104 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST YEAR Book. truth ; (5.) To send packages of our publications to the different ports visited by ships. In short, the object of the Society is to seek out and make use of every possible means by which the light of present truth can be carried to all portions of the world. ARTICLE IIL. — OFFICERS. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-Presi- dent, a Secretary (who shall also act as treasurer), three Assistant Secre- taries, or more, and an Executive Board of seven, of which the President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall be members. ARTICLE IV.-——EXECUTIVE BOARD. It is the duty of the Executive Board to carry out the decisions of the Society; to furnish publications and employ agents as they may see fit; to audit all accounts, and to fill any vacancies that may occur in their number by death, resignation, or otherwise. ARTICLE V. — MEMBERSHIP. All persons paying the sum of ten dollars shall become life-members of this Society, and shall receive certificates of life-membership. They shall also be entitled to all the privileges of members of State societies. ARTICLE VI. — REPRESENTATION. Section 1. This Society shall be represented by delegates and life- members. } Sec. 2. The State officers of any tract and missionary society present shall be considered delegates. In the absence of State officers the defi- ciency may be supplied by persons from the same society who may be present. Sec. 3. Any company of Seventh-day Adventists organized according to the plan adopted by our State societies, not included in any Confer- ence tract organization, shall be entitled to one or more delegates, according to the number of districts in the organization. ARTICLE VII. — FUNDS. The funds of this Society shall consist of receipts for life-member- ship, and donations from societies and individuals. ARTICLE VIII. — MEETINGS. Section 1. This Society shall convene annually for the election of officers and the transaction -of necessary business, at such time and place: as the President may appoint. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be calied oy a majority of the Execu- tive Board at such times and places as they shall deem necessary for the: interests of the organization. ARTICLE IX. — AMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any an- nual meeting. . : t Resolved, That Art. V. of the constitution, gives the members of this Society no- privileges in any local society above those of the local members. They may draw pabli- cations at the discretion of the local ofticers, to be used while in that locality, and are ex- pected to make donations toward meeting the expenses of the local society, according to. their ability, the same as other members.