two mental and material, The two are, however, inseper- able blended. Matter contains mind, and mind incoperates itself in matter. The two are one, and the one is two, Every particle of existence and matter is filled with the divine presence of Buddha. The Universe is Buddha externalized, (2) Polytheistic Religions In the strict polytheistic religions of Egypt we find many pan- theistic tendencies, One example should be enough to illustrate this: 2k ’ God ATM, the universe (or also called mstm, the "Allerzeuger had created the first pod couple with his own seed, With this the world of "weltererzeugencer" gods was created, In greek religions we find already in early greek thinking tendencies which let us realise that they were believing in an universal power (A11- kraft). To unite the polytheism with Pantheism was specially seen in the St0a,25 For the Stoic writers and thinkers the concept of divinity was less that of a personal concret Being than of a spiritual force or soul= po