..Che... Erncational Messenger an Exponent of the Theorv and Fraclice of Christian Education os fa f— w= Eitorial =o pas EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE THE BOMENW ARDY TRIE Some of the western delegates decided to make the homeward trip by a round- a-bout way Vernon instead of direct from Ht. to Chicago. Accordingly we were up 5:30 breakfast to enable us to catch the early Sunday worning for a first car to the city to take an excursion train for Cleveland. Our company con sisted of all those mentioned as starting from Liuceln {except Brethren MeGuoe and Huffinan) together with Elder Starr, of Iowa, Mrs. Clara Salisbury and Miss Mannie Hart, of Battle Creuk, and Miss Matilda Erickson, of Takoma Park. we were taken by kind friends retarn- Reaching Cleveland about noon, ing from the convention to the Prospect Sanitarium and the home of Dector Venen near by, where a bountiful lunch was provided. The hospitality of these newly-found friends gotten. We come West sometime and give not be dor cordially invite will them {uo us the privilege of returming their hospitality. The afternoon was spent in visiting places of interest, among others Gar- field's taymh Mark MHaona's mauvsolenm COLLEGE VIEW, NEB. AUGUNT 10, 100? ciopoment. A Sieve land fact that winle the vometeries and parks and the Kooheleller policeable thing ao is the are most beautifully kept there are no signs, "Weep of the grass!” aad people wall apd olisideren ning at will on car- pets of Living geeesn, colt as velvet, Ab LAS on wa Detvart, next moving, took the steamer for 7.30 the Fake rie sostained her where we arrived si repulatoon of bere “roueh’ and several i were sersioh during fhe passage; but we got along very weil, and were all in good sprite bo day the beautiful ride up the Detroit Haver, We had {oar i hours fo spare su Detrort, and ime proved the ies by taking an automo bile ride through the beantital Belle Isle Park. stopping a halt hour to see the aaonoion, At Detvodt Mass Hunt lett fis (0 visit tricnds a few miles away, while the rest of pa teok the limited trolley car for Battle Creek stopping only at Ypsil- ants, Fuckson, and at 5:30 Ann Arbor, and Here wi scattered for the night, tor each had reaching Battie Creek bis own dviends and places of interest We oelock al the Santlarivnm, however, and to visi! met again about nine decided wpon cur course tor the vext day. Tunesida Michigan Central Station to 1815 ten for We were Vighted, thie {orenoon foand ws at the take the de- bearty Miles here. to receive