Trap Tuan Khuana and Char [uc or Hang, on the right, helped to 0 : Pastors Pham Truong Thonh ard Lo H Preft, thi AS Christ's disor ov went out LR mpeeachimg the ki cde or heaves enon the cties of ad tees so the audents of the Nicer ane Adventist Trammne School wens peocsing om the erties of Netnuro Jars 2 March and April. Become on Niarch 28. whch was Fvaneelian Leos om Va nam. they held vole Youth cilorte nn Chelona swhood, and assisted with coors mm Cane Tho, Pho Nhuan, ood Dida, Crepes ree iced fame When these mode nirned. they forty des dios whe were olad to ove them pray on ther hore an-Tho where Pastor Pham dre Thanh OTTO - Por srl] wos the evaneelist, the 1a. ed trom the army woes |e for the crowds, Youn joonle came tor the house where thes stiaved, ashiny them to esplon Bible Fleven were baptized ihe Can: Pha River. and nminteriat aas col- pes! < thre girls with Hong for Tuan Dien rap tiv on Apr levied from gon Tov star! a Cli sists! Sor [ | ye al wl Ly Que Hoo Tran Chelon Chars Wonu Yow So Ti Andrews | to dire thes planing and mn These forehand oth cers. aogood glen Thre treed. and sin or meetings, dectsiar 200m ther nearly An mpressi strrdden Dalat Churdeh oe Corrs at the end of moet. students ave and the chur dark suits in the second row, | haptism in Cantho. v Senor Tuan ko Dc held a sn SS if h ATs pos Ce oo. oO | [RA CD Ta phism. Seooarkmg ches, crachation of Bible RI beld Soochathy April 19, coothicers nearby Foatdimyge, [aan Den. Cosoamd Chany cloettort in the ovaeh Pastor SO stadving mn das not present ces Too caret priaviice be 4 the church I~ manmtaned throtehewr ther Tess NT hap- ave registered with Fi mr the “or Puen Sau’s lat Uaeversaty re anterested wcll fled with these yaunn Paster 15 0k na to ente: Trainin sond bos thy The! vig coodle of he Car-The Jase of Datism Evan upon! Tw ty Tron ces To Van Sew, whe hapes the Mainistericl was Feld on a River FROIN Ie . ae t hy R. E. NN Vietnam Advent Khuang, Chas Cran: ied the chars, / Touth ber passersby at the Tun fooler hd trogen