3 [oN NE - ~ ~ 3 - oy - LRT sa 1 ‘ i ee. 4d SAS BF SS SO ES 1 x : oe Cou wT ! STR BS on J £0 doe i 2 WN I jadrabie Yo fanstd APRS pain SE va TINE. TAT, 30 W0e Se PEIOSITN, Midi. C1, 1597. 2h PUTTAR 1 Ths wohorica world hatin eed of thoe. 1 aan Ch an’ da? le Don't come. Foe slide Shut fast unhy decor, and hold the Kaye «=~ Priszciiia Lemarde 2e If vou dc coms, come lates Pse o4:10. an A ER I CTRL te TO Iu = Fm pd mea hry egw ee n — Sell Vik FURS SE UIE BU Se ¥ De If L.O wen Or LoD Orr ol ENCE SEES as uve aroenred in tha HEVISW Fse 17. :le 1 Goreral Conferance Coanit ao r So. \ CL I. oo te oattart ion te toe collection de Don't Loc dine the front seats are LS 1. LT . : . bo 3 N - JN i - 3 “yom von 2uabbatt., April 0, for tie intenanu tor ouy gonple nijht Think you o> iY Ft a em pep N - “os be in om - ~ yy La a Le ade gaopde eliih orphans of GC. nee iiveds Lion. Gereral Conference Ceowmiities, 2 He Cima ound To find fuults Yas 1Mhirds WATE a LeeTins held in Vusnington, last Cet- aber, passcd 2 res lution wo the affect Ge Dent for tne world sver think of that euch Uricn Conference be recomended praying fof ro.r pusicr or the church. . - - na - .. a m™ 5 to ar-an for “he cao and saincenarce 2 Thesse 2:le of the old gaople and orphane witnin its ’ wal collection ta Te Der't since 1 Jer. lé: brrders, «nd “hat onoann taker, and the amount raiseu in sach Urior. Conferevce bs retained for tne pure Ge Don't ercourupe tic pustor, bun tell pose of car~yine out this plang so thia his faulis vo ¢lierss Gule Htle If Lis becomes a mmteer of intsrest vo the Lak serizons holy vou, won't let hin know iv; Uricn Cunfaroncs I trust thav a ii i el ccllection J. pe taker on tne ot 1h Sede RTs PEE on ~ fhe mke nln vain Aprils Je Don't attend procar useing, end if AL heun made by old yo shovld, con't tueke part. Acie ila 5 White Memorial : Larxe lricn Confer 19. If vou sec were are many within cur ber- ience, don't offer o cil ders that will nead to be cared for: and him, or invite him fo core wradn, poo. lo provision aust be made for all suche So might think vou bolds Heb. 151i. +At sach church take this rmtter up at the tine mentionad, turning the funds 11s Never try to'bring anycra =o ciurch nver to the cour eh treasurer, tc be for=- with vou Jon l:i4l. warded to the Conference treasurer, end by the canfereace Lreasurer te the Unicon 12 Donit believe in missions. Latte Canference treasurer, wheres the amount 28119 will be retained as a > ta drawn ase cf helping the aged 13« Don't cive much tc benevolence i! 's upsr for the purp and irfirm as wel 1 Cor. 10424 37 0 bo will take under consideration plans for curing 14s Lot the pastor do ell aor the arava classcos of individuals, Isas 41:0, y+ Te bos [FE JP . . ther oy DUONLATLLE Be Dole arand ing ~ 1 2) I o “oy a vey oo Aes ran A nae - a i ~ . es » ~ for each conference to care for 17s oun lhe If Le doesn't vis as oIten as you . pd ate AL ie Tl RE PUNE J IPP BS 3 be eden wep gms gh AY; pror; and ths voller of the Union Cone think he cela, treat nim very coldly. fererce will be wade brown in ihe near Hea non noni pertie loot. do owra onaldd NEE a future. come Ege. £3 - -~ ho LEY aC Gone 1oe Domlts tebe up Lonmin oyoge —— Ts Try ono» SEER 11 - at N - : CF ean ine v30bh duties are 1a nis duties. So Coan ero