[Page Twenty] Margaret E. Nickel —Canada Provincial Normal, Saskatchewan, ’23 Canadian Junior College, Grammar Grades, 19-721 23-26 Sabbath School Secretary, E. M. C., ’27 Associate Editor “Cardinal,” ’28 “It’s mice to be matural, when you're naturally nice.”—She understands the color question. Lioyd E. Raffertv—Wisconsin Walderly Academy, '22 Assistant Shop Foreman, E. M. C., '23- 24 Pastor Benton Harbor Church, ’28 Tent Work, ’27 “Of philosophic turn of mind He asks perplexing questions, He has opinions of his own But listens to suggestions.” —He’s level headed. Elizabeth E. Nickel—Canada Provincial High School, Gretna, Manitoba, 17 Provincial Normal, Sask., Canada, ’23 Grammar Grade Teacher, Battleford Acad- emy, ’20-26 “A woman not of words but of actions.” —Worth more than her name. Rov M. Mote—Indiana Indiana Academy, ’22 . M. C., Summer, ’22-’25 Principal Lafayette Intermediate School, ’22-724 Normal Diploma, E. M. C., "27 “Amid life’s quests there seems but worthy one—to do men good.”—He paints. Sarah Ellen Stickle—Canada Academy and Normal, P. U. C. Battleford Academy, Sask., Canada, ’20- 2 “Her quiet reserve and noble reticense win confidence and esteem.”—She’s a sticker.