Gena paps of tha Sevanth-nay Adventist Editor William 5. Johnson Associate Editors Roy Adams Myron K Whzlinar News Editor Carlos Muediay Assistant Editors Eugene FB. Durana Kit Watts Editorial Assistant Jacks Orde de Administrative Secretary Connre Bes Editorial Secretary Faith Wilkens Art Director Stepnes Hat Designer Boyan Gray Marketing Gi Anrpsrgon Ad Sales Qrvas Driswali Subscriber Services Larry Burt=en Consuiting Editors Meal C Wison, Charles E Bradiond. Wa ann) Coo, DF Gehert, Raker J, kino arnsgsn, Kenneth J Mittlewier, Enoch Cl- vera Calvin 8B Roc SG Rann Tor oaon Special Contributors Kennel H. Wood. George WW. Brows alc.) 2nnsto Dts C Heya Edw Ludesoher J MN Paulsen, Walter RB _ Soragqg, Joao holt Africa-Indian Ocean Editions Editor Jacs tAatar Inter-American Edition Ector, Ada giza Archbold South American Editions Egan RS Lessa Poruquess ior Reian Wi Nn Span sty How to Subscribe Suscipto noes Churn To writers. WE ste Hoth TRE LSA PHRIGTED Conary Comet Cire gn Tre my ge Bank D0 tren Bia td Eawards Cr CJan Why the cross? p. 12 Home alone. EDF IC IRL ALS Creation: A Mystery —1 The most fundamental pillars of the Chris- tan fwib, including Creation, fall com- pletely bevond the realm of ordinary sci- CTICC. by Roy Adams Bull’s-¢ye Journalism A challenge wo writers who have ten tor the Review lately. orever., their skills wath our readers. by Kit Watts Nut writ- 10 share CURRENT Iss TES The New Age: Its Ideas and Perils Those whe believe this anvthing-goes philosophy become prime targets tor Sa- tans lie, "Ye shall be as gods. by Betty Jochmans THEOLOGY The Triumph of the Cross As we stand before the sinless Sufferer at Golgotha, we see ourselves as we really are. for our sims helped put Him there. by Russell A. Argent « Selling God. Magi. Witnessing peoples centered. wards, A ADVENTIST 17 20 COMING N NEXT WEEK "by 3 is more about being than doing, being rather than product a ® ls Despair Sin?" by Rex kid- generation that de- sires to be realistic had better face up to the fact that despair is out of syne with reality. April 6. 1989 SPD Youth Congress, p. 25 LIF ESTYLE Temporary § Singleness How to stay (reasonably) happily married while your spouse travels and you're home alone. by Iris Hayden Stober TURNING POINT “I Can Do All Things . . .” I Kept the Sabbath alone for nearly four vears. by Sarah Crapo and Lilya Wagner NEWS Newsbreak Focus on North America Worldview South Pacific vouth congress. growth in Kiribati, traning schools, Church South American lay Safety in Florida. DEP ARTMENTS Letters Dear Miriam Bulletin Board Children’s Corner Reflections ® “The Outsider.” by Kelly Graham. Friends who had left the SDA Church came back tor reunion. But they won't be back again soon. ® “‘Ministering to Your Pas- tor.” by Vera Jackson. Preach- ers and their families need en- couragement from caring. lov- ing members. Irina (347) 3