~ BULLETIN BOARD AWARD-WINNING RECORD PRO- DUCER seeks recording artists: Jim Me- Donald, winner of 35 Gospel Albums of the Year, is taking auditions for individuals, groups and children. Custom recordings with all-inclusive budgets. Send your cas: seties to: Jim McDonald Productions, 3808 Rosecrans St., Suite 458, San Dicgo, CA 92110; or call (619) 692-2411. (121) COLORADO VACATION? Yes, for you and the family. Come te Filoha Meadows near historic Redstone. Enjoy mountain splendor high in the Rockies. Fabulous snow skiing, abundant wildlife, blue ribbon trout fishing, privatc natural hot mineral springs, jecping, hiking and biking trails. Kitchenette apartments, Very affordable. Call (800) 227-8906. (31) GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for ambitious and articulate individuals who can communicate effectively. We will train you how to help homeowners pay off their mortgages up to 10 years sooner and save thousands of $88. No license is required. Neat appearance, {ft or pft. Weekly com- mission check. Call (800) 456-8982, Ext. 5025. 31) A GREAT PLACE TO WORK AND LIVE! Onc hour from Orlando in sunny Florida, we have openings for medical per- sonnel in our 101- and 50-bed, including 17-bed mental health unit (AHS/Sunbelt) hospitals. Excellent wages/benefits, rural sctiing, 10-grade school and active church. Call Tom Amos at Walker Memorial Hos- pital collect at (813) 453-7511. (41) YOUR CHILD CAN MEMORIZE Bible chapters as effortlessly as you memorized nursery thymes. Do you remember leaming nursery thymes? Nu, because it took place unconsciously through repetition. Your 3- 10 12-year-old child can leam Bible chapters just as easily. With our multisensory illus- trated Scripture books and tapes, your child will SEE IT, SAY IT, SING IT, PLAY IT. Contact: Thy Word Creations, Rt. 76, Box 28, Glenville, WV 26351; (304) 462-5589. an Spend a year in China teaching English! This will be one of the mast rewarding years of your life. Opportunities are now open for qualified college graduates to teach in government schools in mainland China. For more information, contact: Dr. MT. Bascom or Treva Burgess General Conference of SDA Teachers for China 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904 Phone: (301) 680-6000 Fax: (301) 680-609) ENJOY SDA SINGLES' monthly mag- azine with pictures, descriptions, special features and educational tours at home and abroad. People 1810 90 arc eligible to join the largest Adventist singles correspon- dence club. Send aself-addressed, stamped envelope to: Box 5612, Takoma Park, MD 20912: or call (301) 891-3753. (715) LIFESTYLE EDUCATOR COURSE trains medical missionaries. Six months, certificate. Includes $30 hours of instruction in massage, hydrotherapy, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, gardening, winning souls, the Bible and the S.O.P. Starts July 3. Room, honrd and tuition after part-time work: $1,995. Advance work scholarships available, Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital, Wildwood, GA 30757; (800) 634- 9355. (31) ATTENTION Kingsway College and Osh- awa Missionary College alumni and former faculty and staff: Core back to Canada for alumni weckend on May 3, 4 and 5, 1991, featuring a faculty and staff reunion. We are looking for addresses. If you know how we can contact former faculty and staff members, please write to: Sandra Dunhill, Kingsway College, Box 605, Oshawa, On- tario, L1H TM6; or phone (416) 433-1144. This year's honor classes are '31, 41, "51, 61, '66, "71 and ‘81. Plan to be there! (31) LEGAL NOTICES Chesapeake Conference Triennial Session Notice is hereby given that the seventh triennial session of the Chesapeake Confer- ence of Seventh-day Adventists will con- vene at 9 a.m. on Sunday, April 28, 1991, in the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church at 16325 New Hampshire Ave. in Silver Spring, MD 20904. This meeting is held for the election of officers and depart mental directors and {or the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the session at that time. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the organizing cominitiee described in Ar- ticle V, Section | of the constitution will convene at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, 1991, at the conference office, 6600 Martin Rd., Columbia, MD 21044 for the purpose of nominating the standing committees of the regular session. There willbe one mem- ber chosen for the organizing committer for cach constituent church, plus an addi- AFFORDABLE ALBUM PROJECTS Introductory offer for hmited time Starting at $4995 250 free cassettes, Heritage Singers backup vocals, frew lodging Hentage Ranch 25 years experience specializing in groups, children, quartet trio, duel, solo Don’t delay. call MAX MACE today Heritage Singers, PO Box 1358, Placerville, CA 95667 (916) 622-9369 tional member for every 500 church mem- bers or inajor fraction thereof, J. WAYNE COULTER, President N. HARCOMBE, Secretary Chesapeake Conference Association Triennial Session Notice is hereby given that the seventh triennial session of the Chesapeake Confer- ence Association of Seventh-day Advent- ists will be held in connection with the regular triennial session of the Chesapeake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists on Sunday, April 28, 1991, at the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church, 16325 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20904, at | 1 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to elect trustees and officers to replace those whose terms will have expired, as well as to transact other business as may come before the scssion at that time. Delegates wo this mecting shall be the delegates of the Ches- apeake Conference session. 1. WAYNE COULTER, President TONY FINCH, Secretary Highland View Academy Triennial Session Notice is hereby given that the seventh session of Highland View Academy Incor- porated will be held in connection with the regular triennial session of the Chesapeake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists on Sunday, April 28, 1991, at the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church, 16325 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20904, at 11:30 a.m. The purposes of this meeting are toelect board members and transact any other business as may come before the ses- sion at that time. Delegates to this meeting shall be the delegates of the Chesapeake Conference session. J. WAYNE COULTER, President HARRY MAYDEN, Secretary New Jersey Conlerence and Association Triennial Session Natice is hereby given that the 3th reg- ular session of the New Jersey Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will convene at 10 o'clock Sunday mening, April 14, 1991], in the Meadow View Seventh-day Adventist School at Highway 528, Bordertown-Ches- terficld Rd., Chesterfield, NJ. This meeting is called for the election of officers and departmental directors and for the transaction of any other business that may properly come before the session at that time. Notice is also hereby given that a meet- ing of the special committee as described in Article V1, Section 3 of the constitution will convene at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday, April 14, 1991, in the same place for the purpose of nominating the standing committees of the regular session. One delegate will be ckected by cach member of this ecnmmittee. ROBERT W. BOGGESS, President DOWELL CHOW, Secretary PAUL SMITH IR, Association Secretary 7 Successful computer "A dating exclusively for SDASs since 1974 ADVENTIST CONTACT P.O. Box 5419 Takoma Park, MD 20912 (301) 589-4440 ABC SPECIAL FOR MARCH One family's journey from despair to emotional healing Desperate Pretenders by Elaine Cantrell The Cantrell family was in terrible trouble. Son Danny was on drugs and tearing the family apart. Mrs. Cantrell felt helpless, and Mr. Can- trell ignored the whole mess. An honest look at the problem of co- dependency in a family, along with practical advice on how to find help. Paper, 111 pages. US $6.95. Chesapeake (301) 596-5273 Mountain View (304) 422-4581 New Jersey Ohio (609) 382-8010 (614) 397-4675 (800) 643-5714 Pennsylvania Potomac (B00) 832-2665 [PA] (301) 439-0700 (800) BB2-2665 (800) 325-8492 ADVENTIST Book CENTER The something for everyone— any need, any age—store! SUNSETCALENDAR Eastern Standard Time Feh. 22 Mar. 1 Mar. Baltimore 5:51 5:59 6:06 Cincinnati 6:23 6:30 6:38 Cleveland 6:08 6:17 6:25 Columbus 6:15 6:23 6:31 Jersey City 5:39 547 5:58 Norfolk 5.52 5:59 6:05 Parkersburg 6:11 6:18 6:26 Philadelphia 5:45 5:51 6:00 Pittsburgh 6:03 6:11 6:19 Reading 5:47 5:55 6:03 Richmond 5:56 6:03 6:10 Roanoke 6:07 6:14 6:20 Toledo 6:17 6:25 6:34 Trenton 5:43 5:50 5:58 Washington, DC 5:53 6:01 6:08 VISITOR, March 1, 1991 15