% & : ? .35;'3.; o} Manuscript Release #1115 ELLEN WHITE COMMENTS ON FINDING WATER AT THE PARADISt VALLEY SANITARIUM: A COLLECTION OF SOURCE DOCUMENTS In September, 1902, Ellen White visited the site of the present Paradise Valley Hospital, National City, California. What she saw was a three-story building containing about 50 rooms, situated on a 20-acre property, well landscaped with rare shade trees. She urged that the property be purchased if the money could be raised. Although the institu- tion, under the original owners, had failed twice, largely for lack of water, Mrs. White felt sure that water could be found. In 1904 the institution was purchased, and renovations were begun in preparation for receiving the first patients. During these months of prepa- ration water was scarce and vegetation showed evidence of the prevailing drought. But Mrs. White insisted that water was available, if they would di? a well. The well was dug in November and, much to the surprise and delight of everyone, it yielded an abundant supply of pure, soft water. This collection of letters contains every known Ellen White reference to the finding of water at Paradise Valley. If other references are found, they will be included in future editions of this collection. Ellen G. White Estate March, 1985 Table of Contents Date Document pag 1904 EGW to Elder and Mrs. E. R. Palmer (Lt 233) 2 1904 EGW to Sister Gray (Lt 317) 5 1904 EGW Diary Entry (Ms 147) 8 1904 EGW Diary Entry (Ms 147) 8 1904 EGW Diary Entry éMs 147g 8 1904 EGW Diary Entry (Ms 147 10 1904 EGW Diary Entry éMs 147% 10 1904 EGW Diary Entry (Ms 147 11 1904 EGW to J. H. Kellogg (Lt 311) 11 1904 EGW to May Lacey White, Henry, Herbert, and 17 Gracie (Lt 319) 1904 EGW to Sister Druillard (Lt 321) 22 . 21. 1904 EGW to the Members in Australia (Lt 392) 28 . 21, 1904 EGW to D. H. and Lauretta Kress (Lt 331) 31 . 29, 1904 EGW to Mrs. Marian Stowell Crawford (Lt 349) 36 .11, 1905 EGW to Addie and May Walling (Lt 109) 41 2, 1906 EGW to Mary Foss (Lt 112) 45 18, 1904 EGW to El11a May and Mable White (Lt 393) 50 . 23, 1904 EGW to Ella May and Mable White (Lt 394) 53 -214- £lien G. White Estaie Branch Cffice | Andrews University Manuscript Release #11156--2 Letier 233, 1904. (To Elder and Mrs. E. R. Palmer, July 8, 1904, from Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.) Last Wednesday, July 6, W. C. White, Sara, Maggie, and I left Nashviile for Washington. Just before we left, a meeting of the Southern Union Conference Committee was held 1n Nashville, for the purpose of devising some means of helping the Huntsville school. Those who have had charge of the school have not felt the importance of putting brain, bone, and muscle to the tax in an effort to make the school a success. The students who attend tnis school are to be given an education that will fit them to work for the Master. They are toc be given more than book knowledge. Should they be given book knowledge merely, their education would be imperfect. There should be a special school for the younger anes. Fathers and mothers are to be placed on the land, and parents as well as children are to be given an education. Promising famiiies are to be brought in and settled upon a piece of ground as large as shall be deemed best. In connection with the school there should be an experienced carpenter who can teach the fathers and their boys how to build their homes, which are to be neat, con- venient, inexpensive buildings. The mothers should be taught how to prepare food hygienically, and how tu care for the sick. While 1 was in the South, I visited Huntsville. The Southern Union Conference Comnittee held a meeting while we were there, and 1 had much to read to the brethren assembled. A heavy burden rested upon me while I was at this place. [ knew that there must be a change in the faculty--that more thorough men must take up the work. When a man has occupied the same posi- tion for years, and yet the school, 1in its inside and outside working, 1s still far from what it ought to be, a change must be made. A man must be _215-