watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whom- soever He will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.” Daniel 4:17. The church of God should be watching events, to be ready to take advantage of every opening of God’s providence. They should acknowledge this message that God sets the basest of men over kingdoms. It is not for anyone to judge His ways, for no one fully discerns the powerful temporal and spiritual forces of the enemy which are at work mn the world. These powers are the fountainhead of wars, famines, pestilences, and death. It is for all to sit in the watchtower and see God working behind the scenes to do His good pleasure. There were cruel and base tyrants in the days when Daniel recorded the above message from God. In recent years their palaces have been excavated. Their ter- rible exploits were written, inscribed upon the albaster slabs on the walls. Now they can be read. Said one king: “I captured many of their soldiers alive; I cut off the hands and feet of some; of others I cut off their noses, the ears, and the fingers; I put out the eyes of many soldiers. I built up a pyramid of the living and a pyramid of heads. On high I hung up their heads on trees in the neighbor- hood of their city. Their young men and their maidens I burned with fire. The city I overthrew, dug it up, and burned it with fire. I annihilated 1t.”—“National Geographic Magazine,” February, 1916, page 147. The time came when the cruel Baby- lonian kingdom filled up its cup of iniquity. Then the “hammer” itself was broken. PUBYE BY YF ARMY SHARE LTH JANUARY, 1942 “A sound of battle is in the land, and of great destruction. How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!” Jeremiah 50: 22, 23. This came about in the days of Nebu- chadnezzar’'s grandson, Belshazzar. Bel- shazzar and his court had an opportunity to see a little of how a nation’s account is kept in the record books of heaven, and what is written there. This view is also for us today. The army of Cyrus the Persian was out- side Babylon's impregnable walls. The king and his people felt perfectly safe. To show their disdain for the invading army outside, Belshazzar prepared a great feast for a ““thousand of his lords.” They wor- shiped their idols and insulted the God of heaven by drinking wine before them, out of the golden vessels taken from the sanc- tuary of God in Jerusalem. Suddenly the curtain was drawn aside, and that drunken company saw an uner- ring scribe recording the history of the final hours of their once great kingdom. The fingers of a man’s hand, writing like the flash of lightning, moved along the wall of the palace. ““Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin,” were the words; numbered, weighed, and divided, was the interpreta- tion. “Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. . . . In that night was Belshazzar the king . . . slain.” Historians give their explanations of the rise and fall of nations, but only the prophets of God reveal the real truth re- garding the forces behind the events. More than a hundred years before Cyrus was born, the prophet Isaiah gave his name and told how he would capture the city of Babylon: “Thus saith the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut.” Isaiah 45:1. Among the royal treasures excavated in the East is a “cylinder of Cyrus.” This 15 a record of how Cyrus took the city of Babylon: “Cyrus, king of Anshan, he [Marduk, the god of Babylon], called by name; to sovereignty over the whole world he ap- pointed him. . . . Marduk, the great lord, guardian of his people, looked with joy on his pious works and his upright heart; he commanded him to go to his city Babylon, and caused him to take the roud to Babylon, going by his side as a friend and companion. . . . Without « battle he permitted him to enter Babylon.”— “National Geographic Magazine,” February, 1916, page 161. ® In commenting on this statement, the writer in the Geographic says: “In other words, the priests of Marduk intrigued with Cyrus, inviting him to advance against Babylon at first, and then on his arrival delivering the city into his hands.” While the deductions of the writer quoted may be true, that ‘the priests of Marduk intrigued with Cyrus,” thus act- ing as we would expect the modern ‘fifth columnists,” yet Herodotus, Greek his- torian called the “father of history,” who was born only fifty-four years after the fall of Babylon (see the Americana) and Xenophon, Greek historian and general, born only 104 years after its fall (see the same encyclopedia) attest to the fulfillment of Isaiah 44: 24-28 and 45: 1-18, a prophecy uttered more than a hundred years before the birth of Cyrus. Says Humphrey Prideaux, in his “Old and New Testament Connected,” printed in two volumes, by John J. Harrod, Baltimore, 1833, “This account Herodotus and Xenophon both give of the taking of Babylon by Cyrus; and herein they exactly agree with the scripture.” — Vol. 1, Book 2, page 137, paragraph 2. We quote from that account: “He [Cyrus] sent up a party of his men to the head of the canal leading to the great lake above described, with orders, at a time set, to break down the great bank or dam, which was between the river and that canal, and to turn the whole current that way into the lake. In the interim, getting all his forces together, he posted one part of them at the place where the river ran into the city, and the other where it came out, with orders to enter the city that night by the channel of the river, as (Continued on page 17) ALA. VIII rr AN) ¥ A medium tank, M3, which has been con- structed for our government in preparation to meet aggressive totalitarianism. As men be- hold the havoc wrought throughout the earth, natural vs the question, “Why does not God do something?’ By reading Mr. Holmes’s article it will be clear that God has His own plans for the future of this world. Page ELEVEN