NEEDED: Men the to help others free themselves of bud and Woon whi woanithd get problems and attain Sraneial aabiho Wonk tor a Dow Jones top 30 coeapuy starting park dane cSatundaas of Groed, Christran-hihe work with cy cetient oppo tummies for advancement while heipang others. Tmnted to Washinton metro: ten ue residents only. Phone Richand al P7080 TRAE Sy MIRACLE MEADOWS School needs Moll aired gardemmy, vehicle and equipment mun Mun chp vouths Housing, Booed and coped provided. Wrote wor Rift Churk, Reb Bas 280 BL Salem Wh 26d al TRIANUA (i PAT Cones irug lion india er tere sited hnldine construction REINETTN CONDO FORRENT: 133 Newport Ban 29 Bayside property sath two bedreoons Sleeps sine Bas twarbathe Very Clean: neo blocks trom Carousel, ton wie too Gonden Seize, “a0 Plum vnth Sta Sihver Sponge. NH 000 or HERAT R ERAS Lor mote snfomma [SERN SMALL RETIREMENT HOMIE locared mm the beaut! 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A proven saies nackground is preferred Send resumes to Person nel Department, Worthington Foods, Inc. 9nd Proprietors Rd. Worthington, OH 43085 36d An Equal Opportunity Employer. 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