SkercHES oF CIty Missions 131 Haskell wag able to make in less than one year from the time that he left America for that distant land. The English-speak- ing people of Australia and New Zealand are as enterprising, intelligent, and worthy as can be found anywhere on the globe. The result of the Australian mission is justly regarded as a source of great encouragement. The work there during the year 1886, has continued to progress in a highly satisfactory manner, and future prospects are bright. SKETCHES OF CITY MISSIONS. ALBANY, N. Y. THE mission rooms at Albany were opened in April, 1885, with N. S. Washbond and wife as managers. About eight months previous to this, some canvassing had been done by J. T. Crocket, W. H. Wild, and J. F. Stureman. Since establish- ing the mission there has been, on an average, four workers em- ployed. As yet there has been no public preaching. Through the faithful labors of W. A. Hicks, much reading matter has been placed and sold on boats plying the Hudson River between Albany and New York City, and at intervening cities and towns. Ten are now keeping the Sabbath as the result of the work done there. By canvassing, visiting, and Bible work the ground is prepared for the preacher. The mission is located at 205 State Street.’ BROOKLYN, N. Y. This mission was opened, under the direction of the General Conference, in January, 1886. Five workers have been con- nected with the mission most of the time, and several others have spent a few weeks in gaining an experience in the worl. A very deep interest has been awakened in the portion of the city where the mission is located. As the result of the ef- forts thus far, over twenty have taken their stand upon the Sabbath and kindred truths. Over $700 worth of our denom- inational books have been sold. Quite an extensive ship-work also has been carried on, in connection with the work in the city. A Scandinavian mission is now being located in another portion of the city, in which the work will be carried on among those of other tongues. An interesting Sabbath-school and also Sabbath meetings, with an attendance of about fifty, are held in a public hall ; also pub- lic lectures are delivered every Sunday evening, which have ° been well attended.