•Clock Tower Vol. XLIV Union College, Lincoln, Nebr., February 13, 1970 No. 15 clinic participants, Unionaires will take part in secular concert • Rlnri 100 visiting academy students will perform in a band concert tomorrow night, at 8 p.m. The concert comes in connection with the band clinic announced prev- iously and is to be directed by Mr. Dan Shultz of the college music department. The Unionaires will perform during the concert under the di- rection of E. U. Testerman. This will be their first secular per- formance of the year. Assisting the Unionaires will be three col- lege students on percussion in- struments and Richard Barron on the bass. Larry Gibb will nar- rate the concert. The program will include the following numbers: building committee begins clearing of new center building The new student center sport- ed its first party last Saturday night. Fourteen students and one faculty member invaded the soon-to-be-renovated bookbind- ery building to get a head start on the other students in enjoying the facility. The party was sponsored by the building committee, com- posed of Bob Rosenthal, chair- man; Gale Page, secretary; Bec- ky Jones; Don James, Richard Barron and Dr. George Thomson, advisor. Pop and popcorn were the re- freshments. Activities included knocking down the old shelves; removing nails from, and stack- ing lumber; sweeping floor and carrying out rubbish. Guests included Marcia Frank- lin, Cheryl Hubbard, Valerie Stotz, Roxanne Truax, Anita Fol- som, Mr. Roy Crawford, Terry Drury, Jerry and Sharon Pogue, Wayne Nielsen and Craig White. Barron said he hoped the party would be evidence that the build- ing committee was concerned with getting the job done very soon. "I think the students are going to back the project and will give the time and effort needed to make the new center a reality. What happened here tonight is evidence and it's only the begin- ning," he said. Band IMPRESSIONS OF SEVILLE Harry Simeone SHENANDOAH Folksong PACHINKO Paul Yoder SOUND OFF Sousa CYRUS THE GREAT King REVERIE Debussy PROCESSION OF THE SARDAR Ippolitov-Ivanov MUSIC FOR A CEREMONY J. J. Morissey Unionaires WHEN LOVE IS KIND Hall STODOLA PUMPA Ehret THE LAST GENERATION Rhea The college band is sponsoring a reception for the Festival band members and their directors im- mediately following the concert. According to Shultz, "The con- cert will be fast moving and will contain music for every taste." Shultz also commented on the fact that an effort has been made this year to make the music "more demanding." '^lUHUWimL The nine Miss Union semifinalists, listed left to right, top to bottom— Judy Aulick, Debbie Baugher, Linda Christensen, Anita Folsom, Linda Kellie, Aria Stutzman, Mary Jo Thomson, Jani Tikker, Garnet Wiese. nine "Miss Union" semi-finalists named Nine semi-finalists have been chosen to participate in the Miss Union Pageant to be held in the college auditorium on Feb. 21, at 8:15. A small admission fee of 50<* for adults and college students and 25