« D . FLORIDA CANVASSERS’ INSTITUTE Turis institute will be held in Tampa, Fla, March 8 to April 1, 1907. Who should attend? We believe every Sev- enth-day Adventist in the Florida Conference who can do so without making too great a sacrifice, should attend this institute. Our heavenly Father has made the greatest possible sacrifice in order that we might be saved in his eternal kingdom. Then why should we call it a sacrifice, when we only spend a few dol- lars in gaining a knowledge of the truth that will make us wise unto salvation? O that we could get out of our minds the idea that we are making a sacrifice; call it rather a blessed opportunity for seeking the Lord for wisdom and understanding, that we may be able to work in harmony with him, and for him, that his work may soon be fin- ished in the earth. Brother, sister, are you getting tired of this world with all its disappointments and per- plexities? Are you in earnest about the sal- vation of others? If so, let us come together to study the word and learn the wondrous secret of abiding in the Lord, that we may receive a fitting up to go forward in this work; and that the Lord may indeed come in this generation. : The Florida Conference will furnish tents free of charge to all who wish to attend the institute; but each should bring bedding, etc. All will eat at a common dining-tent. Meals will be furnished at a price barely sufficient to cover cost. To those who have been writing me about the work in Florida, I extend an invitation to come and be with us. We have plenty of territory that has never been worked for our literature, and you may have your choice. Our state at the present time is in the most pros- perous condition that it ever has been. Long staple cotton last year brought as high as thirty cents per pound, and strawberries $7.00 per bushel. Fancy strawberries are selling now at $6.00 per bushel, and all kinds of vegetables are bringing good prices all over the state. There is more money in circulation than in any other state in the South according to its population; for this reason we have the best field in the South to labor in. We have a delightful climate, where we can work twelve months in the year. . We have secured as good help as can be obtained in the Southern Union Conference. Elder R. W. Parmele, who for some time was THE WATCHMAN & FROM THE FIELD associated with Elder F. I. Mead, whom many of us remember in the good institutes in the past, will be with us to help in the instruction. Come, praying that we may have an old-time revival in the canvassing work, and that we may return to our first love in this branch of the Lord's work. R. A. HicusmMmrru, State Agent. EE THE CANVASSERS’ INSTITUTE IN NASHVILLE Some Parting Testimonies by Those in Attendance BroraER W. R. Hanson: “1 believe that we do not any of us appreciate the privileges which we may enjoy. We do not appreciate our high calling. I will turn to 1 Peter, and read a text which just comes to my mind: ‘Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.’ What does that mean,—to be ‘called out of darkness into his marvelous light’? I have thought it must be like a man walking alone at night when it is very dark, on some such night as we have had here in Tennessee lately, when it has been dark and rainy, and then he should see a bright light, showing the pathway clear and plain. Thus it is with the Christian. “We are in this world because God needs us. He has a work for each one of us to do. If we refuse to do the work, it is our privilege to do so, and then we shall lose -the crown. When God looks over this world for instruments to use in his service, does he look for large churches or companies? — No, his eyes run up and down throughout the earth to find just one, one here and one there and one in another place, through whom he can work for the spread of the truth. We have come to a time similar to that when Israel had just come up to the land of Canaan after traveling in the wilderness for forty years. They were right up to the river Jordan and about to step over. So it is with us. We have almost reached the promised land. “The Lord is ready for action, and he is waiting for us to come along and do our share in the work. I am glad that I have had the opportunity of having a small part in this work. I am thankful for what the Lord has permitted me to do in the canvassing work, and I suppose that the time will never come, no matter what work I may be connected with, when I will not be selling our literature. It does n't make any difference where I am or what 1 am doing, I feel that I can conscien- tiously sell our books, knowing that I am placing in the homes of the people something of far more value than the price that they pay for it. ‘There is a power in connection with our books that will not be found in the books of the world. I am glad that I have had the privilege of doing something along that line.” S1s1ER PHILPOTT: “I am of good courage in the Lord. I am glad that I am here attend- ing this institute, and I am sure that the Lord opened the way for me to come. It is won- derful how the Lord opens the way before us, when we go out in faith, believing. 1 have received many blessings since coming here. I came for the purpose of becoming prepared for this work, and I hope you will pray for me as I go out that I may be a bright and shining light wherever I go.” Miss Mamie Moore: “I am rejoicing in the Lord to-night. I have received many bless- ings since I came here. I did not know that I could come, but I felt that IT would lose a great blessing if I did not. I believe that I am better prepared for the work that is before me than I was before I came here. I ap- preciate very much the kindness that has been shown me since coming here. Every one has been so kind and good to me; I am thankful for this. Of course it 1s all the Lord's work, and we feel greatly blessed whenever we do anything for him. ‘The Lord is for us, and who can be against us?” Fiper A. F. Harrison: “1 appreciate very much the remarks, that have been made by those who have had actual experience in the field. I have attended a great many institutes in my life, and especially during the past twenty years; but I do not know of any in- stitute that I have attended where I have en- joyed more of the blessing of the Lord than I have at this one, from the very beginning to the end. It seems to me that we have many things to be thankful for. The Lord has blessed us in our meetings, and he has pro- vided for our wants and necessities while we have been here. He has provided us places to stay, and we have homes with the people while we are here, and I rejoice with you in all these things. I praise the Lord for a part in his work, and I mean to go through to the end. There is no work to which I have dedi- cated my life as I have to the canvassing work. I trust that all who have come to this institute will go away benefited by it, and that we may all work together in unity and harmony until the work is finished.” BrorHER PUTNEY: “I have not had very much experience in the canvassing work. My time in it is limited to about two months. On account of my health failing, it was nec- essary for me to leave that work, and go to Battle Creek and take treatment. But I want to say that during those two months I received many blessings from the Lord, and he helped me to sell a great many of our books. I had a great many experiences that encouraged me to continue in this work. I am thankful, too, that it has been my privilege to attend this institute.” S1sTER BrowN: “I sincerely appreciate what I have been taught at this institute. I am sorry that the churches have not sent in more of their young people to the institute, and I am sure that those living around here have missed a great deal by not coming in more than they have. I am certainly thankful for the privilege that I have of being here, and attending these meetings. My heart is in this work, If I know myself, my only desire is to serve the Lord, carry this message, and do all that I can to help others. I am here be-