10 Li BERT mmm mm m—— i ¢ ’ ’ to preach and pastor, not to hobnob with political and media elites. SEPTEMBER resistance be measured not by whether Phisney itselt is crippled financially, but in terms of the number of people who have decided to forgo “the kind of viciously anti-religious, and specif ically anti-Christian, entertainment that Disney 1s spewing out these days. Wovrich's strategy is a three-part variation on the rallving cry of sixties radicals. Christian [the television conservatives should “turn oft setst, tune out” Chereate alittle stillness”, and “drop out” tof the culture. He conduded by calling tor a roundtable meeting to discuss his now strategy. Coming out at roughly the same time as Wevrich's letter was Blinded Dy Might: Can the 'd Dobson became haunted by the belief that he was really called Relrgrons Richie Save Americas a book coau- thored by syndicated columnist Cal Thomas and pastor Ld Dobson. The two authors argued a theme similar to Wevrich’s and, therefore, quickly became linked with Weyrich against the Rehigious Right political activists. Television host Lesley Stahl even called the book "an obit uary for the Christian Right.” Like Wevrich, both Thomas and Ed Dobson were associates with Jerry Falwell in the carly days of the Moral Majority. Thomas was vice president for communications, then executive director of that organization in the 1980s, Dobson served as an associate pastor at Falweli's Thomas Road Baptist Church and was coau thor The Fundamentalist Phenomenon: The Resurgence of Conservative with Falwell of Christianity, For many vears since leaving the Moral Majority, Thomas has been athhiated with the Los Angeles Times. Those who read his widely circulated columns should not have been Blinded by Might Several years ago Thomas began to criticize surprised by the book what he called “wrickle-down morality.” the beliet that culture could be changed through political activity geared toward electing Christians and passing the right kind of legisla tion. This was the underlying premise of the Moral Majority in the 1980s and exactly what Wevrich had criticized mn his letter. Gur oBz Foran [In Blinded by Might Thomas and Dobson wrote, UI the so-called Religious Right focuses mainly on politics to deliver us, we will never wet that right because politics and government can- not reach into the soul” Even more pointedly, the authors Challenged, “Those conservatives who argue that liberals used government to undermine what the Founders began should not now seek to arab the reigns of government from liberal hands in order to use government solely to fix problems that are bevond its reach and power to solve Throughout the book Thomas and Dobson argue that the Rehgious Right, of which they were both part, was seduced bys proximity to power and thereby compromised in ats ability to serve as a prophetic voice within American culture. As an alternative, theve like Wevrich, advocate that conservative Christians seek to be salt and light within the darkness that pervades American soci- civ, rather than the ones who control the reins of political power. For more than a decade now, Dobson has consistently lived out this apolitical stance, admittedly to a tault. After being feted on the Phil Donohue show and many other television and radio programs of the 1980s, he became haunted by the belief that he was really called to preach and pastor. not to hobnob with polit- wal and media elites. Eleven vears ago he lett Falwell's church and the Moral Majority and became pastor of Calvary church in Grand Rapids. Michigan. Since then he has studiously avoided all political alliances and eschewed political activism. Instead he has ted his church ina varieiv of ministries that combine evangel- ical evangelism with a serious concern lor the poor and marginalized of the Grand Rapids communitv—all while maintaining conserva- tive theology. Perhaps the degree to which Dobson has broken ranks with the Religious Right can best be seen in how he now deals with the issue of homosexuality. While much of the Religious Right pours its energy and resources into hight ing the gay lobby, he and Calvary church have developed a ministry to victims of AIDS, Much lke Tim Wallis's Sojourners Community in Washington, LC, an organization that could be classified as part of the Evangelical Let Dobson's Calvary church has several different