Which Religion? Iv the toms of the Japenese donut Moe Arthoe Laod down two prnaples thas loser tention as fandionentads of CuI I~ to be ssid, ob surrendors Gener on wed LANEY Li St “he new weapon which was hrongh ito action in the close dns of thas wo climates wan sible method ol disputes, No heneelonth as a pros cetthime ternational nation can afford cven victory, med less oo detent. ITnoanatdhe war, all contestants would comtront ane ihilaton.” Cl he survival al cnviiieaiion, pre rhaps even of huanite seelt, depends upon a vadroad chooeee an the chcoacters of men: and only religion can produce an nm provement me hamon nations which will make 10a sade custodian of the screntifn knowledee it has ganned” hus the arlacer of the Poo tt plan that wa bse a des ERAS Fast makes mens have the to obliterate manhood, including thenselves: and the vchieron is thie only power thor can keep the frome doing 1. Boar tins shore od wor leds present pobten, toes solving the Fhe author of deren] [AREEN relivion of the above statements that he wold not Loner ste [pan to sive the won ld clestinc tion: for ar as bliiancd Tor getting Japan mo ware Nd how about professed Chostianny saving the world, when 10 was professed Chris: ents whoo dbiscoverod tarde tli Brown Shintoism, the from clear cnerey, destroved hun thousands wih 00 and hold di JAN potential thier ol darther destin: ALGINIe beens, diods of trots NG Roost ihe as the wav ar appears to non C hrestinnes, We make a shoaop distmconon hotween forebeoeed and ren! China, We de Tieve tht connie Cla ltheniess save ts bros wan dd Loam bs, worth arnthihition in Tor all Aprprdlaiees, hone ever and according vo Bablical prophecy, Chyest pure Chirstian panaples are no cine to ba applicd for the solution of the drone bomb proliler Recher, those ALOT who destroy the corr wlll continue to desire it tlh Cie Coane to identi” then, Reve btm vrs hey will not destron shies ves Codd od] amtery ene, Conlused Botore thar happens, disiraceed Biv the han dreds ob ditberent remnodies being offorad darned to care dear of atom fisanon, we will do well to AS strane bo ore the nutter Fin squaring on reasoning with the Word of God. THe has never ver Tedd us nto sprenlaton and bewibderment, MARCH. 1946 the «¢rooked The swastika, shrunk, ond is on the way out as a symbol of anything desirable. cross,” has Nationa! and Social Disgrace Wi oe inlormed onocond aathonn teat 10 many business hms the “hicher- vps eins hos aad vls under then One gor cotnnsioner estimates that this practice What are we connme too when the cottuption ol vouth wd the dismnprion of social sade crards on on at thas ree and in thos Bowe loss Trcnnery fre scetire lpi rors decors don wn non permis Fhe consumption of alcobadic poison since the Close of Sosrdities. Nand there is no Pees halt, We cli upon oll who mflucoce and whose example cotites to help stem the tide of evil con an dries. Mud oa pean Pereastiie crime and disisirons a peed partied res cation, One potent aeason for the toll jnereastne is thie Trae drinker drivers bees dhranken demonstrated th. I~ on thie enormous Diclease Pree lool a Foose ans stented Lira od Hy Cleleniis we see and about Is Slhile to Ties dcondem umber of Winle the Tow penal dyivers sarence has “drmmbkine drivers” are anecrons Ile Jronken drivers dre tsa lly too ba sone tee even cbneot corsowile the drinking driver is Cane thar fe can drove adel and so atomps [ERENT GSO any drivers whe Juave hed RINE dere onan themselves In savin, had anh a couple of boas” Vie ovil ching isos bad im sis quan Lire. Worse. Vhs is Too euse of 1s dec PIVEN, The dupe of intox nation Cape too beeps to alleor driving: bur they do, ard sometimes Ties ois 11 does non TOMORROW J7 Fhe cole quences Fer now sve those in fron ob the ligoor shops. We ae moa Bad won when the amour tor body dee strovine tostoents Is soo cenceral, And the nkers aod poavevors and freaters ate nest to bLlaone, "Woe unto him that civerth hiv nerechbour drink. that puteeth thy bottle to him, and makest hin drunken” Habakkuk 2:in, Did we an acarnst hnnman dingracer It as a crime weakness, : . -, ¥ FEN War’s Benefits Wir all thie evi and awful results of wir—andd hove horny evil and awful bet—i's a bad war that does Besides teachime us In costly experience to avord 10 next time; Desiddes creathy enbinzing our knowledge of won ld seoctaphy and Loreen peoples: besides helping us to appreciate peo- viewpomits whoh are radically Jdificrent (roan ours: the war has civen us onmsiehe nto the mental pro- cesses ol peoples with litle or no hack: cronnd of Christiane, And hy Chris trans wee rican Chinsthikeness, It iv sand that the leading nen who Are pow ope rid ton they can nobody woe, ples WAT agnression and for hovine a pant mombaman anes of vice extermination and forture. feel no colt Why shoudd they, when the eth thc [restess prronide tor mo sense of Jeune or nt conduct: Ttoas thus desorbed Ba those wluy hive made actu of nr TH here is no sense of cul, Since catastrophe are a the same cates HOT Fhe cind was rte as can thgrorkes Toad hoon ae Defeat polluted har did nor neces saoviby shore ne called perluips dor "pan heatzon hat not ton and aloitene ny TE the AHes had Breen totally delearaed, iowould Tove te noo wav or desree al reveet lor vats disastrous ARRAY I't priate v fected om sere of right and wrong. In Ur ow word have heen as ich an defeat as we ave an victory, The bret iss vitor or delear in anos does not dood ar mor questions Why shondd wees pect any sere ob quilt or Shame mn met plead of rieht + to Gtan then selhish ends recardless of the means: Fiien boove held oo there sethsh ends a caves of rhe They have held too then poral stcoascdird as we have held Tey vrs, When peoples mille nnonms to VON, WL Aa Ive [AY IERIE hove heen tauzht fon who oppose them, as we ane taught wo hate evil when they Know no love Tor, or even consider late those 11