2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER Duties of Church Officers The church of God is designed 10 be a city set upon a hilo wo hight that can not be hidden, She is to be the salt of the earth, heneficent diffusing to the world her and saving influence, very member 3s therefore to be an active principle of righteousness and a servant of mankind, That the ot God has been great and eternal purpose may be carried out, the church established by Him, and her perfected. As the Founder and Corner-stone of this organ- simple organization ization was the servant of men. so the object and aim of the chureh is service, Our Saviour Lid down this great principle in His teaching, © Whosoever will be great among vou, let him be your minister: and whosoever will be chief among vou, even as the let him be servant: Son of Man came not to he ministered your unto, but to minister, and to give Ths lite «a Matt, 20: 26-28. If any man serve Meo let him follow Me,’ 12:20. There are positions of honor within the ransom for many,’ John gift of the church, and to desire these Spirit 1), and to those who positions 1s commended by the of God (1 taithtully fill these positions we are re quired to show double honor. 1 Tim, walled to fll these church are ovi- Tim. 3: 5:17. Those who are places oft honor in the dently called to be, not the ‘lords over but the chief The oversight of the flock 1s entrusted to the Peter and the extent of the responsibilities of the ehureh elder. It a shepherd he ix to he conversant with God's heritage, servants, elder. This expression used by furnishes the kev to the duties, mmplies that as 4 the spiritual condition of each member of the precious flock that the ehiet Shep herd has entrusted to his eave, what is seen in some of idea of the them 1s to To judge hy our churches, the duty of that preside at elders prevails with meetings, fo exercise some authority in shaping the affairs of the church, to read an article or perhaps to attempt a sermon for the regular service, with no responsibility beyond the hour of worship. The our halt dead, cold and formal churches. result 1s oscen in the number of Those who desive the office of an clder desire a good work, but that they desire and robbed of may appreciate what they that the church may not be should they the service «due her, ever hive hetore them the experience of the shepherd Jacob, © In the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night, and my sleep departed from my eves. FO means watehfulness, self-denial and faithiul But to him service at oanv and all times who will thus serve and follow Christ, He has promised, Him will My To the church elders of Fphesus, Paul Mather honor, said, Take heed therefore unto vour- selves, and to all the floek, over the whieh the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, for | know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter iu Also of vour own selves shall nen arise, speak: among vou, not spaving the tloek, io perverse things, to draw away dis = - . ciples after them” Fvery member of the church 1s ta he watched with the tenderest solictiude as our brother who has heen purchased by the blood ot Christ, Too often individuals are permitted to hecome discouraged, disheartened, and cold without any effort being put forth Week after without =a by the elder to help then week 1s allowed to pass by word of encouragement or any Libor be- ing put forth for them until they hive finally drifted bevond the influence that held condition in should have them. This aliowed to continue until the chureh roll some instances is has upon it many names who ave found to he dead weights and sometimes a dis grace to the churches; but had the elder heen instant in season and out of season, with all time had he mn tenderness exhorted doctrine, had with and for long-sutfering and heen taken to visit, pray them, many might have been saved, There is no phase of church work with which the faithful he intimately connected and deeply iu- overseer must not terested. All other officers have heen placed in the church to assist him and make his work efficient. Perhaps the deacon stands nearest to him to help in hunting out and visiting the poor and sick, to take charge of the financial min- isiration of the church, and to have in charge the more material vet important part of the church serviee, such as see ing that the place of worship is main: tained in good and neat order, and ar ranging for all special features of the (rod, should service of the house of The Letween the elder and the librarian. oXISt The atm of the two with the missionary leader, closest cooperation it there is ene, should be to help every member to become an active worker in the chureh, and a Light bearer in the communityv-——to show them how to work, to help them in their work. This is the hope of the ehureh against all spire tual To every officer in church and Rabbath- SICK ITOSS. school the elder must extend this same oversight and cooperation, a tellow-serv- aut with them in the house of God, each ot them here. but hereafter, for ¢ hiet Shepherd receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. WwW. T. looking for their reward not *“when the shall appear, veo shall Knox. Bet &- 4508 The Field Stockholders’ Meeting of the Pacific Press Publishing Company meeting of The thirty-second annual the stockholders of the Pacific Press Publishing Company was held in their new factory building at Mountain View, Cal, on Wednesday, Jan, 30, 1907, A good representation of the stockholders besides a number of con- friends from dif- Reports from was present, ference workers and ferent parts of the state, the main publishing house, and also from its branches, were presented. The elected as a following named persons were hoard of directors for the ensuing vear: Ho Wo Cottrell, MLC Wilcox, . IH. Jones, Ho IL Hall, AO, Tait, 1K. A. Chapman, and HH. Go Childs. The board organized as follows: presi dent, Ho WL veneral manager, I. G. was chosen as auditor. (‘ottrell; vice-president and H. Jones; seeretary and treasurer, Childs, JJ. JJ. Tre: [and Fllder M. (. Wilcox was chosen editor Signs of the Elder Tait. associate editor: Miss Kath- or the Times and ALO. rina of Our The was selected: HLH. Wilcox was chosen editor Friend. publishing committee Hall, CH. Jones, Blossom [ttle following ALCL Wilcox, ALO. Tait, KK. R. Palmer, ALLL Bourdeau, T1W., Cottrell, and Max Hill Department officers were chosen as fol- lows: HoH. Hall, manager of the Book and Sales Department: Jas. Cochran, mannger of the Kansas City Branch: WV. Sample, manager of the Portland Branch. The stockholders were well pleased. ard expressed their approval of the man-