78 APPENDIX. Does it not seem very desirable, yea weeessary that the unify of the true ch urch be established prior to its translations? It certainly seems so to us, and we fully believe that it will be ac- complished in due time, by that personage brought to view in Mal. IV: 5. One more thought: The scene on the mount of transfiguration, which we consider as a par- tial illustration of that glorious Second Advent, was undoubtedly given, not only for the bene- fit of the three favored disciples, but for the encouragement and instruction of the whole church of God. Now if this view is correct, then it is certain that Moses as well as Elias will be present, Moses probably, to lead the van of the resur- rected saints, and Elias, those who like him, shall be translated. And since the people of God live now in the utmost confusion are split up in numberless denominations and sects, with conflicting confessions and articles of faith di- viding them, would it be strange if that person- age had been selected, to make his appearance a little prior to that event, and restore order, farmony and unity out of the chaos now exist- ing among the faithful in Christ Jesus? Re- flect upon it. Amen. FINIS.