Vel. 39, No. 20 Sydney, Monday, May 20, 1935 Lory Senay. for eras, by Post as a Newspaper SPIRITUAL ANTITHESES BRING DIVINE COMPENSATION | God takes that He might give. He wounds that He may heal. He chastens that He might love. He breaks that He might bring together. He sends out that He may gather in. I He tears apart that He might bind together. | He keeps us poor to give us the riches of His grace. He baffles our plans that we might follow His plan. He blasts our hopes that we might know “the blessed hope.” He helps us to forget, that we may remember Him. He makes us captives that we might be free. He asks us to surrender that He may make us conquerors. He takes corruption to give us incorruption. He takes the mortal to give us immortality. He sends the shadow that we may appreciate the sunshine. He fills the night with sorrow to bring a glorious dawn of joy. He asks us to die that we might be born again. He buries us to give us a wonderful resurrection. He separates us from the world to give us transcendent heaven, where God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: and there shall be no more sea: for the former things are passed away. “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and | will be his God.” MABEL V. WHITE. ) = hl