Five-day Plan in Thai “My father-in-law died from can- cer of the lung last year. I am sure this was caused from smoking and I need help to overcome the cigaret- te habit.” These were the words of Mr. Vitoon when he telephoned Dr. Roger Nelson to learn more about the “Five-day Plan to Stop Smoking” to be given mm the Thai fanguage at Bangkok Sanitarium & Hospital. Mr. Vitoen lives in Chan- taburi, a town about 300 kilometers south of Bangkok. When he read in a Thai newspaper that there was to be a plan to help people give up the smoking habit, he decided that he would come to Bangkok to stay during this time so he could attend the meetings. He had been smoking for sixteen years and knew that it was very bad for his health. His wife also came to the meetings so she could be an c¢ncouragement to him. It was a real struggle for Mr. Vitoon., but after the third night he had gained the victory over the cigarette habit. The clinic was conducted by Dr. Roger Nelson and Pastor Sunti So- rajjakul. Several clinics have been held in English in Bangkok. but this is the first time onc has been held in the Thai language. Judging Dr. R. Nelson shaking hands with Mr. & Mrs. Vitoon THE MESSENGER November-December., 1965 A part of the group that attended the 5 Day in Thai held recently at BSH. [rom the interest that was shown, it was a real success. On the frst night there were 133 registrants— our nurses’ chapel was packed. The attendance staved at over 100 on cach of the following nights with several new registrants on the sec- ond and third nights. On the fifth night when the questionnaire was filled out by seventy-four of those who had attended the meetings, six- tv-one indicated that they had been successful in giving up the cigarette habit. Many others were able to cut down the number smoked daily. Several of those who stopped had been smoking for as long as forty years and one policeman had smok- ed for fifty years. On the last night when the audi- ence was asked wo give their mm- pressions of this plan. one lady stood and said that she had stopped smoking after the first night and she felt it was because God had helped her. When she came back for the follow-up meeting. she told Dr. Nelson she had been so enthu- stastic about the Five Day Plan that her husband had also stopped smoking. although he did not at- tend the meetings. At the last follow-up meeting. held on November 30, a surgeon of the First Army Area Headquar- ters in Thailand who had attended the meetings and was successful in giving up the cigarette habit ex- pressed his desire to have Dr. Nel- son and Pastor Sunti hold a Five- day Plan at his Army Post soon after the first of the vear. We are thankful for the results of this Five day Plan held in the Thai language and are looking for- ward to holding several more during 1966. —Betty Webster The Cry from Bengkoka (From page 1.) He replied. “Because 1 believe in God.” Aun told them about the true God that he worshipped. One of the Basel lay men 1s one of Ajun’s own relatives. Ajun’s friend. Akong, 1s a witchraft prac- ttoner, and he helped to remove the evil spell and the people then stopped shaking. Ajun stated: “This kind of thing (spell) 1s used for play to show whether the visitor has power to resist this thing or not. If you do not get the shaking or it no evil happens to you, then they know vou have power to resist this shak- mg. Then they respect you.” They also have power to kill They can cast a spell and cause a person's death. Sometimes they use witchcraft to get money. They cast a spell on someone. and na- turally the person wants to be