will he do with them 1 and duration. Britain, Spain, Portugal, Naples, Tuscany, A us· T.-V cr. 9. He will break them with a rod H.-What does the belly and thighs (or sides) tria, Lombardy, Ravena, and Rome; the three of iron, and Jash them in pieces like a potter's mean 1 last are at present embraced in the Roman vessel, the same time that the image is smitten 'f.-A n0ther third kinguom of brass, (ver. States. So you see they not only exist, but by the stone. 39,) whieh succeeded that of the Mede~ and many of them under their original names. H. I see the propriety and correctness of Persians. This was the Grecian kingdom, H.-Is it not before the days of these kings, the position, but presume you have no reasons (see 1hccabees 1: 1, not Scripture, but ac-, or kingdoms, that the God of heaven sets up as Scriptural as these for fixing the time of crediteu history,) and it happened after that 1 . his kingdom? for I perceive it was some hun-Christ's coming? Alexander. son of Philip, the Maccdonian, who dreds of years after the crucifiction of Christ. T. I will show you, as soon as you are came out of the land of Chittim, had smitten and the establishment oi the gospel kingdom, prepared to receive my testimony. First, let Darius the king of the Persians anJ Medes, that before this divided state of the fourth king-this startling truth be fixed upon your mind, he reigned in his stead, the first over Greece. dom. that we are living under the governments rep- H.-So far it is clear to my mind, and now if 'f.-He did not before, nor has he yet set up resented by the toes of that image; and that you can tell what is meant by the legs and feet his kingdom ; neither does the term gospel they have existed now almost 1400 years i and it will remove some difficulty out of my way. kingdom occur in the Bible. The establish-that the feet is the place where it is to be smit· H. According to this rule, where do the2300 days terminate? '1'. The whole vision is Cut off a\ the cross 2aoo year • 490 " From the cro.ils to the cleans-} 1810 ing of the sanctuary, Christ was crucified in the year ,, 33 The sanctuary will be cleansed in 1 84:~ f). You have shown that the dominion of the Popo was taken a way and he led into cap tivity in 1798, accordin~ to the prediction in Dan. 7: 26, and Rev. 1:3: 10. Is there any thing in conn~ction with this fact that goes to corroborate the testimony that the sanctuary . will be cleansed in 1843? T. There is; in Dan. 12; 11--13. "And from the time the daily [or Pagan abomination] . shall be·taken away, to set up the abomination [see margin] that maketh rlesolate, [Papacy,] there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." The Pagan worship was abolished in 503, as I may prove to you at another time. Popery, or the abomination that makflth desolate was set up in 538, as you have seen. From the abolition of Paganism in 508 the 1290 Jays reach to 1798 H. One question more; while we have so many great practical trut.hs that we can clearly understand, do you not th:nk it ns well to pay llttcution to them. and be readv? I have tlwught it unprofitable to dwell so ~lUch on this part of the Bible. T. •· ALL Scripture is given by inspira- tion of God, and is profitable for instruction;" therefore this is not unprofitable nor unmeaning. Remrlmber one thing more, relative to the great practical truths of which you speak. be not de· ceived. 0 my son! remember the treachery of the human heart. The veriest infidel will be- lieve any great practical truth that does no: stand in his path like "an angel with a drawn sword." Wherefore, cOlllFORT one another with these words. 2 Thess. i. 10. When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admirf.'d in all them that believe (because our testimony among ym.1 was believed] in that day. ii. 1. Now \Ve beseech vou brethren. hv the coming of our Lord Jesu~ Chri:st, and by eur gathering togethn ur.t.o him. 1 Tim. vi. 14. That thou keep this com. mandment without spot, unrebukahle, unto the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. :l Tim. iv. 8. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lon.l, the righteous Judge shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but to all them also that love his appearing . LOVE FOR THE APPEARING OF Titus ii. 13. Looking for that blessed hope. and the glorious appearing of the great God and CHRIST. our SaYior Jt~sus Christ . It hn.:; heenr.tustly remarked that'' the love Reb. ix. 28. So Christ was once offered to of Christ's appearing, is as true a test of a hear the sins of many; and unto them that look Christians heart a!l the needle of the compass for him shall he appear the second time with- is of the direction of the polar star.:' The out sin unto salvation. heart that is filled wit.h God and heave11 will James v. 1, 8. De patient, therefore. breth- cast upward their steadfast eye to the appear-ren. unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the ing of Jesus. '' bright glory's beaming star." husbandman waiteth for the preciou11 fruit of The corning of t.he Lord, ancl not death will be the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he their constant theme. receive the early and latter rain. If in the mean time death should come, and Be ye also patient; establi1>h your hearts; tir,d them thus " looking,~: it has no terror t.o for the coming of the Lord dra~eth n gh. tht·m, for they will then, for a little while, 1 Peter i. 7. 1a. That the trial of vour faith F swe~tly .~leep in Jesus till t.he trumpet sounds. being much more precious than of 'goiJ that rom the setting up of Poperv in 538 · h l h l · · d · Look for a moment upon the only· &ure chart per.s et J, t ong 1 lt be triC with fire. might be the (Dau. 7: 2·'>) l:l60 days • d · d h d l that can guide us safely into the harbor of eter-foun unto pratse, an onor, an gory, at the reach to 1798 Verse 12. "Blessed is he that wait.eth and cometh to the thousand three hunered and five and thirty days.'' From the abolition of Pagan. ism in bOB the 1335 days reach to 1843 H. What event then happens? T. Verse 33. ·• Go th(lu thy wav till THE END be: for thou shalt rest, and STAND lN THY LOT at the end of the days," (the first resurrection. J · nal rest. appearing of Jesus Christ. l Thess. v. 23. And the rery God of peace Whereroro gird up the loins of your mind, be sanciify you wholly. and l pray God yom· whole sob&·r, and hope to the end for the grace that is spirit, and soul, and body, be preserved blame-to be brought unto you at the tevelaton of Jesus less unto the C!Jming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ. 1 Cor. i. 7, A. So that ye come behind in no 2 Peter iii. 11. 12. Seeing, then, that all gift; waiting for the coming nf our Lord Jesus these things shall be dissolved, what mallllf.r of C!t1·ist. wusons ought ye to be in all holy cmJVt'r8ation Who Rhall also confirm you unto the end, that and god ines~;. yo may lHl blameleas in tl;e day of our Lord Je- Looking for and hasting unto the coming of sns Christ. the dye shall see him, and they also which ha~ a little settlemeT~l to makr~ with you. I ii. ~~·. For what is our hope, or joy,or crown pierceu him; Hnd all the kmdreds of the earth ~here ~re four tl11ngs; t'li!Jt'.r one, or all of. of re}H ctng? Are not even ye in dw preseuce slwll wail because of him. E'P.n so. Amen whtch wtll prevellt your seeing the time as I of our Lord J, sus Chri:st at his comtfl<•? xvi. 15. Behold Icc me as a thief. Blessed do.. The ~rst is porm~arily.' or_ the Z·IVe of rPpu i i. 13. To the end he may estahlisl1 ;our he,ms i:s he that watcheth and keepeth his gannents tatum; until you get wl ol t!.ns you can never nnhlamr.ablfl in holiness before God, e\u00b7en our lest he walk twlted, and they see his shame. see the tim~ as I. do. ~rl. Tbe love of the 1 Father, at tile cmmng of our Lord Jesus Christ xxii. 7, 20. Behold, I come quickly ; bless- world-a rullllg desire to mcrease your worldly with all his saints. ed is he thH keepeth the sayings of the pro- szoods will certainly prevent your seeing the i', 14-1R. For if we belie'e that Jesus died phecy of this bool<. time as I do, fo~ none r:a.n thus see t.he time and rose again, even so them also which sleep He which testitieth these things saith, Sure- and go on hoa.rdmg up nchns. 3d. Sectarian-in .Jesus will God •brintr with him. ly l come quickly: Amen. Even so, come ism will prevent your seeing-the time as l do;/ For this we say unt~ you by th~ word of the Lord Jesus. 1 for when the interest of the sect to which you, Lord, that we which are alivo and romain unto If the fon•going texts do not prove that. it is belong. i! the leading topic in all your religious jthe c11ming of the Lord shall not prevent them a true tel'lt of' christian affection to )O'e Christ's opE"rations, you never can see the time. 4th. whit·h a:·e-aslef p. appearing, then in ,·ain may we search for a While you are not waiting. and consequently not For the Lord himsPlf shH II nescend from text in du~ word of God. readyfortheendofthe1335days,youne'erwill he:tveu with a shout, with the voiceofthe arch- Aft.ersuch examples as these, what christian set> the time. · angel, aud with the trump of God: and the def Uays cam"• and heaven, and cast down and the dragon being judgment was given to some of the host and the government that the saints of the Mo;t of the stars to the sought thll dP~tructiou High. And hs shall ground aml trampled of Chritt no plac~< fore l!im···THs JODG was found for thelll." Mtl.~T W&S SET, and (v~r. 24, 25.) the hooks were opened. The beast WdS slai11. :md his body DEOTROY· :;;n, and given to th~ burning flame," (ver. II, 10, 11.) H. What particular advantage is gained by this third visi•m, as I see tha Babylonian, and also the ten kingdoms are left out? T. Those were already clearly understood, and no neces:sity existed for bringing them for- ward in this vision. The important advantage that Daniel has gained is the duration of the vision in verses 13 and 14. H. "How long" is .. the vision 1" Verse 13. T. " Two tl10usarul three hundred days.'' Verse 14. H. To what part of the vision, then, does this time apply ? T. To the whole, for it commences with the ram pushing, &c., (verse 4,) the kingdom of the Med"s and Persians, (v. 20.) and continued through that and the Grecian kingdom, a period of 393 years or upwards. It also extends to the daily or pagan '' transgression" or " mystery of iniquity," (2 Thess. 2: 7.) andoalso through the whole period that the church was desolated un. der the papal rule, down to the time when the host or people of God shall cease to be trodden under foot, when they shall no longer be perse- cuted, their ashes no longer sleep in the dust·-· even down to the time "the sanctuary shall be cleansed." H. How can the 2300 days reach to that event when more than 2000 years ha,·e already passed? T. They can reach to that event by the au .. thority I gave you from N um. 14: 34, and Eze- kiel 4 : 6; and without this mode of rendering them, they would be without meaning to us, neither "profitable for doctrine or instruction.'' Each of these days represents a year. H. Will God then set np his kinguom in 2300 years from the time in which the Medo- Persian empire was extending its territory by conquest, as repn;sented by the ram with two horns, whieh commenced the vision 1 T He most certainly will, for that is the end of the vision ; and he also sap, " At the time appointed, the end shall be." [J. The period must then be close upon us, for th'lt kingdom was established before Christ 539, which is 238 L years ago. 1'. It is indt'ed very near; much nearer than el·en you are aware. H. What a pity the angel did not begin the vision at some prominent point in tho Medo. Persian kingdom. so that we could have bad a date for the 2300 days. T. What difference could this make so long as he came at a subsequent time and gave the date? H. Where is the u~cord of that fact? T. In the 9th chapter, as you shall see. At the close of the 8th chapter you find Daniel as- tonished at tbe visinn, nut understanding it, for "none understood it." He then went to search. (The earth is now (Not a kingdom ex (The dr:snlator empty.) ;sts) 111ade des .. late.) TUB l'IFTU U!llVIR· Tllll: FIJ'TH U!UVER· THI FIJI'TR V!UVRR• is ing the prophecies (9: i ) t.o find out when the time of" tbe desolations of Jeru~talem'' would be accom lisluHl, and his people brought out of their captivity and restored; and found it to be seventy years, which time he supposfld was now accomplished, and prayed accordingly for the ~:~anctnary to be cleansed. Verses 16. 17. UL KtNGOOM. UL KINGDOM. B.lL KlliGDOJ, " And the stone that "One like the Bon "Then shall the smote the image be· of Man came with the sanr.tunry he cleans rameagreat mountnin, t;louda of heaven," &c. ud." (ver. J4.J "Un· lind filled tho whole (See ver. 13, 14.)-tfetstand, 0 Son of tsarth,'' (ver. 35) '·The (Matt. 24: 30. 16 : 27. Man, for at the time of G..,d ofheaven shall set :\lark 13: 2o. Rev. I :THE END shall he I be up a kingdom which 7.) "ThP samts o 'ision.'' (ver Ji.J '·Be· shl never be destroy· the Most High sball hold 1 wtll make thee eJ, and the kin!{dom tdte the kingtfum, and know what sh111l be in sh'l.ll not he lef~ to possess the kingdom 1he T. o, ST II I'D of Lhe Ol.bP.r people. but it shall forf.ver, even roREVER I dignation for at tha hreak in p·enes and A.ND BVER." .Judgment time appoint~d THB consume all thest' was given to the saiuts !NO SHALL BE." (ver. kingdoms, and it sha I of the Most High, a11d Ill.) ataud roa.r;v&a." t •e t1me came t;•at the saints possessed the kmgdom. (ver. 22, 27.) " Th11 earth" is now "They aung a new 'J'he Lord has now " full oftne knowledge 50lllf, thou made' washed away the of the Lord as the Ui unto our God kings filth of the daughter& waters cover the sea." 1nd priests, and we uf Zion, and purged lsa. ll: 9. shall reign oK TDx the blood of Jerusalem U8.TH." Rev. 6:9, 10. from the midst thereof, by the spirit of judg· ment, and by the spirit of:SVRNtNc:." Isa. 4:4. H. But you are reading from another chapter. 1'. But not from another subject~ for always bear in mind this tlivision of the Uible int.o chapters i:i the work uf man, and not inspira~ tion. H. That is true. T. You then see that God sflnt an angel to correct Daniel relative to the great error he had fallen into concerning cleansing the sanctuary, and the time of that cleansing. See verse 21. "While I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I bad seen in the Yision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, (so irr- porrant is it to save a good man from error,) touched me about the time of the evening obla- tion." What vision had he seen Gabriel in ? Chap. 8: 16 is the first place where Gabriel's name is mentionod, so this must be the vision. Gabriel had received his orders, as above, fo make hirn understand it, and now comes to do it, (v. 22;) and tells him, (v. 23, to "understand the matror and consider the vision." What Yi ... sion? There is none in the 9th chapter, it must be the last one he bad, which is in the eighth chapter. H. Does Gabriel do what he came for?- Does he make Daniel understand the vision ? T. Very plainly, as you may see. V. 24- " Seventy weeks are determined [cut off,] upon thy people, and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression ,and to make an end of .sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity. and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up tho vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy." For several purposes were the senmty weeks'' cut off." H. Why do you use the term ''cut off?" T. Because the Hebrew verb that is here rendered determined, is capable of but one sig- nification, and that is to cut off or to cut out. H. From what were these seventy weeks cut off? T. What was Gabriel making Daniel under- stand 1 The vis·on in the 8th chapter, there being none in the 9th. The seventy weeks wf3re cut off from the vision, which was 2300 days lonJr. fl. Fo:-what were they cut off7 1'. As our time is short, we will take one ruling term in verse 24, 'iz., ''to make reconci- liation fur ir&iqltity.'' This was done when Christ died ou the cross, and at no other time. H. When did those 70 weeks begin? T. At the going .forth of the commandment to restoro and rebu:ld Jerusalem-v. 25. (See Ezra 7 : 11-26.) 1 n just 490 years from that timn, which is as manv years as there are days in 70 weeks. Christ made "reconciliation for iniquity" by s'nffering death on the cross. H. It is said also {v 24,} that the 70 weeks were cut off to seal up the vision and prophecy. How did the crucifixion of Christ seal up the vision? T. His being crucified at the expiration of that amount of time sealed the truth of the 2300 days being so many years, and also, the cleans- ing of the sanctuary at the end of that period to be just as sure as was the crucifixion at the end of the 490 years. H. Do you know that the 70 weeks were cut off from the first part of the 2300 days, as it appears the word may be understood cut out. T. It can make no possible difference w he- ther we read cut off or cut out. The vision was 2300 days long, and if you cut of 490, you have 1810 left. or if you cut out 490, it is still the same. Neither need you trouble yourself t.o hunt any further for a date for the 2300 days, but do just as Gabriel told Daniel. Cut off 490, and start the remaining 1810 at the cross of Christ. or from the place where reconciliation for iniquity was made. If I am directed to cut oft' a piece of rope at a gi "en prominent point which I am told is just :l300 feet long, and that from where I am to the said prominent point is just 490 feet, I obey and cut it off as directed, but find by actual measure. mt~nt that it is exactly 490 yards, what is my conclusion 1 That the whole measurement is yards, especially if I find that my employer has given examples of using the term feet to express yards. I~ ·' ,, ,, ' ten. This simple truth should convince every T. See ver •. 8, "bP.hold, there came up when his decree of the first named date tool{ I believer of the Bible that the coming of the among them another little horn, before whom effect. Lord is at the verv door. there were three of the first horns plucked up H. When did that poriod terminate 1 Aal H. 'What ami to understand by the state- by the roots. Daniel says, [ver. 26,] the judgment shall sit, ment, "they shall mingle themselves with the H. This power then must be Popery, for and they ahall take away his dominion. And seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to the ten kingdoms remained undisturbed until John says, (Rev. 13 : 10.] he that leadeth into another, even as iron is not mixed with clay?" A. D. 493, which was ten years from the time captivity, shall be l~d into captivity: he that T. The aistinctive character of the subjects of the eBtablishment of the last of the ten, when kill~th with the sword, must be killed with the of the fourth, or Roman kingdom, who, although the Heruli, in Rome and Italy, were conquered sword. scattered in every land, acknowledge no alle-by the strogoths. Then in A. D. 534, the T. Thus the prediction bas been faithfully giance to any authority, either civil or ecclesi-Vandals were conquered by the Greeks, for fulfilled; for in the mC'nth of February, 1798, astical, but the Papal. Although they mingle the purpose of aiJing the Romish church. ln and 1260 years frQm the time t.he Bishop of themselves with the seed of men in every na- A. D. 5:38, in the month of March, the Greeks Rome came into power under the Justinian tion, they cleave not to them; there is no union conquered the Ostrogoths, in Rome and Italy, code, General Berthier, by order of the French existing, because they are THE Church. The and immediately after this, the supremacy of Republic, entered Rome, took the Pope a priso- expression, "they shall not cleave one to an- the Bishop of Rome was established. ner, overthrew the above named code of laws, other," may also be understood of the king- T. You are correct; and you will also established a republic, carried the Pope a cap· doms themselves, for since the division of the bearin mind that Popery answers the charac-tive to France, where he died, a prisoner and fourth kingdom, many un9uccessful efforts have ter here predicted. 1st. His blasphemy; ver. an exile. been made to unite them again into one univer-?5, 11he shall speak great words against the H. But this, in the room of being 1260 days, sal kingdom. No one ever came nearer ac· most high." The Revelator say'3, (Rev. 13: 6,) is so many years. How can you call this a complishing this object than Napoleon Buona-and he opened 'his mouth in blasphemy against fulfillment 1 parte, but he fell while in the height of his God. Paul says, (2d Thess. 2: 4.) who oppo- 1' A day, in prophecy, is used as the repre- glory, for God had said the kingdomslhe was try. seth and exalteth himself above all that is call· sentative of a year: for example, see Numbers ing to unite, should" not cleave one to another.'' ~d God or that is worshipped. 14: 34, Ezekiel 4! 6. And in tbe place in H. What am I to understand by the four The Pope of Rome has blasphemed God by questiOJl, the time, tirneg and an half, must be beasts in Daniel 7: ~-7? taking to himself every title that ever the AI-taken as the symbol of 1260 years, from the T. The same things that have already been mighty claimed for himself, and has exalted very nature of the events foretold, as the most j brought before you, [verse 17.] '' Thelie great himself above God, in assuming the right to able commentators are agreed. The fulfillment ., beasts, which are four, are four king!i which pardon sin before it was committed, by the sale of the predictions, applying to Papacy in just shall arise Upon the earth.'' of indulgences. Again, he was to be a prrse· that amount of time, in connexion with the H. But the divisions of the image were cuting power, [ver. 21.] "made war wiLit the above examples, should be considered clear · kingdoms, and these beasts are said to be saints and prevailed against them," [ver. 25,] proof. Indeed, it would be $kepticism to rt'jact kings. shall wear out the samts of the most high. such evidence as this. 'f. The terms king, and kingdom, are here John says, [Rev. 13: 7,] and it was giYen unto H. But Popery was not destroyed in 1796, used as synonymous, for [in verse 23] it is said him to make war with the saints, and to over- nor is it yet destroyed. the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom come them. The papal power has destroyed T. Neither did Daniel, Paul or John say it upon earth. the lives of more than 50,000,000 of Chris· would be before the Lord comes, [ ver. 26.) H. How does it appear that these are the tians. No other power has ever arisen to "They shall take away his dominion,'' and same kingdoms brought to view in chap. 2? ''wear out the saints" to thi!! extent. He was what for? "To consume and destroy it unto T. Because the description of the fourth to assume authoriry, [ ver. 8,] "a mouth speak. tht' end." John says, [after the beast went into kingdom [ch. 2: 40, and ch. 7: 7] agree, in ing great things," [ver. 25,] think to change captivity, Rev. 13: 11.] I as wanother beast stren!(th and comparis~m to iron; and also in times and laws. John says, [Rev. 13, 5,] and corning up out of tho earth. [Buonaparte arose itsddivishioitlS anhsweri[nghto 7 th 7 e]toeTs,h[ch. 2h; 41.] there given unto him a mouth speaking that same yde 1 ar, 1 and was crow 18 n 0 e 5 d] odf. bot 1 h ~~·.; an tot e en orns c . : . e ten oms great t mgs. France an ta y as soon as , , 1m me 1ate y are the same kingdoms that have been descri. The Pope has assumed the right to depose after his history. the last harvest is brought to bed, [see verse 24.] Another reason that should and set up kings at his pleasure: set his foot on view. See Rev. ::.4. perfectly satisfy you that they are the same as the neck of one: made another hold his stir- Pnul says of this same power, (2d Thess. 2, in chapter 2, is, in this divided state of the rup, &c. 8.) whom the Lord shall consume with the spi- fourth kingdom, the·' God of heaven sets up" his The saints were to be given into his hand, rit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the kingdom, [v. 27.] until a time, and times aud the dividing of time, brightness of his coming. Daniel says, "de- H. What could be the object in bringing the [ver. 25.] John says, [Rev. 13: 5,] and power stroy it unto the end." Since the dominion of same subject before the mind of DanieJ the sec-was given unto him to continue forty and two Popery was taken away in 1798, his civil power . ond time? months. has been wastin~, for be it remembered, that T. There are several reasons; I will, how- H. Is there the same amount of time in power was res ored to him by Buonaparte, "ho ever, name but two prominent ones. The first both tht>se periods? remodelled the system of Popery with his own it is, t~e divided state of the Grecian kingdom T. Certainly; as you will see from [Rev. 12: hand. See Rev. 13: 15, The schemes of the was not shown in the vi~ion of the second 6, 14] where 1260 days, and time, times and an Pope are now carried on by Jesuitism and chapter; here it is brought forward under the half are made synonamous. trickery, .md not by the inquisition, torture, fire figure of the leopard with its four heads, and H. But then you must reckon 30 days t,> and sword, as they used to be. And all for the also the four wings like a fowl. Propl1ecy be-the month, and where do you get your authority obvious reason that his dominion or civil pow- ing given for the benefit of those living prior to for this ? er, what little he has, is consuming, and not ! its fulfilment, this parlicular description of the T. It iR the scriptural mode of reckoning; because his disposition is not good enough to third kingdom has been given to prevent tbe from Gen. 7: 11, and Gen. 8: 4, vou will see pursue his old course. student of prophecy from falling into error. that it was five months from the ti~e the flood H. I see what Daniel gained in this second Another important reason for this repetition commenced till the ark rested. This time is view of these kingdoms in vision, and nnw of the vision is, to give a description of ano· called lnO days in Gen. 7, 24, and Gen. 8, 3, should like information upon the dsion in the ther power that was to arise, (see ver. 8,) ex-that is 30 days to the month. We might giye eighth chapter of Daniel. plained ver. 24. "And the ten horn~ out of this other proofs. but this will answer. A time is T. This V"ision, which commences in the 3d (4th or Roman) kingdom, are ten kings that 12 mor~ths of 30 days each, or 360 days; times, ''erse of the eighth chapter, brings to view the shall arise, and another shall arise after th~m. or two times, {a<~ is here made out,) is 720 days; same great leading events as those in the 2d And he shall be diverse from the first, and he haifa time isl80days: in 11ll, 42 months, or 1260 and 7th chapters, with the exception of the s!lall subdue three kings." Jays, so that John aud Daniel perfectly agree. Babylonian kingdom, which at the timtl of tllis H. Can it be ascertained what power this H. When were the saints gh·en into his vision, was about passing away. Ver. 20, is, and when it arose! hand? "The ram which thou sa west having two horns, T. There is no difficulty in this; for all T. This you can learn from the Justinian are the kings of Media and Persia, answering we have to do, is to see what power subdued code, which you will find in almost every law. to the bear, [ ch. 7,] and the breast and arms, thref\ of the first ten kingtloms that arose out yer's office, where Justinian delivered. or sub-[ch. 2, ver. 21.]. "The ro~g~ goat which thou I ··~ of the Roman Empire. jected to the authority of the Bishop of Rome, sawest is the kmgof Grec1a. Answer to the I H. How do you know it to be three of the ''all the priests of the whole east,'' A. D. 533, leopard [ ch. 7] and belly and thighs, ( ch. 2.] "The first ten kingdoms? ar.d in 538 subdued the Ostrogoths in Rome, great horn [Alexander] between his eyes is the \ proclaims a "corning Lord"-" a coming king.. them as a deluded visionary, rather than inherit , npposed to this ''setting the time," and fright· ! dum''--·' Jesus and the resurrection," " at that withering frown,'' lam against you." I ening the people by telling them the world is I hand,"·' at the ve;y dood" Who are holding Verse 9. "And mine hand ¥hall be upon the to be burned np this year. It is a violatiCJn of themselves in a state of constant readiness for prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: many plain declarations of Scripture, for we the coming of their Lord? and what are the they shall not be in the assembly of my pr.ople, read, "~o man shall ever know the day or the truths that lead to this s.ate of preparation? neither shall they bo written in the writing of hour," and" that day llihall come as a thief."- Surely, the plain, unvarnished gospel truths; the house of Israel, neither shall they enter And then, again, the prophecies are n11t fulfilled; these tend to make Hs resigned and submissive into the land of Israel; and ye shall know that religion has but just begun to exert its inAucnce to the present world, but not to love it; they I am the Lord God." in the world; the whole world is yet to be con- lead us to loathe the things of this world. to act 0 ye prophets of I~rael, what a feariul doom! verted. as pilgrims and strangers here--to forsake all Not only t.he face of God against you, but his Memher.-0, Mr. S. answered all these ob· and follow Christ-to lay hold on the exceeding ''hand upon" you,-driven from the" assembly jections, and I really wish you had been there great and precious promis~s, and not give them of his people"-not delivered when ''Michael and heard him, it does seem to me you would away to carnal Jews, or any other infidels-shall stand up," not being •' written in the book," have liked him. to groan for adoption, to wit, the redemption of (Dan. 12: 1,) your inheritance. '·the land of Minister.-! know all about this Mr. S., there their bodi~s. Were these glorious truths held hsrael, lost,'. (Heb. 11: 16.) Let not the pro .. is no stability about him; he is always running forth, not merely as a theory, but in demonstra- phets of Israel be too ready to cast these denun· into some new thing, and making difficulty in tion of the Spirit, and with power, what an in-ciatious upon others, for they are not only against the churches wherever he goes: for instance, vulnerable front would the church present in those that "divine lies," but tho:~e also that in our own church, there is deacon M-, and the great day; but for the want of these "see vanity ;'' that look at, consider, and attach brother F -, one of our uest trustees, do not "hedges'' and watchmen to stand in importance to those vain productions settin~ the attend our meeting half the time, besiJes that, "gaps," how many will quail at ihe sounding time far off, many days to come. And why all they are giving their money to support that of the last trum~H~t. because they were not these fearful threats 1 This awful picture of "Midnight Cry," whilt: our church is in debt warned when the S\ord was ·corning! God's displeasure? Give us in brief the sum more than a thousand dollars to the upholsterer Verse 6. "They have seen vanity and 31ying of our fearful crimes, and the baleful effect~ by -don't tell me any thiug about this Mr. S.: I divination, saying, the Lord saith: and the them produced. Tell us why it is, if we are know him of old. This whole affair is. going Lord hath not sent them: and they have made thus to suffer. to break up a great many churches unless a others to hope that they would confirm the Verse 10. "Because, even because they have stop is put to it, and I you to keep away word." seduced my people, saying, peace; and there from them, Here the "flattering divination" is turned to was no peace; and one built up a wall, and Jo, Member.-But if it is true, we ought to be "lying divination." A teacher is condemned others daubed it with untempered mortar." willing to make any sacrifice for the sake of for using •• flattery" in the time of his ignor- Your efforts, neglect, or indifference has al-being ready for it, and then if it don't come, it a.nce; but after the light has shone sufficiently lured away from their glorious hope many of will do us no harm. cl(1ar for him tO see the true path, he cannot God's dear children. They did love to look for Minister.-Very true, that is what we all are p~-:rsist in spreading abroad his" flattering divi· the hope of Israel, the Saviour thereof in time pre ching. '' }!et ready." But this can be done flittions" or enchantments without incurring the of trouble, but have bftgun to say, '• Our preach- without all this difficulty,-breaking up church- guilt aud cons~quent doom of the liar. What er is a good man: he will be safe whether the es, and a thousand other evil11. was recently, with many, a matter of opinioll, Lord comes this year or not. If I am as well Member.-But will not this course lead people I has now become a ceuainty; a" thua saith the prepared as he is, I will risk it;" and at the to be rather slow in 1heir efforts to get ready, to Lorri." that "the world will be converted;" same time do not feel that happy frame of pre- say to them, that we know uothing aboUL the I ·· 1 he Jews will be restored;" "the days will be paration that they did whell they believed the time? I prolon!{etl ;" "w ha.tever 'the vision' may mean it word oj God, and adhered to i1s plain obvious Minister.-Not at all. How has it been in wd!fa·l in its application to the shortening of meaning, which shows that 1he vision ends in all past time? people have got ready for ueath, tl1e d·ly.,:' ''and the Lord approves u~," "we 1843. How hlany are thus seduced by the and thousands have died happy and gone to are happy," '' we should be glad to see him.'' prophets of Israel? Now see one of these poor heaven. &c. Thus they have r11ade others to lzope that wandering sheep from among the 1housands .Mewber.-But what are we to do with the they would confirm the word-the word that that are scattered upon the barren mountains visions of Daniel? They end this year just as God had not spnken. The truth of God's word in the "land of Israel.'' She has seen and sure as the 70 weeks ended with the crucifixiOn -of'' the vision"-had produced almost. if not marked the foretold signs upon the spreading of Christ. quite, a universal conviction upon the minds of slty-the rising cloud in the distance, and has Minister.--What folly! That 2300 dayR the people, yet how many unconverted, unsanc-heard the cry, ''Behold he cometh!" and now ended when Judas Macabeus ''cleansed the tified, unholy as they are, through the efforts of bends her way to a Shepherd's door for food and sanctuary," which had been polluted by Anti- Stuart, Dowling, Morris, Pond and otherR, have shelter, when the following dialogue takes ochns Epiph~t.nes, and to apply it to the second been made to hope that God's words would be place between the minister and church mem-coming of Christ, will prove a "failure," and "prolonged," that the Lord would not come so ber: you will see it. But don't go away with the soon; that the wicked would not so soon b('l Mrnister.-Good. morning, sister A., where impression that I am opposed to the •' coming "destroyed.'' have you been? It is some time since 1 have of Christ~~~ he is my best friend, and I should Verse 7. •' liat'e yenot seen a vain vision, and seen you at our meeting. I hope you have not be glad to see him at any time. (Amos 5: 18.) have ye not spoken a lying divination, where'ls ve turned "Millerite." Such conversations a:s the above, some of a say, the Lord saith it, albeit I hove not spoken?" Member.-Well, to tell you the truth1 1 have milder, and others of a still more hostile char- Look again at" the vision," look at its seal, been to their meetings for a spell, and for my life acter, are, in these times, matters of every day mark how all the parts, except the last, have I cannot get rid of the conviction that the doc occurence; and in perhaps a majority of in· been fulfilled, see where the '' 70 weeks'' were trine is true; yet I asaure you it gives me very stances, the l'hurch member go~s away in soma '·cut off,'' and where the 2300 days will conse-Un]Jleasant feelings, for I am not ready for it. way affected against the great truth of the Lord's quently terminate. Look at your own efforts, Minister.-l don't oppose the doctrine, for] speeuy coming-eith£>r with 1he feat of the dis-, "hints," and insinuations, that" the days" will believe Christ will come; yet I don't know, pleasure of the preacher, who 1/ttHl be a good be "prolonged;'' and above all, how you have and I don't believe any man knows when, but man. the loss of popularity, or some other con- claimed God's sanction upon your efforts to put it is best to be reauy for it. s1Jeration that most assuredly withers those the time far off, and then decide whether your Member.-0 yes, since I have hearu the lee-ardeut desires for lwlineu, and deadens those t)isions be not "vain,'' ;1nd whether your posi-tures, the Bible seems to me like a new book; fervP.nt supplications for the conrersion of their tion be not false and unfounded. I never before in all my life, have set:n the friends. Verse 8. "Therefore thus saith the Lord, Scripture in so clear a liuht: and that cautiou What thon do the prophets of Israel do but because ye have spoken vanity, and seen lies, of your3, "Get ready,"" get ready,'' has been cry '• peace," when such efl'ects follow? Judge thert>fore, behold, I um against you, saith the ringing in my ears continually. I have had ye, wherher,the present interpretation given to Lord God." such a f:truggle for holiness, that sometimes '' thfl vision'' can be opposed, or treated with Tremendous thought! ''I Alii AGAINST You, while 1 have been praying, I could almost claim neglect, Without incurring these denunciations SAITH THE Lonn Gon." Let me cry any thing the blessing; at other times I have given way against the criers of'' peace." rather than "the days are prolonged," and'' the to the .idea th~t it was an impropei excitement, The next query is, what" wall" is this, that times'' of God's judgments are "far off," ''the and th1s mornmg I thought I would come down is doomed to such sure destruction? (Ezekiel visiona has failed, &c. Yes, let me have the and see what you thought of it. j43: 8.) Is it not ''a wall" built without au- opprobrium of the world, and be denounced by Minister.-Well, to tell you the truth, 1 am thority, upon the ruins cf one that God had i· come before they came out of the pulpit ; and uncler such preaching, sinners fell like Dagon before the ark. Now. if we preach the strong pr(•bability of the Lord coming within the year, and that, too, on the authority of the vision, we are set down as crazy, deluded, false prophets, &c,, in many instances by the ery men thnt used to proclaim the possibillty of the Lord'o coming-b~(ore t!tev came ou.t of their pulpzls. When will he make this proverb to cease?- Sec verse 25. " For I am the Lord : I will speak, and the word that I ~hall speak shall come to pass: it shall be no more prolonged ; for in YOUR DAYS, 0 rebellious house, will I say the v:ord an1l will pe~(orm it, saith the Lord God." "In your days," the days in which the proverb is found in the land of Israel, the days in which the faqure of the vision or prophecy ofthe Lrml's corning, as found in the Biule, is proverbial. "In your days will [ say the worJ." Yes, 1 in the days when multitudP.s in the churches are dealin~ in their " flattering divinations," eaying. "the uays ~re prolonged," and laughing at the idea. of the vi~ion being so soon fulfilled. In those Jays will he ''say the word," cause the alarm w be sountled hy his servants, tlte '·miduight cry'' to be faithfully proclaimed, and in your days, your gen~rat ·on, the vnry ~ays in which the failure of visions is the popular pro- 1 verb, will I PERFOnl IT, saith the Lord. The proltlnging shall ce:t~e. Let those that pro- uo;.~nce the vision a failure becanse Feu1uary, April. and May have gone by, look at this. Let them here puuse, reflect., aud preparf., The Lord has here answered one objection, viz., "that every ''is!ou faileth,'' or in popular phrase, the time has passed by;" by sayin~r he will perform it. It has not passed hy. _ It docs not apply to A ntiochus Epiphanes, or to the an- cient Jews. lt is yet to come. Aut! 110 wano, tiwr o'1jection is raised. Ver:;e 27. ·'Son of man, bellolrl, they ot the ht•Use of Israel say, The vision that he seeth i:; }'OR MANY llAYS TO COMF., and ht! prop!lesieth of the t mes that are far off.''. Behold. wonder, and be amazed th;tt there is ~SUch au aversion iu the cburcht~s to seeing their Lord. that by dint of application they ttave dii!cnvAred that the vi· siou, though made plain and " written upon ta· bios," "ill not terminat.e for •· many day~:~ to come,'' and the ''time. timf~s. and a half,'' which \as to enJ the unmiuion of the bt>a:st, is yet Jar off -Tbnt t!'tere is to ue a. ~lorions reign of grac~> among the c:burches in this corruptible worlll for 1000 rears.-l'he risiou lt·ll~ of the world's cnn\u00b7ers.inu, the return of the .Jews to Palt•stillt', &c. ''The New York ErrJllv(•li~t,'' a pr11fesst:dly religi11 s paper, puhlished iu tlti~ city, ~olated 'a few Wt>t:ks ~inc:t·, in some renw rks agaiu:st '' Mllleri.Hil." tltat if God h;Jt\ promised clli)' thing, bP. ha·l promi~ed tl1e eonl'er:-~wn of tb1~ worl(l, and the test.oration of the Jews. Thus s·1~ irt~, the prophecy rPlatt>s to •• ihP- times that are afn· off.' .A not her profes:o;t-:dly religious writt>r, interests his readers by at· ternpt.in1! in a !)llrcasr.icalmy are t•aJ'. tlte word of the Lord.'' To prophecy does not ed 'foolish prophets." Foolish imle• u ~ to make 1 always imply foretelling future events, but to declarations according with the carrral 'iews testify, teach, or preach hy inspiration; for ex-of men, und opposed to the plain truth~ of the ample, see Luke l : 67-79; 1 Cor. 14: 3, Bible ; •· foolish'' to reap the applause of men, anti m .. ny other places, and loose an iucorntpllble erown. V crse 9. Bear testimony agaiust those preachers that '• 0 that they woulJ but know, t.hdt the wisdom '' out of their own hearts" and not o\ll of the of this world is foolishness with God."-( 1st word of God, are laboring to make men believe. Cor. 3: 19.) the ending of the vision at present is nought but Verse 4. "0 brael. thy prophets are like the fo11y. 1' Hear the word of the Lord." 1f ye will foxes in tile desPrt." The cunninrJ of the fox is. neither "search'' nor'· teach'' it., hear it, for It proverbial; during the clear light of day their directly concerns you. dwelling is in some secret place in the desert, Verse 3. ,, Titus saitlt the Lord God, vVo unto ~ntl if they e\u00b7er come ou~ into open daylight, it the foolish prophets, that Jolluw their otvn spirit Is not because they H, but. s1mply to secure and have $eennothing.'' t.hen pr~y. and t.hen htde both 1t and themselves What will not men do. when their own world- III darkness agam. Jy interests arc deeply concerned? It is a well known _fact. that lately, .the mass Tl h h b II d f G ] d of preacl1ers say nutlnn~. or but very ltttle, upon wse t at ctve eeu ca e o 01 an I · ) · 1 · h 1 h h ' 1 t 1e prophecies of 1 an1e ; and why so, unless gtveu t emse ves up to teac t e pure gospe h .1 1 l 1 · h h f r Ch · · d h · 1 h t ey are persuautH t 1at tle newd t ~"·Y ave 0 · t>sus nst, recetve . 1 eir. 80. ~ arge formerlv held were erroneous? The 'i~illll was to hold fortl1 those truths In their Slmphctty, un- 1 IJ • 1 d .. ·11 th t' f th 1 ,, 1 auulterated with human wisdom.-Such men ,0 e sea e up 11 e d .un~ 0 ° Cllf • 1 Jen d l h f d b t • many were to run to an lro, and krwwledge can, an co, w en rowne upon . y tuose upon was to be increased.'' whom they are dependent for thetr support and Th 1· 1• · h1·01·n · th 1 1' lt 1 · · ld h h d , f 11 l . e ' s on Is now s g 1n o c ear 1g 1. popu a~tt.y, yte ~ ose trut s, a~ ' . 0 .ow t telf of day and •' like the foxes of the df'iSel t" rhe own sptrll," and 1u tlJe room ot bnngrng forth h' 'I · l · ' · l 1 f • f h B k f G d prop ets of srael wJI not come out Jnto tltf l /}.ht rtc l c u~ters 0· I rut? rom t e 00 •. 0 .0 ' to of it unless it be for ~he purpose of securirw feed thetr congre!!;atlons. they study 1n then own ' d th th f · d I' 'f hearB to learn what will attract, intetest, ani- some pr.ey, an even en e un air ea tng 0 · -h I h l 'II the fox 1s seen. until thr.y have slunk back wto mate, or exclte, t e peop ~' m~re t an w 1at WI the desert again. prt'fit them. fhus, a d1srellsh for the sober M D r ·11 1 t truths contained in the Biulej has been genera- h r. ~·w mg ~ 1 tt ets~ correc ;"Y error ted iu the rhluds of the great mass of the pro- evmay lS~or,er}lll Je i.ll> p!lrag~ap l I f d r ll 1. J \'h h erse 5. · \ e lave not. ~one up lltlf> tle ~aps, esse 10 owers o e!!us ·' en a preac er · l d 1 h l f' L. h I' 1 fi ] I' 1 I f h ~ - ld neltner ma e up t 111 e( gt-: or 1 ue ouse o s- Tlf s. a tve. V ta e 0 _uman su ertng, or wor -rael to stand iutlle battle 111 tlte clay of< the Lord." ly triumph, narrated wllh 11nergy and pathos. ex- [1 tl l · t f • t b k ' · . d · · l · l f 1. 1ere, Hl c wrge 1s no one o any ou rea·- snmg a eep lilt~ rest tn. t ll:l mwc s 0 ~s hea.r-ing sin. or violence of any kind; but of careless· ers .. and rap1dly tncreas.lllg the numb~r of hts Bess 01 neglect. ,, The battle in the day of the admtrers; such tales of human su~t:rtng, soon Lord" is in the" O'reat da, of hint ~~nant to say," 0~ how )o,·e [thy law;" modern teaclting leads to exclamations like this," 0, howl ln'flthat. preacher," "What an atlrnirablesernt(lrt," &c. The charge is," They follow their own spir- i~s and have set'n nothing.'~ Have not realised the force and bearing of the vision ; have no permanent or establiihed Yiews of the glorious kingdom God is about to set up. And while they are teaching, by intimations, The wall of defence for primitive Chris:ians was t.hc Lord him~Self, Hut! the doctrines J,e tilught to his uisciples; wh1ch were, •· Repeut for the kingJom of heaven is at hand;'' not a), ready come. "The coming of the Lord draw- eth nigh;" not already here i 11 person, as he ha!$ promised to come. "I will Cl)tne again and receive you to myself." This "hedge for the hou:~e of Israel," has beeu broken down, and these "gapli" in her wall;, l•f defencP; hare been made, by those watchmen, who, in the room of ,comf(;rting Ziou .,_,ith these glorious 1 promises, coutinually lead her sons and daugh- t ters to lly for comfort to one of the most polluted I fountains that ever cursed our fallen race.- 1 T?ns they cry," gPt !eady for death:·-·· ucath I w11l be to us the commg of the Lord'-" death is the gate to eud)Clss joy," &c. 0 how long have these insipid streams been flowing, to ,. damp the Christian's joys? And how welcome is the gospel's cheering sound, which now 1 W A TC l-IMEN. tba.t Christ should come this year, I feel resign-I ed to his will; l shall try and submit. l don't 1 believe it is my duty to be looking for this all Ezekiel U; 17,-1' 1"'1-lvreover the word nf the tho time. If 1 am ready, that is enough-I shall 1 Lord came t11 me, smting, be ea.fe." Such language as this is heart! almost 1 Ver. 18, Son oj Marl, Pat thy bread with quak· every day from tfwse who profess to be God's : ing, and drink thy watt:r wttlt trembling a1ul care- children, and some of them make their temple':! fulneu.'1 ring again with amcns and haLlelujahs. Now A:ssume the manner of a person that is in keep your eye on the true te:st-the word of imminent peril-every moment afraid of his life. God. Here it is befo1 e yon~ staring you in the 1 The language shows the great straits into which face. Look upon it while we introduce an I the servants of God would be brought, in t.he analogous case. days to which the prophecy pointetl. Your husband has beeuloog absent from you I Verse 1-9.-" Awl say unto thP. people nj the He sends you a letter, and in it fixes the time 'I land, Thns saidt the Lord God of tll.e inhabitant$ when, as well as relates the circumstances under of Jerttsalem, and of the lonrl nf Israel, lltf',lJ ~hall which he will return. The bearer of t.he letter . eat tlteir brrad wilh ca1'efulness, and drink their wa- ~vaits to hear the titlings. You teU him you are Iter uJitlt a6ton£sllmrnt, that her land may be DESO· 1n a hurry at present., and so lay the let!er by. I.ATE Fl ALL THAT Js THEREI~, because of the You soon after tal\e it down, break the seal,and viol'!ftce of ALL tllem that dwell therein." See also begin to read. The time of his arrival is filo:ed chap. 4: 16, 17. "Son of man, hehol.d I wiJI at a certain number of days, hut the letter has no break the staff of bread in Jerusalem; and they date to it. It contains anMher sealed letter, shall eot. bread by weight and with care, and which you are dirtcted not· to open until you t.hey shall drink wr1ter uy measure and with as- hear that the Pte~ident of the Unitlld States is toni~;hment: t.hat they may want bread and wa- taken and carried a prisonerto Montre~l: You Iter, and be astonish~d.o~te .with another, and lay the sea!Hd leuer by, and suon the ttdwgs go consume away for tlHm tnrquJty." all thtong·h the eountry tltat the President of the It will be difficult t.o discover how the pre- U niteJ has been taken aud carried a pri· diction of the lantl bei11g 1• desolate from all that f,O!ler 10 Montrfla.l; hut you ha'e forgotlen the is therein" has been l'ultillet.l; there never hav- 8ealed letter till the btHtrer comes in and reminds ing bt>en a time, since the days of Abraham. that I you of it. It is takt>n down, the seal is uroken. the "land of Israel did not contain many in· I\ ! h~re is the date anJ the explanation relative habitants." \Ve think there are strong reasons I{ I to tht: time of your husband's return. You look for supposing the famiue l1ert! spoken of to be 1~· i~ over, make your calculation, allll find that the under the pourin.g out of the, vials, or the seveu ~ [ ttlllH rtlUS OUt the neXt week. last plagues, which t i)\eS place after ihe fir::;t re· J \Vit.h a cool. indiffe1ent. countenancP, and surrection; for then tlie rivers, the sea. and all ' perhaps wi1h ;L li~tle pee\u00b7ishness, you lay the waters become blood. All resource~ are cut ' Jt-tt.flr !ly. The old bearer of it wait:'!, still off, (Rev. 16,) and men "co!lsume away" wh·lt\ 1.nxtous to know the result. You tell him you they stand upon their feet, and their tongues II non't know when be will corne, still indifferent consu.m~ away in their mouths." (See Zech. 14; I ~ and rather fretfuL He looks at the letter for 12.) Compare this 'erse. also, with P8. ] 07: j himself and says. ''Why here it is, plain as the 33, 34.-•' He turneth rivers into a wilderness, lli~llt. of day. why he will be at home next anu the water.springs into dry grouud; a fru 1.• I wet>k. Tr11P., h~ dotiS not say whl time in the fulland into barren11ess, for the wickPd1tess of t wet:k, bnt. he wiJ I come next week." You say thPrn lhat. dwell therein.'' V ersc 20 -"Awl lht: I to him, ··I can't see it as _you Jo. However. it cities that are inlwbttfJd shalt he laid waste, and t.luJ l' may be true, aud if it is, l will try ar:d subrnir; land shall be desolate: and ye shall hn.ow tl&at I for I know it is my duty to be Tt>oigned to it. let am the Lord." How many cities shall be laiJ him come when he will. But don't. talk to me waste? As many a:; are inhabited. Have the I·, any more about it at present. for it is such an cities of I~rad ever been laid waste, and t.he 1':\ agitating subject I am afraid tt will set me era- btnd at the same time made desolate from all that zy, for I am very nervous. and you know there is therein? Jf not, this predict.ion remains to ~ave been a number of women deranged lately be fulfilled, an·l cannot apply to any thing short In consequence of talking so much to them of God's ~rreat judgments, to come upon all the about their husbands coming home." wicked in the last days. We now a:sk. under these cir.c-wnstances, Verse 22.-" Son of man, what is thal prover& ~·· could you complain if the bearer tlf that that ye. have in the lanrl of lsraPl, .~oying, T!te da.IJS shou)J go a way and say you Jo not love your are prolonged and fJVCflf tlision faiiPth ?'' V hen husband I We leave you a little whr!Q t.u make the davs Jraw near in which the land i.~ to br. your own calculations how the faithful wife made dPsolate. a. proverb arises, und what. i"' it? ~'·ould act under similar circumstance::~. Then '·The days are prolonged, and every vision Jndge whether lite resignati(Jn auJ submis:-ion faileth." Is it likely that such a proverb would will not be applieJ to staying away, rather arise~ without any oceasion 1 It is narural t.o than to his coming. Alter you have well di- suppose declarations that rhe days wi1L not be gested the above, read the following: prolonged, and t!t.e.t1ision ~"ill soon befulfilled, it "I have espousetl you ro nne husband, that I wilt notfail, were the very means that were 111 may present you as a chaste virgin to Chri~t." give rise to the proverb. If ever there was a 2 Cor. 10: 2. •· He that lo'eth fa.ther or mo- time in which the idea of the '';'' heirt# thtH more than me, is uot worthy of me.'' Matt "laid waste," the " land" bein.~ made " cle~:;o- 1 10: 27. late," or in short, the earth auJ the wicked be- The following ill the substance of a lecture delivered , in the chureh. rorner of Catharine and Madison streets, N. Y. on Sahdath afternoon and evening, May ~8th. and repeated in the WeEr lhese burning words of the great Jehovah. During the past winter, when the truth or falsity of the visiun \YaS the theme in aln10st every pulpit, an unconrerted person said to us. •· I went on Sahbatb morniug to hear Mr --explain rh~ vision of Daniel; anti ue lllttde out very plai 11 that it would enrl rbis yt•ar, a.nd I have 110t ~pent 1.'0 unhappy a "'e.••k for a ltml[ time, but 1 \Hilt the 11ext ~ah­ h:.~th to Lear Mr. --preach u;rairu;t it, and it gav·~ me a great d,·al of comfort." This i~ but on~ in~tann~ out. of ten thousand of the r-fr~ctR of tbese "flattering cli"inations." lr. is a "H:.trtt>ring di,·ination" to give the sinner to llltdt>rl:'t.and that there i~ no probability of the Lord's f'llllli11g lor many yeeing snmmtmr·o to t.he j11dgmeut SHfore he is rallt:u away by deHth. What. a change ha~ eome upon tbe watchmen on the walls of Zion during the lnst ~Oor 30 years! Now, the warnings given to th•l sintltH arA, for the most parr. based upon the scP-nes ol'the ~>ick bed and the dying hour. 'l'h1rty y()ar~ since, Jesus ant! the rc:>urrection, thtl kingdom of heaven at hand, the judgment to come that made Felix trembl~, the coming of the Lord drawerh nigh. were the powerful topics that caused sinners If> trt 111bltl. We well remember lwariug Methodist prehch- ers proclaiming the coming of the Lord and the judgment so near, that it was 'ery possible to ;