EDITORIAL NOTES [3 AN earthquake, described as “ very severe,” was experienced in Switzerland, in the Canton of Grisons, January 24. The shock started an avalanche, which caused the loss of several lives. For failing to attend religious services at the Catholic church when ordered to do so by his superior officer, at Columbus, Ohio, Jan- uary 6, Sergeant James Lynch, of the Tenth Company of Recruits at the Columbus army post, is to be punished by being deprived of his insignia of rank and transferred to Fort Thomas, Ky., and this is by order of the mil- itary secretary of the War Department. So says a press dispatch dated at Columbus, Feb- ruary 2. Sergeant Lynch, it appears, is a Catholic, and the Catholic soldiers in his company were ordered by the lieutenant-colonel to attend Sunday services at the Catholic church. Such an order is said to be unprecedented in army circles. The War Department did not sus- tain the order, though it punished Sergeant Lynch for disobeying it. The order has only been modified, however, and the Catholic sol- diers are now obliged to march up to the church doors. So the report states. It is difficult to see what would be the difference in principle if the soldiers were obliged to march a few steps further after reaching the church doors, instead of stopping short there. CATHOLIC associations in this country have been very active in seeking to turn American sentiment against the French government be- cause the latter has broken its former political connection with the papacy. One of the fore- most among these organizations is the “Knights of Columbus.” Recently at a con- clave of the order in Chicago, after a Jesuit priest had roused the feelings of those pres- ent by a lecture against France, several priests gave expression to their sentiments, one say- ing that “ what the men of France need is con- version; ” another, that France needs “true Catholic training” and “true Catholic educa- tion;” another admitted that “France is steeped in vice and immorality; ” and a fourth said that the French government is now “god- less,” not, however, as the National Reform party in the United States say, because God has been left out of the Constitution, but be- cause that government has broken with the pope, who is the Catholic god. 2 Thess. 2:4. If France, after centuries of Catholic suprem- acy, is now in the condition these priests set forth, she is certainly in great need of a change of religion, as it is evident from their own words that the Catholic religion has proved worse than useless. Before adjourn- ing, the conclave passed several resolutions, one being that the French government’s “ open hostility to the Christian [Catholic] religion is an insult which Christian men of every de- nomination should resent.” To resent “in- sults” goes well with the papal religion, but it is no part of Christianity. THE WATCHMAN News of an earthquake which altered the appearance of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific Ocean reached this country by steamboat a few days ago. The earthquake occurred several months ago, and while it seems to have caused no loss of life, the en- tire appearance of the group of islands was altered. Siesmographs in various parts of the world recorded the shock, which lasted for several minutes, and is said to have been very heavy. WHILE all reports of any serious misunder- standing between the United States and Japan over the school question in San Francisco are promptly denied in both countries, and predications of trouble are declared to be ab- surd, for some reason these reports are very persistent, and in other countries are consid- ered seriously. It has been observed also that great numbers of Japanese are flocking to the Hawaiian Islands. In the event of war it is probable that the Pacific islands belonging to the United States would readily fall into Japan's possession, as the United States would have no adequate naval force in the Pacific to protect them. Japan wants land, and pos- sibly would not be averse to a war in which the advantage of situation would be all on her side. ANNAN ANNAN AN AA AAA THE $150,000 FUND A AAA AA AA AA AAA AAA AAA AA AA “WHat is the work I have done to-day? Have I left a mark upon the way: A kindly word, or a cheery smile, That has lingered in some heart awhile; Straightened a path or a crooked road, Lightened the weight of a weary load, Into the shadow of some one’s night Sent even a tiny ray of light?” THE WIDOW’S OFFERING How natural it is for man to seek to hold this world with one hand, and to reach after the next with the other. The gift of God was costly. He gave us his most precious, priceless possession, his only begotten Son; and yet how many consider that they have really given when they have an abundance left. This is not the Scripture principle of giving. “And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury; and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called his disciples, and said unto them, Verily I say unto you that this poor widow hath cast more in than all they which have cast into the treasury.” Why? — “For all they did cast in of their abundance, but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” This poor widow had but two mites. gave both to the Lord. and keep the other. She She did not give one, What a misapprehension of this touching Bible story do those have who give, we will say, one dollar, and call it the Remember, brother, there She gave both. [13 widow’s mite.” was not one, but fwo mites. 107 If you have given but one, have you followed the example of the widow, which Jesus com- mended? Where is the other mite? Have you kept it for yourself? How can one who could easily give one hundred times as much claim to have given as this poverty-stricken widow in Israel gave? Remember that God measures not the gift as men measure, but by what you have left, and what it has cost you to give; and the bless- ing is in proportion to the sacrifice. The glorious Saviour calls his sons in the last day who have made a covenant with him by sacrifice. The widow’s two mites given by every Seventh-day Adventist, would doubt- less raise one hundred times as much as is now being given by our people in all the an- nual and special offerings combined. Before the Lord comes, we shall certainly give the widow's “two mites.” J. S. WasHaBURN. THE PACIFIC PRESS Our publishing houses are not something apart from the denomination. They are a very part of us. For many years the Pacific Press has kept a heavy stream of our litera- ture going into the fields. When the earth- quake shattered its new buildings at Mountain View, there was a spontaneous movement, taken part in even by those in foreign fields, to help to repair that damage. Then came the fire which entirely destroyed the plant, and for the moment the need was so great that the taking of individual gifts ceased until it could be considered what systematic and united help could be given. Twenty thousand dollars was allotted from the $150,000 fund to aid the Pacific Press in going forward with its work. This, of course, is only a grant in aid, as the Pacific Press itself will have to shoulder tremendous bur- dens, and will need the sympathy and prayers of all in carrying its heavy load. ‘This $20,000 will, however, help very materially. The plans for the new Pacific Press building have been pressed down until they reach the very low- est point of economy and plainness. They have voted that the maximum cost of the factory building shall not exceed $25,000. In equipping the factory and replenishing the stock a large additional investment is nec- essary, and while the $20,000 from this fund comes far short of what many felt should be called for, the Pacific Press courageously takes up its burden, and with the help and co-opera- tion of all the people in circulating the liter- ature, this publishing house hopes, by the blessing of God, to soon work its way out of its perplexities, and that with no lessening of the output of the literature of the message for which it stands. GENERAL CONFERENCE COM MITTEE. EJ J “Jesus CHrist is on the throne of God, ruling over the church, and dwelling in the hearts of his consecrated people.” ES J Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desire, but according to our power.— Henri F. Amiel.