that we which ave alive and remain un- to the coming ot the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep, Yor the Lord Himselt shall descend from heav- en with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the wump of God: and the dead 1m Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and re- main shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” Dear Mr. Answerman: Please explain Romans 8:28. Who are the called? Ll us first get Romans 8:28 before : “We know that all things work to- oe ether for good to them that love God, lo then who are the called according to His pur pose.’ We ure bemg told here that God conspires circumstances and over rules lor our best good. This, no doubt, would be dithcult for a non- Christian to believe, but to the Chris: tiant who has had experiences mn the way God leads and the things He al- lows to come to pass, it is clearly un- derstandable. This verse is comparable to 2 Tim- othy 1:9: "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not ac cording to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus betore the world began.” God calls evervone to repentance. The invitation is to “whosoever will” Jesus said, “1f any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink.” John 7:37. And He said in another place, "Many are called, but {few are chosen.’ Just befor the historic Johnstown, Pua., flood @ man rode through one street after another urging the people to flee to high ground immediately, be- cause the dam above the city was about to break. He called, shouted, urged and pleaded, but most people laughed at him — few heeded the warning. ‘Thousands heard the call, but only a handful answered it, and thousands perished. So it is In respect to escaping the de- struction of this world of sin. "Many [all] are called,” but few answer the call to come up on higher ground and escape the llood of sin and destruction that is engulfing the world. Those who do are the called” of God. Dear Bible Answerman: If the saints reign in heaven during the millenninm, where, when and how will they have the honour to fulfil Psalm 149:5.9% J, H. We think that Psalm 145:5-9 1s a song of praise ung by the finally re- deemed to God, who has given them the ultimate victory over all their en- emies. In this case it would apply alter the destruction of the wicked at the end of the millennium, JULY. 1949 WAR IN HEAVEN AND UPON EARTH (Continued from page 7) throne above the stars of God: 1 will sit also upon the mount ol the con. gregation, in the sides of the north: will ascend above the heights of the clouds; T will be Like the Most High.” [saich 14:18,14. When “I” became his god, it became the all-predominating factor in his life. Then with a covetous heart, he aspired to unseat Jehovah, overthrow His law, and set up his own regime. The violation of God's law was carefully veiled under pretended loy- aly. It was in his heart that he was saving the things here mentioned. He still continued to profess respect for God, and to maintain the form of wor- ship as covering cherub. Thus, while inwardly plotting against God and His law, he was breaking the third com- mandment which says, “Thou shalt not take the name ol the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain.” Exodus 20:7. ar from guiltless was the heart of the rebellious Lucifer, however radiant his exterior. His wor- ship was vainly rendered, for in the very act of worship, he was taking God's name in vain, and in so doing, iumplding the third commandment under his feet. While inwardly opposed to God, he outwardly assumed an awtitude of loy- alty and posed as having a vearning desire to make heaven even more bliss- ful. What subtlety accompanies iu sin- ful condition that curries a smiling countenance while hatred — which Jesus interpreted as murder — is in the heart! Thus it was that this high- ranking angel used his position ol prestige to woo his fellows to his so- called reform movement. ‘There is the utmost peril involved when any at- tempt 1s made to reform the law of God and establish a better regime. From the very beginning of his mad ambition to dethrone God and set a- side His law, Lucifer has worked with cunning and intrigue and with a sin- ful persuasion that is hypnotic. But itis a truism that “Sin will out.” However long and devious, subtle and subterranean, the course adopted by that mighty angel, the ferment of sin eventually burst the soft exterior by which 1t was screened. Where God's law is set aside, war will eventually follow, and so we read: “And there was war mn heaven: Michael and His angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not: neither was their place found amy more in heaven. And the great dragon was cist out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:7-9. Having reached a certain point in his muy guing technique under cover, he then left his position as covering cherul— a position expressing deepest rever- cence for the law of God — and drew his sympathizers with him in open op- position to God, becoming the frst warmonger, and first transgressor of the sixth commandment. At this juncture the scene changes from heaven to this httle member of the solar system, earth; but the salient facts remain, and the two mighty leaders, Michael (Christ) and the devil are still commanding the two strongly contrasted sides. There | 1s one contrast here, however, between these two forces, the reverse of that which marked the conflict in heaven. There the majority retained their loyalty to God. for the dragon drew but one third of the stars angels) of heaven. (Revelation 12:4.) Here the majority serve Satan. But while it is ue that the vast ma- jority are lured by the mesmeric influ- ence of the prince of darkness, the Leader of the “little flock” is still Michael, commander of the heavenly hosts. Who is this mighty Being “like unto God"r Let the Bible answer. A few texts will make this very clear, In Jude the ninth verse he is called the Archangel. What part will the Arch- angel take when the conflict reaches the climax? It will be “the voice of the Archangel” that will wake the dead in Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1:16.) Now one more precious gem from God's Inspired Word telling whose voice will break the slumber of the saints and burst the fetters of the tomb: “And hath given him authority to execute Judgment also, because He is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” John 5:27.29. That hour is near. Then Christ will translate the hving saints, resurrect the righteous dead, and angels will gather them to meet Him in the clouds, to ascend with Him to the mansions He has now prepared. What a change from gloom to glory; from the ghastly scene of the Armageddon strife, to un- utterable, thrilling bliss of heaven: from the tempestuous regime of the rebellious angel, to the ineffable calm of the great Creator's benevolent rule of love. 15