THE WATCHMAN THE NORTH BRAZIL MISSION Tur last message of mercy is making pro- gress in this mission field also. We see that the gospel is even here accomplishing for in- dividual hearts that which at the Saviour's birth angel songs announced, as, hovering over the hills of Judea, they sang: “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Across the bay from Rio de Janeiro lies the small and ancient city of Nictheroy. A short distance from Nictheroy lives Brother N., a native, and shoemaker by trade, who, as all true Adventists should do, sought to interest his neighbors (who were Roman Catholics) in the word of God. Accordingly he loaned one family a Bible. The wife soon became in- terested in this, to her, new book, and began to put into practice what she read. Brother N. also began to work with another neighbor, and he also became interested in the Bible and its teachings. Now it so happened that these two families, neighbors of Brother N., were bitter enemies, and Mrs. Mary would never INAUGURATION OF THE MARKET OF FLOWERS, RIO DE JANEIRO speak to Mr. Antonio, nor even look at him. But some time after Mrs. Mary had com- menced to study her new-found Bible, which told her to love her enemies, she met Mr. An- tonio in the road, and the latter hardly knew what to say or think as his former bitter en- emy gave him a hearty shake of the hand and a cordial and f{riendly greeting. As Mr. An- tonio thought of the past, his eyes filled with tears, and he said, “Surely only the gospel could have wrought this change in vou.” And from that day, Mr. Antonio made greater progress in the spiritual life. Mr. Antonio had been a devoted Catholic, and had many images of saints in his house, but as soon as he learned to know the true God, who forbids the making and worshiping of images, all his once precious idols were put away and destroyed. He at one time said to me, “All my life I have worshiped clay, but now am glad that I one more worker, a native brother who is do- ing colporter and Bible work in Rio de Jan- And we believe the Lord will send us We desire an in- eiro. the help we so much need. terest in your prayers. F. W. Sriks. Hg 8 M8 THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE—NO. 1 Tur great threefold message of Revelation 14 is to be preached “to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.” The proc- lamation of the everlasting gospel as embodied in these messages directly results in develop- ing, from all nations, a people of whom it is said, “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” This calls for faithful message-bearers to know and can serve the true God.” Where Brother N. be- gan to sow the seed of present truth there are now two entire families keeping the Sabbath of the Lord, and members of two other families are likewise obeying the Lords commandments and rejoicing in the hope of the Lord's soon com- ing. Homes where Egyptian darkness reigned, with its multitude of where people hated one another, are to-day send- ing forth beams of light to other souls still in darkness. The precious last-day gospel mes- sage, the message that calls all men to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, has there kindled a light which is even now guiding the feet of others to the sure harbor; for through these above mentioned, still oth- ers are becoming interested in the third angel's sins, message. A short time ago seven of these dear souls asked to be baptized, and we are expecting soon to have a baptism at this place. It is hard for those who have not before seen the utter darkness and ignorance of these poor people in the things of God to realize the great change that has come over them; hard to realize what it means to now see them converted to God and his truth. And natur- ally their joy in the Lord and in his light is in proportion to the darkness from which they emerged. This is what the third angel's message is doing for the people of Brazil, and surely it is gratifying to know that in some few prov- inces of this vast country the work has now a firm foothold, But in the North Brazil Mis- sion, which includes sixteen provinces, and in which more than seventeen millions of just such poor souls are sitting in darkness, there is great need of more men and means, as the writer is the only ordained minister in this vast field, and aside from myself there is only VIEW OF RIO DE JANEIRO, SHOWING ELEVATED ELECTRIC LINE UP SANTA THEREZA MOUNTAIN go into all parts of the earth to preach the coming of the Lord and to hold up the com- mandments of God. As these workers go out into lands where heathen and papal dark- ness have long reigned supreme, they realize as never before the fact that “ we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against princi- palities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph. 6:12. Note the opposing forces against which we are called to labor. The Twentieth Century New Testament states it thus: “ For our strug- gle is not against enemies of flesh and blood, but against the powers of evil, against those that hold sway in the darkness around us, and against the spirits of wickedness on high.” This condition is truer now than when the apostle Paul, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, wrote of it; for we are certainly liv- ing in the times when Satan is working * with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all the deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish.” 2 Thess. 2:9, 10. Here is a summing up of all the master- pieces of deception on the part of the powers of darkness as arrayed against the work of God in these last days. It is not necessary to mention the different forms in which these deceptions appear; they are legion. However, it is necessary for us to remember the nature [J