ITPIRITUALIZING ADVENTISTS--page 6° "+ + Now turn to Rve, 14:1; here is the Lamb standing on mount Sion, and with him 144,000 (symbol of the brinde, the Lamb's wife,) having his Father's name wxixee written in their foreheads. Did not this eom to pass on the 10th day of the 7th month? and has it not been shown as such, by the angel having the 7 vials full of the 7 last plagues, when he took us in the Spirit to mount Zion? o o oBrother, is it not time for us to look at the character of the Son of Man and the manner of his appearing? John 4:24, God is a Spirit; Psa. 139:4-14, Whither can we frit flee from his presence? Do I not fill heaven and earth?siath the Lord; Eph. 4:10, He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above the ha heavens that he might fill all things; John 3:13, And no man hath asd ascended up to haven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven. dere we learn something of the Deity and Ommipresence of the Son of Man. Who can compresend, or by searching, find out THE THREE ONE GOD. . . .I have heard a voice out of heaven saying, the tabernacle of God is with men, and feel more and more thirst for the living water--Christ in us 'the hope of glory," with which (John 6:50-58,) God to me will be ax#xx'a comsuming fire,' May the Lord by his word and Spirit, dwell (Rom. 8:11;) in us, and lead us on from f£x#xkx faith to faith, until we are b changed into the same image as his immortal glory." HL Smith, DS6:17,18, June 10, 1845 rl :